Great site but i would like to delete my account. I don't participate in discussions so it seems pointless having an account. Thanks.
You could just not log in anymore. The account won't do anything on its own, so you're all good. :smt023
see I didn't make any comments on the thread because it would have been difficult for the webmaster to erase the thread(at least that is what I think).
When mods delete a troll, any thread that they made gets deleted along with them. So, it wouldn't matter. Disclaimer: I just used troll as an example, I am in no way claiming that the member who started this thread is a troll. :smt023
and all reps points (not the rep itself, but the points) given within that thread also get deleted apparently
I was wondering about the rep points. That's odd that only the points would be taken away, but not the rep. does that mean that if you rep someone in a thread that gets deleted, you can re-rep them immediately?