1. Mr. President, I share your feelings of sympathy toward the families from Mexico that come here illegally. That being said, if you really want to help these people out then you and the people in Clowngress need to put pressure on MEXICO and their government and demand they take steps to stop being such a f###ed up, backward garbage dump where their citizens would risk their lives to escape to the U.S. Again, it's too bad what the illegals have to go through but it's ultimately not the responsibility of the United States to take care of them; it's Mexico's. 2. Let me get this straight: Tax breaks for the rich paid for with a loan from China whereby the Chinese in turn use the interest to build up their military., Yikes! This is your Christmas gift from the Republicans! Obama Caving for the Repubs now talking about the dream act, come on, I am getting disappointed with this guy.
Preach it Unchosen ! !.....Your folks and and your President need to understand that there is no where in South America that you can go as a Black illegal american and get free education and citizenship for your children. Every tub has to sit on its own Damn bottm !!.....