How to properly attack an Online Dating Site

Discussion in 'How To Meet White Women and Black Men' started by dj4monie, Sep 24, 2010.

  1. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    The problem with most dating advice is that its based in a different time and place in America. If its coming from your parents its based on whatever era they were single in. The dynamics in America (and elsewhere) are different than it was in the 1960's, 1970's or 1980's which I think a majority of members of this forum's parents era were dating in.

    Women are going to school in much greater numbers, Pay Attention you Gen Y'ers. If you ass isn't in school currently or you don't have a degree, kiss your chances for an educated woman GOOD BYE, they want nothing to do with you, unless, your a Douche Bag and OH do women LOVE Gangster/Thug/Biker/Douche Bag types especially in their 20's (and deep into their 30's).

    Because of this CAREER centric focus, most women are not pursuing serious relationships directly leading to marriage until they are at least late 20's at the earliest if not into their 30's.

    Okay enough of the BAD NEWS, there is HOPE, however SLIM.

    You can't join a web site and "cherry pick" your way around it. A University study concluded that to be doing well on online web sites, you're reply/response rate needs to be at least 10%. If your getting 20% you're a stud. If your doing better, you're likely lying to yourself as well as others.

    So what do you do? You ATTACK a web site!

    To get 10% response rate you need send out 100 messages, not flits, not winks, not smiles. Women tend to ignore those and if they don't then look for obvious flags like BBW and or with Children. I don't care what you say, a Mother and her Children are a COMPROMISE not an Ideal or preferred situation, there's no reason to be PC about it. No man sets out being Capt. Save A Hoe and if you do, you got serious issues.

    Obviously using the 10% threshold as average or expected response rate (this is assuming you aren't strange looking, take unclear pictures or pictures with the flash washing out details, LADIES), if you need 100 messages to get that, then 200 message should garner another 10% right? Not always but close enough. Honestly if you got 20 positive replies out of 100 messages, you're doing pretty well and you should find somebody suitable for at least a LTR if not marriage.

    The reason you should be this aggressive is that because of our social dynamics women are not prone to be aggressive in pursuing men. For all this squawking about equality I find them not taking their social lives in their own hands more than putting up a profile on a web site funny. Again Women want equality when it suits them. When it doesn't they return to their familiar roll of victim.

    So instead of asking which web sites are good or bad, find 2-4 web sites period, you'll find that many women are on multiple web sites. You can assume those women are fairly serious about finding somebody.

    For men under 35, you have nothing to worry about generally. For men my age (40) and still desire to have children, you're not limited to just the United States of America, Canada or Western Europe. Most Western women are not comfortable with age gaps larger than 2-7 years. It goes up to about 10-12 if the woman is a young (under 25) single mother.

    As I said this is not an ideal situation, its a compromise. If you don't mind it, then go for it. I actually DO mind and would ONLY consider it if -

    • No More Than One Child, But Would Love (not like) To Have At Least One More
    • The Child is under 5 Years Old, do you really wanna hear "You're not my daddy?"

    Keep the HATE MAIL to yourself ladies this is only MY OPINION and I have said it constantly on this forum, this is NOTHING NEW coming from me.

    Now because of social dynamics elsewhere on the planet and because Obesity is a REAL problem in North America and becoming a problem in Western Europe. You might wanna consider opening your mind, your thinking and also your wallet.

    Between ages 18-65, there are on average 4 women for every 1 man in Russia and former States of the Soviet Union. In South America, I believe its 2 to 1. Here is 3-1 but do you see any ADVANTAGE to that? If you answered NO then you're correct. I'm assuming there isn't much "Yellow Fever" here so won't talk about South East Asia and China.

    I am assuming you like Model type looks -


    Maybe you like Big Boobs? That thread is very popular around here -


    I know some of you like Latinas... A Lot, I do too...


    Now I'm not going to tell you where or how, there's plenty of information on the internet and plenty of trusted web sites and services. Some I would share but there only for the serious, I don't like to waste people's valuable time.

    Almost none of you are serious and are still in "America Is Great" mode when I can show you example after example why it isn't. America is officially a 3rd Word Country just most of you won't acknowledge that yet and women naturally are looking for economic security from 3rd World America, meaning unless you are working some high paid, White Collar position, you're goose is cooked and you're left with the "leftovers".

    If you're serious then I will share with you some tactics, but until there's enough demand (and there hasn't been up to this point). I will not spill the beans.

    So what are you waiting for? Go spend $19.95 for 1-3 months access to one of the many IR sites around the net and get crackin.

    Afro Romance

    Interracial Singles

    Interracial Match

    Black & White Singles

    Black People Meet - YES BLACK PEOPLE MEET, there plenty of Non-Black Women on there
  2. cincyforums

    cincyforums New Member

    A very informative piece. May I quote some statements in a future article? I promise to link back to this thread and cite WWBM Forums in my bibliographical notes! :)
  3. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    This thread makes my head hurt. :smt069
  4. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    No problem have at it.

    There's a storm brewing in America and its not just me and its not just a bunch of socially inept men either, some are very successful and attractive and find it frustrating as well.

    Often time frustration is not met with understanding but ridicule especially from other Americans that consider you a malcontent for not buying fully into how this country functions socially and culturally.

    You can either fight the power, find your own niche or let it beat you down. Many opt for the beat down...

    You do have to canvas web sites because Single Men outnumber Single Women drastically online and in real-time. I've seen odds as high as 5-1 on sites like Plenty of Fish.

    Also its rare for a woman you find attractive to contact you first. Attractive women get bombarded on web sites, I've heard rates of 50-100 messages per day.

    Try your best to have a well-written profile and take very clear pictures.

    You can try the personals here, I don't know if its worth paying for however, though in terms of numbers, I think you'll find more attractive women here per capita than you would on say Black Planet.


    Last edited: Dec 30, 2010

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