Does Anyone else HATE when Blacks Say You Have Self Hate for Dating IR?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by playboy90210, Dec 19, 2010.

  1. TILLY

    TILLY New Member

    I haven't been following this thread but why do these pretty women burn you out?
  2. Bhayes

    Bhayes New Member

    okay. if you mist know i will tell you!!!

    let me start with my family.

    my mother's family is really full of women who look like

    of all of the stereotypes about black women that we are all fully aware of and discuss here. the mixed-race-high yellow black woman who is attractive is usally the most sought after - most coveted type of black woman here in the USA among the black community with black men.

    black women are jealous of her and black men FIGHT OVER HER.

    the same goes of for BM on the male side of high yellow-pretty looks.

    but for women who look like this, she has LOTS of power, whether she acknowledges it or not.

    but do you ever notice the certain types of latino women, indian-american, native american and light skin black women have very similar looks. they do.

    basically they're all light brown-ish / high yellow-ish women who have similar looks.

    and XOXO points out the history and the psychology of it but the bottom line is this.

    Black Men / and men general find this look to be very EXOTIC/erotic.

    but this puts a woman (depending on how she was brought up) to be all of the the things that American-Women are known to be.

    Selfish, egotistical, impatient, cruel, conceited, evil, mean-spiritied, untrustworthy, has a gold digger mentality, money-minded, snobbish, feels she is entitled, angry feminist, scandalous, Promiscuous, easily gets jelous of other attractive in the room etc.,

    take for example the show Basketball Wives. they tend to have egos like this

    and because they are so used to be fought over, they become super bitches who feel they can flirt their way to get the things they want in life. and they usually do. they don't believe they should have to wait in line or work hard because they can't use their looks to get thru the situation. a horny man is glad to help out when they have a flat tire. but does it work the other way around, would she stop for that average looking man who has the flat? no?

    its sad because Black men want a woman who has those types of looks but has the personality of mother theresa and i'm telling that type doesnt exist here in the USA.

    the other side is men will anticipate and fear competition from other men in the room, so they will cock-block each other before the woman even shows up to walk down the block or to enter in the room.

    i once knew a woman like this on the job where i once worked. and my idiot BM co-workers tried to lock me out of the building one time, so that they could have some extra time to HIT on this woman and they made me late

    but the point is, we see that BM are so VERY desparate for this type of women that they will hurt other people (men, women and children) and even possibly cause car accidents just to get a fake phone number.

    this is how i grew up. and i STILL in 2010 have this kind of nonsense going on in my life.

    back to my family. my mother was once super pretty like this in the 80's. and even though she was a horrible mother / wife. my parents are divorced.

    my father (admist all othe family dysdunction which comes from my mother being this filthy woman she is) is still proud of the fact that back in 70's that he had a #1 stunna on his arm.

    now that times are changed and hip hop music is the fashion now. we are seeing latino, indian-american, and other variations of high yellow-brown come into the picture. coming to promnance as high yellow-brown and pretty.

    example the kardashians


    and as i have pointed out in my earlier threads about my past. its been hard.

    usually for this type of woman to calm down with her ego. she has to meet the male equivalent of herself and have a few bad realtionships and she has to age a bit. once this happens she is ready to have a NICE GUY.

    but really this type of women wants will smith with tatoos, but on the fortune 500 level.

    but once she gets her ass kicked a few times emotionally and her money gets messed up she is ready to date Urkell


    all my life i thought i wasn't good enough. until i stating talking to euro women/girls (german,france,sweden). i now see it was the environment and that i'm a decent looking guy who deserves a chance. i train real hard in the gym and i'm getting better everday

    so this is the reason why i HATE them. but i keep the prejudice buried deep inside me with all the emotional wounds i have suffered over the years. i keep it bottled up inside me. i give every human being a chance. i do feel that im a nice guy, and people who know me, know this.

    but when i see the familar tell signs of a high yellow diva. i know what to expect
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2010
  3. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    This post has been flagged.**
  4. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Because backing the ride into another vehicle is perfectly acceptable and she's angry for all the wrong reasons.

    Your just seeing what you want to see.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2010
  5. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Honestly didn't expect an old subject like this to get this many responses.
  6. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    I feel sorry for you Bhayes. It's obvious from everything you've posted that you have some serious personal issues that you're looking to blame on someone else when you need to be looking within yourself. Your biggest problem is that your attitude sucks. No one, male or female, wants to be with someone with a bad attitude in life. With a stank attitude like the one you've been displaying, you're going to be unhappy no matter where you go or what you do.

    It's also obvious that you don't have interest in white women or for any other woman for the right reasons. Your reasonings seem to be based only on superficiality. It seems from your description of how supposedly "desperate" black men are for those "high yellow divas" for the status it gives them, that you don't have a very high opinion of yourself or any black man for that matter. You make it sound like black men are like a pack of horny coyotes fighting over a bitch in heat...I find that offensive as hell.

    A love for someone CANNOT be borne of a hate for someone else, yet that is what you seem to base your choice of women on. It's like in the other thread when you talked about self-hate...just because it is an issue you have ("all my life i thought i wasn't good enough"), does NOT mean that the rest of the black male population hates themselves. You can argue that you don't have self-hatred all you want, but hate for others always stems from hatred within.

    What doesn't make sense, is this extreme hatred you have for these women yet you seem to want them so badly. I don't know if these issues come from the obvious hostility you have toward your mother for being a "horrible mother/wife" & for "being this filthy woman she is", but that is how it appears.

    I can only speculate what your agenda may be, but it's more than obvious that you have one. No woman or, white, yellow, purple, green, whatever...wants someone who is hateful, bitter, angry, unstable or superficial who won't/can't truly love her/him. As I said before, I believe your issues mainly come from within, and you aren't doing anyone any favors by spewing your poison all over the place. Although you claim to, you actually don't "give every human being a chance". Sadly, you don't seem to have anyone's best interest at heart or a wiilingness to give anyone a chance...& that includes yourself.
  7. Bhayes

    Bhayes New Member

    you know what. you are a very wise and smart woman.

    if i knew you personally and i got the opportunity to know you, spend time, with you, and observe if you live by the example you set here in the forums,

    however, i have also taken a look at your posts just as you have mine.

    i can also tell that you yourself have an agenda as well. But you are a free spirit who has the right to express herself.

    it is clear that you and I see things differently in life. but there is nothing wrong with that because i have nothing but love and respect for you. its sad that you can't see that someone may have pain and suffering in their lives.

    i can identify with the woman and children in third world countries, people that are on the bottom of the foodchain who experience prejudice and are held down by a larger super power and economics or values systems or oppressive laws. because no matter what level/class your're in its all the same.

    somebody is beating your down and you have to stand up and say "i'm not gonna take this anymore"

    this is why i do serious charity work the way that i do in my area. i wish i could do more but i don't have the time & the long $$$ that some like oprah has.

    am i a perfect person that you claim to be? No? we all have issues. You have even admited this yourself in your posts.

    my personal opinion of you is that you are the stereotypical - competitive strong woman who is an angry feminist who can't find anybody who is angry who likes to yell and argue. But then again some women because of the adversity that they have faced in their lives are FORCED to be the strong women that they are. therefore there is a part of me that can relate to their struggle, which is that they are OPPRESSED by someone or something.

    it was my understanding tat this forum is to share information, to have conversation, and that as long as the conversations dont' get VULGAR.

    but i have seen you get VULGAR in your posts. yet no one puts up RED FLAGS on your posts. as you have said yourself. you can be BLUNT.

    but its all good because do you really KNOW me?:smt102:smt102

    No. Do I know you? :smt102:smt102 No i don't so i cannot judge.


    do you know what this means? it means peace be on to you my white sister!

    intead of making a whole hearted effort to insult me.

    why not point out the flaws in my logic and use this as an opportunity to teach, intead of trying as hard as you can to INSULT ME with out using profanity that you sometimes use.


    but again its okay. SOME of what you are saying has some truth to it. the rest of your insults i don't really know.

    i admit that i have PREJUDICE in me. but for me its righteous based on my perspective but at the end of the day its prejudice. i admit to this.

    but am i wrong? maybe? am i a bad person? maybe?

    if you look at this thread i merely answered a question and i'll admit i got alittle carried away but that's how i feel. if i had to walk a mile in your shoes or high-heels for that matter then i would probably say the things that you WANT TO HEAR.

    and being that you are not black (african-american) and that you are not a man. and being that you are the type of woman that i think you might be (hey i could be wrong about you) , i dooesn't suprise me that you feel the need to CORRECT or INSULT ME.

    but do i deserve to made out to be a sick jerk who needs to be locked up? No i don't.

    but its okay. hearing someone like yourself criticize me, makes me look in the mirror and check myself and ask myself the tough questions that i don't usually ask myself.

    because at the end of the day we all have to face ourselves and look in the mirror.

    but its all good. thanks for the un-constructive criticismis. always a please to get tested by you TAM.

    saying that i want white women for superfical reasons, shows that you really don't know me. and that you don't really read between the lines of what i have said.

    i actually like to look at french movies.

    Fanny Ardant is also a activist in france and speaks on important issues. i'm a huge fan not because she LOOKS good but because of WHO she is.

    this woman here is an example of a woman with a beautiful personality. sure she looks great! but she has a beautiful mind.

    just like this woman does who is black

    but this type of woman give me a headache and them some!
    trust me. 15 yrs ago i wanted this type of woman. so maybe i once did.

    but now my eyes are open.

    if you think that black men don't FIGHT over high yellow attractive women then you clearly don't know black people the way you think you do.

    but then again maybe you haven't been exposed to this stigman and are making generalizations so i don't have the right to get upset when you say things like this tome.

    infact i feel sorry for you that you delusional about these hard facts about alof of black men. its programming.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2010
  8. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    This is an interesting response...& a funny one at that. As I stated before, I do feel bad for you for your lack of happiness in life. As a fellow human being, I can identify with that, and I can share what I've learned in dealing with that issue...the bulk of the problems in life need to be dealt with internally before we can address them externally. I acknowledge & understand that you've experienced a great deal of pain in your life...I also respect & appreciate that fact. If I didn't, my attitude would be one of indifference. You are not the only person who has had pain & suffering in this life, and it would benefit you to keep that in mind. I have never in my lifetime claimed to be a perfect person, because I know that the only perfect person to walk this earth was Jesus Christ.

    As far as me being "the streotypical strong woman who is an angry feminist", that is one of the funniest things I've read in my entire life! I'd be insulted if it wasn't so ridiculously funny. My strength is a blessing from God because it is His the rest of the human race I'm weak on my own & it takes His strength to sustain me. I have my weak moments just like everyone else, but I'm neither an angry woman or a psychotic feminist. Feminists & male chauvinists are the same type of people IMO. Both groups are extremeist thinking fools whose goal is to cram their jacked-up agendas down society's throat.

    As you stated, we don't know each other except based on what we've seen on this forum; that is very true. What I do know is that you have expressed a serious hatred and prejudice for these women you've been ranting about. When we hang onto negative attitudes & feelings such as those, it cripples us and it prevents healing. If we don't allow ourselves to heal, we thereby refuse to allow ourselves happiness.
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Tam its not necessarily a grass is greener but different mentality that drives my assertions.
    Black men are treated ok in this country in comparisson to many other countries which is a fact but in other countries I wouldn't be considered black I would be considered just a citizen. The racial hang ups in this country far out weight most if not all industrialized countries so its not far fetched to believe that I would be treated better by a European woman or Canadian woman than I would by an American woman. Its not an absolute rule but its a case of more often than not because those areas aren't as race based as this one is. My gf now is an American ww and she's amazing we get along really well but some of things I've heard from others about our relationship thus far "is he hung" "I bet he likes basketball" "Can he rap" even though they might be innocent questions just shows how American culture sees us as "different" and exotic even though we're as American as you are maybe more so here on the East coast because many AA have been here for four hundred years but are treated like second class citizens by whites who just here maybe 100 years ago.
    Do you see my point?
  10. Bhayes

    Bhayes New Member

    atleast we agree on something. again we could actually have lots in common. maybe this is all big miscommunication. i think we both have made alot of generlizations.

    your advice is duly noted and SOME of it is very sound.

    its good that you have a spiritual base. some of your more VULGAR vposts made me think otherwise.

    for example your online debate with SOSA made my jaws drop to the gound.:smt120:smt120:smt120:smt120

    but saying that i like white women for superficial reasons says that you haven't really read my posts at all. the exact opposite is true.

    i actually used to be racist as a kid 10 yrs old. it wasn't until i was exposed to other cultures that i saw the difference and i now want to set myself up in a better situation.

    that's all.

    but i have to say this. if you don't think that are large population/cult of Black men don't fight over attractive high-yellow black women like hyenas then you don't know black people as much as you might think you do.

    you may have race mixed with BM and even lived among Black People. you may even had lots of black friends.

    sure there are some level headed BM out here that have some sense of self-control but i live in Washington D.C. "chocolate city" is what its called.
    its a real melting pot of diff. kinds of black people (rich-middle-class and poor) and i have also been around the country to black cities as well as the country.

    but i'm glad to see that you have reverted out of insults.

    thanks and god bless you!
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Dude you need to stop sounding so defeated. Its really not that bad kid.
  12. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Yes, I see your point, but I don't think you see mine. I've dated black men for 20 years, & I know what the issues are for black men in this society. I also know that there are many good american women & men just like there are many good ones elsewhere. It's still wrong to ostracize an entire group of people based on the actions of a few assholes.
  13. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    As I stated, I'm human & definitely far from perfect. I wish you nothing but happiness & I hope you can allow yourself to achieve it.

    I agree. A defeatist attitude will never get anyone anywhere in life.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Tam I'm not ostracizing anyone. I recognize there are some people who truly don't care about race but if you can honestly say that in terms of this country you don't see an us and them mentality instead of a we menality then you seriously don't pay attention. Obama being President has shown me how racist this country still is. The fact I have to call my relationship a fucking Interracial Relationship in 2010 like we're from two different species is an illustration of that. Again I recognize that you and many of the women on here might not be like that but you can't deny what our culture is. We have a long way to go before I can sit here and say race don't matter.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2010
  15. Bhayes

    Bhayes New Member

    huh? well i believe in taking the high road in life.
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Dude most of your posts have such a defeatist attitude. Trust me I get the whole light skin vs dark skin thing I get being rejected as a kid and it scaring you but seriously move the fuck on. You're only limiting your experiences when you percieve the world the way you do. Its never gonna be all puppies and rainbows but you should appreciate the days that are and fight through the days that arent.
  17. Bhayes

    Bhayes New Member



  18. Bhayes

    Bhayes New Member

    TOO TRUE. THERE IS SOME TRUTH to what you say about me. i admit to being a HSP (highly sensitive person) and venting alittle has helped.


    NO NEED TO BE HARSH & COLD THOUGH. THAT IS NOT NECESSARY:smt089:smt089:smt089:smt089

    As-salaam alaikum that means peace be on to you brother.
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I have a tendacy to be very blunt fam. I really hate seeing young dudes like ourselves so defeated in life. I really believe you can have what you want and be what you want especially here in this country you just have to go out and get it.
  20. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    I'm not saying you are man. I'm talking about those who do it to others because it is done to them; especially when it includes attacking those who've done nothing to deserve it. Like the saying goes, two wrongs don't make a right. I already told you that I know what the issues in this society someone who's dated interracially as long as I have, I know the issues quite well. I agree, we do have a long way to go.

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