Are Black Americans programmed to hate themselves?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Bhayes, Dec 15, 2010.

  1. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member


    I was just using my example as a way to show that someones skin tone has nothing to do what's considered attractive.

    Then again, this thread is basically focusing on the ole light vs. dark debate and what's deemed beautiful to some. The rest is debatable.

    Just because someone is light or dark, doesn't make them more or less attractive. It depends on the persons facial structure and features and who's deeming these individuals as attractive. Beauty is subjective and in the eye of the beholder.
  2. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    True but you can always come up with a general consensus on what is or isnt attractive. You have alot of people from third world countries who will date overweight, ugly, pasty, etc white women/men just because it is deemed to give you a higher class or because of brainwashing to believe white is right. Thats why you see busted white dudes with beautiful thai women (insert any poor countries low class women) or busted white women with good looking jamaican men (insert any poor countries low class men). White is right no matter how ugly it maybe (referring to what most would consider ugly white folks).
  3. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I read somewhere more than once that biologically, or at least from an evolutionarily advantage, a women is attracted to a taller man when choosing a mate to pro-create with. Of course there are hundreds of variables on that theory, but nonetheless its merit may delve deeper than Madison Avenue's manufactured 'tall, dark and handsome' social conditioning we've received via advertising.
  4. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I guess I should've added that in my post that - there are people who are across-the-board attractive. Then you have the ones who aren't attractive, but you brought up some good examples of where these said "ugly" people who are one mans/womans trash and another mans/womans treasure. Trash as far as looks are concerned.

    My post focused on the "White is right" (European standard of beauty). I'm just flipping things not for the sake of arguing, but how sometimes it can't be about complexion when it comes to looks, hence why I used the example I did. Some people think if you call someone unattractive, it's because of their complexion or if you call someone attractive, that too, is because of their complexion. Some people DO think like my last sentence and that's sad.
  5. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Keep acting like what white people call overweight isn't CRAZY AS HELL.

    There is a REASON so many WW have eating disorders...part of it is their STUPID definition of fat.

    You don't see 105lb sisters running to the bathroom to puke-up dinner...let alone lunch and breakfast.

    The white standard of beauty and ideal weight isn't even working for

    Black people are more realistic and down to earth when if comes to shit like that.


    We sure are.

    I know you hate it when we aren't the lowest of the low...but we are not.

    Do Jews accept Nazi statistics?????

    Not the ones that matter.
  6. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    It could be also that there aren't as many available Black plastic surgeons (which may be desirous of the patient) to go around, or many non-black surgeons that can be entrusted to keep the plastic surgery Afrocentric. Eurocentric features don't necessarily/always compliment the symmetry of African faces and many Blacks may very much desire some cosmetic enhancements to their face or body which are not European based.

    ps: You may be on the money 'bout the money...the plastic surgery Capital of the world is...BRAZIL! It's affordable and the quality of medical procedures make it such. Sure, foreigners make up a signif % of the market, but so do the locals.
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    My Response To All

    There were too many of you to individually respond to so I'm doing it here.
    All of you are intelligent people but sometimes I wonder if the lights are on when I'm speaking to some of you. Of course there's personal preference when choosing a mate but please don't pretend there isn't a standard of beauty in this country and it isn't thinner women with nice boobs (nothing that much bigger than a small c) with small noses full lips and light colored eyes. Not to say there aren't women who get attention who don't fit the mold but generally speaking not only through media but just being in this society we see what "desirable" generally is. Think back to hs the girls getting the most attention usually had a lot of the most coveted european cultures. Shit even amongst black people the light skin girl with "good" hair and light eyes was the creame of the crop. The Preciouses of the world were getting absolutely no love unless someone was drunk or very desperate.
    All I'm asking despite your personal preferences acknowledge there is an archetype and its European when we look at what's considered beautiful overall.
  8. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

  9. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member


    The most beautiful woman I've EVER seen was an Ibo sister from Nigeria.

    She didn't have any european features.

    My preference for WW is not a beauty contest...I don't have to go outside the race for that....because we have PLENTY.
  10. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    That shit you just typed IS STUPID AS HELL....LOL

    People inundated by european standards of beauty are going to be brainwashed about themselves..that's understood....


    That doesn't explain all the whites(and others) that want to be Black.

    How do you explain them?????????????????

    We didn't colonize all those wannabe mofos.


    The nosejob capital of the world is IRAN.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2010
  11. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Excellent post, Kuno! :smt023
  12. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Are you considerd slim by white people's standards??

  13. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    :smt043 Honey if you're asking if I'm a size 2, then no I'm not. I have too much boobs, hips & ass according to "white people's standards". Does that answer your pointless question, flamingJethro?

    Instead of putting all your focus on starting shit just for the sake of showing your ass, maybe you should get back to your obsessive sexual fantacizing about the white men's dicks that you're always accusing other people of looking at. And if that's not enough for you, maybe you should try jerking off to relieve some of that bitter frustration you've got going on. ;)
  14. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Don't get all pissed because I pointed out that you are a victim of the same standard of beauty you're upholding.

    I have never posted pictures of white men's or any men's dicks on this Satyr the 50 cent and Chelsea Handler thread.

    You're a bitter lying sack
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2010
  15. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Honey, I'm not pissed. In case you haven't noticed, I'm a smart-ass & I also tend to be somewhat blunt. It wouldn't hurt you to loosen up, quit taking yourself so seriously & have a sense of humor about yourself. All the getting bent out of shape & arguing with everyone for the sake of arguing doesn't make people want to hear anything you have to say. When you are so focused on trying to right all the time, you miss out on opportunities to learn & grow. I believe most people have something valuable to offer, but when you discount everone that doesn't agree with you or kiss your ass, you're possibly missing out on something that could benefit you. A little humility goes a long way, man.

    Yes, I don't quite measure up (or down rather) to this society's unrealistic beauty standards, but I don't consider myself a victim. That victim mentality shit just doesn't do it for me, because I choose not to be a victim. When it boils down to it, what society thinks about how any of us looks is immaterial. Fuck what they think; the only standards that should matter are our own. IMO, everyone is beautiful in their own right. It's like the saying goes, no one is beautiful to everyone but everone is beautiful to someone.

    As far as the dick issue goes...let it go! You ramble on & on about it like you're obsessed with it, & it's not healthy. I respect & appreciate Satyr for who he is, & imo the pic he posted in that thread was funny as are most of the pics he posts. If you don't like it, you can always put him on "ignore". Do yourself & the rest of us a favor & put the torch & the pitchfork down. You're not going to succeed in getting a mob together to run Satyr or anyone else off.
  16. Bhayes

    Bhayes New Member

    okay. everyone

    i think we all need to calm down. the purpose of this WWBM forum is for unity and understanding not conflict.

    i'm glad i started this thread because it is very important to put things like this out there and discuss it and be brutally HONEST. i have learned more now, and i'm alittle smarter now.

    Mr.Frantastic thanks for your words. you seem like a wise brotha who knows what's going on out here. Always a pleasure to hear your thoughts.

    as i have said in other threads. i have always saw myself as just very average. average to me is (not ugly but not pretty either somehwere in the middle). i was a beautiful child but something happened to me at age 11 where i started to age very badly. at 19-21 i looked very rough. 10 years later afrer alot of hardwork in the gym/exercise i feel like i have aged nicely and i plan to get better.

    i always felt "geez if i'm not good enough for my own people (african-americans) then i know white peoplE (white americans) have no patience for me either". And alot of times that was exactly the case. So i learned to hate myself.

    i would say "damn i wish i looked like will smith or ll cool j"

    I have an older brother who looks almost exactly like this guy.


    And it was hard because i was always mistreated and compared to him. i wanted to have the ideal woman and go to all the parties and have fun. But there were times where people wouldn't even let me in the front door to the house party.

    It was very hard. So seeing how women go thru the "i'm not pretty enough syndrome" in general. the whole looks issue must be harder on women in general especially BW.

    but now that i see that there is a culturally programmed ideal and its just been beaten into our heads and limited to a african-american shell here in the USA, i don't get mad anymore.

    really. i do feel cheated though. i'm from Washington DC/Maryland and i was born in 82' and i see now that there was no way that i could have been raised up in better more loving social situation.

    It is what it is. or it was what it was.

    The environment i was raised in was VERY competitive socially.

    the emotional brusises are still there in my mind. but everytime i hear positive things about BM who move around and sample diff things in other cultures, it brings a smile to my face. It lifts me up.

    It gives me hope. So ion the mean time


    i used to find women like this very desirable. but now my attitude is that if she is american and has been exposed to american-black culture in certain way, then i turn the other cheek.

    beauty is only skin deep. it really is.

    a guy like this in the USA and possibly other places would have problems with finding dates/friends. it would be hard.

    michael blackson is a funny comedian but his entire character is bulit around making fun of himself, his black looks, his african-ness, his culture. as funny as he is. its actually sad.
  17. jayarmy

    jayarmy New Member

    Damn bro... you are so right with beauty is only skin deep. You MUST know how that woman has been brought up to think and in what environment!!! People see a pretty face and want to go all out for it. So sad if they dont know that woman and what she is like inside.

    Damn my toaster oven is sending out smoke now...LOL Holy shit its on fire...LOL I gotta go now... but..

    Im definitely gonna rep you for this one.

    Last edited: Dec 17, 2010
  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Fam you put too much emphasis on physical appearance in regards to your self esteem.
    You gotta focus on other things fam.
  19. Bhayes

    Bhayes New Member

    too true. i'm a sad byproduct of my environment though. its hard to change and grow but i'm getting better (improving my outlook) everyday.

    but it ain't always easy.
  20. veema

    veema Member

    Could you explain the statements above? This has been an interesting thread and I just wanted to understand what you were saying here. From what I read, it seems that you really could have benefited from a more loving social situation in your earlier years yet you say that there was no way you could have been raised in a better situation.

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