He posted a pic of him with the kid's stuff on the kid's Facebook. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...e-owners-Facebook-page.html?ito=feeds-newsxml [YOUTUBE]2mYn3oam97w[/YOUTUBE] Crazy! not only that but I hear the police said screw that. We aren't doing a thing about it. Is it like that in D.C.? wow just wow
the problem is that the police will not go after him because they call it not worthy of going after because he would only get probation. Now that is fucked up. I guess it would be wrong if the father and son go catch up with the dude and beat the shit out of em and get his shit back. let men start kicking the shit out of these fools and they would be less likely to snatch your shit and post it up on facebook since the cops will not do it.
I had a similar incident in New York and I was the bad guy for getting back what was taken from my son. Crazy!!!
If it is true that the police won't do anything about it; sadly nowadays it takes someone being murdered for them to intervene...
Dudes like this are dumb as hell. First he wrong for robbing somebody. Second has this dude ever heard of self incrimination... Smh :smt107
It's really sad... These burglaries are just written off as a loss.... My parents friend had some expensive equipment in storage with double locks. They broke into it. They don't have cameras? You know it's his storage neighbor....SMH