7 things bw want ww to know about dating bm

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by tuckerreed, Dec 13, 2010.

  1. desreveRsIgnitirW

    desreveRsIgnitirW New Member

    Rescued* Edit your post for the spelling.

    There I just rescued you from ridicule on your spelling and I'm a man. Whats wrong with your spelling YMRA,a "good brotha" shouldda caught that,especially since there's a red wiggly line under it.

    You sound like you're about to start crying and going into a little rant so I'mma hand you some Midol and walk away.
  2. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Look at this shufflin monkey.

    It has no shame.
  3. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    most of the time YMRA I would agree with you but today I have to be on the other side of the fence. that article is from a woman that is very alone and so because of that she disses the bro's for her failures.

    bw are known to alienate blackmen from the kids at every avenue. they got that from the willie lynch playbook and feminism (thinking they were all a part of the movement (if you look at the white racists women versus the mail man on you tube. you will see the buttress through admittance on how the bw are being played by the racist against black men ) .

    bm are in prison more so due the prison sentences are longer for the same crime( that has been proven). when drug use are the crime they are afforded 12 step programs and the like several times over versus blacks before going to prison (proven).

    get your facts in order. this doesnt mean you should hate white folks but it doesnt mean you should through black folks under the bus but at the sametime hold them responsible for their actions.
  4. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    also why did I even comment on this damn thread anyway. a waste of my time
  5. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    He's a male Saphire.:smt043
  6. Ymra

    Ymra New Member


    Man you are wracking them up! Shiiiiiiiiiiit.

    Wooooooooooo dear God with champions like you there is no wonder why we have sunken so damn low. I went way past cheating boy. And given that African-American women have the highest number of reported new HIV/AIDS cases, it sure isn't because....

    ...no wait, you already said it "A brother isn't going to pass up no pussy" Its no wonder why

    - Gonorrhea Rates are 30 Times in blacks than whites
    - African-American Women are at High Risk for Genital Herpes
    - While Blacks only make up 12 percent of the U.S. population, they account for about 70 percent of gonorrhea cases and almost half of all Chlamydia and syphilis cases.

    Its easy to take this anecdotal information and come up with my adequately supported inference.

    But, and here is the kicker, we don't stick around to be fathers to our children, and then we say "Why don't you choose better men" when there was no example of a man that was around to give her the example of that which she should choose.

    Two things black men love. Shirking any responsibility and being the victim.
  7. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    LOL...I don't respect you enough to spell check. And if speck check is all you can come back with, then you really came back with nothing.

    who's next?
  8. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member


    Men that fly planes into buildings and force their women to wear Burkas don't get hated on as much as BM.

    Bw can

    wear what they want to wear
    date who they want to date
    work or not work
    marry or not marry
    Come and go as they please.


    They complain MORE than women that wear burkas and perish by honor killings.
  9. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    Gawd...dude what the hell took you so long? Many of black men are truly weak because only a weak man would allow a woman to keep him from his children. I do have to remind you that the Willie Lynch Letters have been proven to be a myth, but it does not fit into our argument that we are not in control of "US".

    Crime: The length of jail time can not be argued however, the rate in which we commit those crimes are.

    I don't hate blacks, but anytime to suggest of responsibly comes up our FIRST reactions is the blame other's for the way we are. We are the victims, it no our fault. Woe is us. And then in the same breath want to talk about how 'STRONG' we are.
  10. desreveRsIgnitirW

    desreveRsIgnitirW New Member

    Its not even about what "black men do".

    I seen a video compilation recently of black mothers stripping infront of their kids. Clearly the women are worthless too,it was a match in heaven.

    What we're dealing with is low class women who are choosing low class men. If you're both low class,why even complain about the other?

    Think about it,if these guys are soooo bad...why do these women spread their legs to be with these men? If they have standards,why do they get with these men?

    I dont subscribe to black women's bitterness nor bitter black men.

    Black women tend to be even worse than the men they complain about.
  11. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Nobody is shirking anything fool...

    Fuck outta' here with that Rush Limbaugh shit

    Let's be REAL...

    Sisters in the past didn't date





    AT ALL....!!!!

    That's why oow rates were LOWER back in the day

    Sisters...like all women....have a CHOICE between men that stick around and those that DON'T.....
  12. thefieryphoenix

    thefieryphoenix Active Member

    And this is a real tragedy!
    I find it hard to understand that BW seem to be the only group that complain so ardently about BM but don't want anyone else to date us.
  13. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    good point, and I don't deny any of it. In fact, I agree. But I am coming from a different direction. In the absence of men how do these women know what is a good man and what isn't? The answer can't be "cuz they are supposed to know". As I said before, we are to be the example of the men they should seek, but if we are not around how then can we look back at them and say "Why don't you know what a good man is" and then blame them for not choosing something they know nothing of.

    How can we look at black men coming up today and wonder why they "DON'T" when those young brothaz have no idea what a MAN is. The cycle continues, and in fact gets worse.
  14. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    the question is what black woman would do that to a black man ? If you didnt know black men would look at the cost. they know for a fact that the cards are stacked against them in court. that is for every man.

    WHY SHOULD A MAN FIGHT FOR HIS KIDS ? He should have to fight. that is something that should not have to be discussed or put on paper. If he want to see the kids everyday then so be it. Im sure if that was done the I didnt have my father around wouldnt be a big issue.


    1) financing a fight to see your child. atty fees court costs could run almost 10,000 or more and then they will have to continue to pay child support with no interruptions while the woman gets no punishment. also missed time from work. you cant sue for this either. while if you are late on child support that will add interest. HMMMM seems fair huh. if a woman loses her job you child support goes up

    2) the spiritual and mental anguish of it all.

    wtf are you talking about. there are alot of men will and it cost them alot of money time and ect.... just what the woman want to happen. those that would fight for the kids just send the pay checks and be done with it because of the previous sentence. there are alot of "weak" bro's just like white men BUT that is not told on the news and what is not told on the news are the slick shit BW do. get a grip dude and stop watching tyler perry
  15. desreveRsIgnitirW

    desreveRsIgnitirW New Member

    Lol at who's next. Oh you thuggin online now huh?

    I bet you're over there with your pink bandana with the rhine stones,got your orange and grey Duck Hunt gun pointed at my name on the computer screen,all while listenin to Tupac-Hit em up.
  16. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

  17. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Sisters have to raise the bar.

    Brothers are not going to do it.

    If I can screw 5 beautiful women while not ever trying to work....where is my motiviation to do better going to come from???

    The bottom line is......

    Sisters have to stop fucking sorry ass dudes...PERIOD.

    Things were better in the hood when BM had to EARN the attention of BW.

    Today's BM have it all too easy..sisters have taken away the THRILL OF THE CHASE because they're:





  18. desreveRsIgnitirW

    desreveRsIgnitirW New Member

    Lmao mutha fucka who is "WE"?!

    Lmao dont classify me with you,I dont deal with black women nor do I have children. Maybe you abandoned some black youths but dont speak for me.

    I grew up in my father's house,my father grew up in his father's house and my son will grow up in mine.

    I only have serious relationships and all the women I sleep with,I make sure they'd be a potential mother and we're serious before we have sex.

    Being a man of African descent is not a team effort. What the next brotha does,does not concern me. I dont bare the cross for them nor do I try my hardest to disprove stereotypes,I just live MY LIFE,cuz thats all I can do.

    You may have grown up without a daddy,thats why you take this so personal.
  19. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    they bought into the rap artist thang of what is cool. black women now have too much of that slick and get over on a dude behavior.
  20. Ymra

    Ymra New Member



    and now no father? Gotto sleep boy, you are not ready for this topic.

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