Bro you have done nothing, but present a threat to some. You are a strong black man who has the discipline to remake yourself, get a good education and not be like what the norm want you to be. That is what some on this site fear, you do not tow the line and say what they want to hear (or read). Bro, fuck them and be yourself. Hell, if they do not want you here then fuck them. Be all that you can be and more bro. Life is too short to put up with the bullshit from jealous black men in their cyber harems. Period.
truth you only live once. Im trying to leave 'everything on the field' so to speak. living with regret is for suckas.
Yep. They were even contemplating bringing in the National Guard at one point to cut down on all the murders/crime going on in the South Side.
ever thought about joining the police force and make that change? its job like any other job that contain a few bad apples.
Unfortunately Flame is a conspiracy theorist who believes that the police's sole purpose is to coerce and opress black people when in fact they're just a bunch of mindless puppets too.
No big deal. More americans die on the streets of America than in all of our unconsitutional wars combined. Just wait until the third war arrives from the Mexican Drug Cartels when they start doing "the business" here in America. Like they use to say "Baby, you have not seen nothing yet".
Please! Those fuckers won't make it past the border states. One thing that this country will never let happen is a bunch of hispanics over running everything and making the strets unsafe for tax paying white people. They'll drop bombs on Mexico that'll make the occupation of Iraq look like a Sunday barbeque.
The Mexican Drug Cartel is already here. They just are scouting the territory for now. Time will tell. The Cartels will exercise their power in time. With a little coaching and help from terrorists in using the tools of trade in beheadings, car bombs, assassinations (like they did with that black drug dealer in New Mexico) and other means of intimidation they will gain ground.
You really think a money making machine like the US would allow Mexico level crime disrupt our economy fam? Industrialized crimes don't allow that level of crime. Trust me our law enforcement is leaps and bounds above Mexico
COP KIILINGS AT RISE IN CHICAGO Chicago is a warzone and has been out of control for the last 20 years.when i was growing up on the south side "wild wild hundreds" the police use to whoop dat ass with the big blk flash lights take gang bangers to the opposite side town leave them there take the dope boys money and smoke their dope in their face, shooting at the law,and all that other bullshit wasn't happening,back then the law had a lil respect at some point when big dollar drugs and money became more plentiful the criminals got stronger & bolder the chicago police lost their power when papa Daley was the mayor he use to let the pigs loose it was open season on anything or anybody that looked shady, now Jr Daley stepping down because he can't win...crime and cop killings are up and it has has wore his ass down not speaking of the teenagers dropping like flies up there at one point it was talk of bringing in the national guard to control and patrol the sounds like a little martial law but that was struck down ....The police are afraid themselves the lil .45 caliber vs a's like WTF...they are getting popped off left and right..and most of them finding out it ain't worth it... i'm just here to do my 20 years so i can retire nobody deserves to get killed but the chicago police use to be scantless so the chicken has come home to roost.Hope the bull shit stop! The Chi is a beautiful city
you wouldnt go to Iraq with nothing but a pistol, right? so why do that in Chicago? fuck the shotgun too...i'd pack a FN FAL if I was po-po there put a mug down for good with one of those, all the way across the block :smt063