No ordinary love....

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Sonny Dragon, Dec 9, 2010.

  1. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    Sonny, don't let people get to you. Those of us that showed concern did it because you're a well-liked person around here, and we want the best for you and want you to be happy- I hope you understand that.

    Ignore people that were saying crazy things and have a great time. Please come back and tell us all about it!
  2. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    You are a simp. You know that right. A simp and a foolish young man. I understand throwing caution to the wind but you are getting ready to make a truly foolish mistake boy.

    Here's hopin' you wise up, but I see the chances of that happening being slim and next to none.

    I wish one of my homeboys would come and tell me some shit like this.
  3. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    No, not at all....I suppose this is simply how men talk to each other. And to be honest my first reply was VERY tactful and diplomatic.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2010
  4. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    Wow Sonny, that is fantastic!

    Enjoy your trip and let us know!!!!
  5. Espy

    Espy New Member

    You don't owe the assholes any explanation Sonny, really it's your life and they have no business offering you advice you didn't ask for.

    Go, enjoy, and I hope it's better than you hoped for. You're a great guy and she's a lucky woman. If you love each other, what anyone else thinks is completely immaterial.
  6. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Dude, I don't know what hair crawled up your ass lately, but you need to chill the fuck out.
  7. Unique4ever

    Unique4ever Well-Known Member

    LOL at the cute kitten.
    He has been without sex for too long, far away from home in a town he doesnt like ...... can turn a guy into the Grinch I guess ;)
  8. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member


    I stand by what I said regarding her having her kids around. However, I also know that it's just my opinion and how I feel on the topic being a single mom is not how other single parents might feel.

    I wish you luck on this journey and be careful! I hope that it turns out as well as you are hoping it will. You deserve to be happy!! :smt023
  9. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Thanks, DB...the hot black men made me feel better. ;)
  10. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Well, the thread title is appropriate.

    Best of luck on your future endeavors!
  11. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    To logical=not enough thought with your heart and not to mention your dick.
  12. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    A yo, Shao, good sh!t brutha, do the damn thing.
  13. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    That' doesn't seem like something I wrote...

    ...but I am "chilled out" I'm the most chilled out person I know. And I'll thank you to keep thoughts about the inside of my ass to yourself.
  14. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

  15. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    hahah, I'll keep my thoughts to myself when you stop word vomiting all over the place.

    Public forum and all that. You're acting a fool. If I feel the need to call you on that, then I will.
  16. Ymra

    Ymra New Member your worst!

    ...what I really meant to say is that you made up the line about me saying

    "Anything coming out of this fool's mouth lately"​
    I don't know where it came from twit, but I didn't write it. You don't strike me as smart enough to put words in my mouth.....not by a long shot.

    Of course I'm acting a fool, and you don't really think I give a shit about you commenting on my ass do you? Or calling me out?

    I don't know who you are, you aren't really on my radar......and I don't care really.

    ...the OP is a fool and a simp. And idiot, a pussy chasin' pansy. (If the story he wrote is real). And his woman he is going to meet a human incubator............his dumb ass ain't the first one. In short, he's a sucker.

    ...and no matter how many females come to his aid, nothing is going to change that.
  17. Espy

    Espy New Member

    This is what's meant by 'personal attack' in the guidelines.

    You can state an opinion without attacking another member's character, or at least other member's are capable of that, you however appear to have difficulty with it.

    I also think you've more than covered what you think on a subject in which no one's opinion was sought in the first place. There's no need for you to continue picking on Sonny, it's only making you look bad.
  18. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    You know I don't care about you looking bad right?

    ...but every time some poster comes in to light the fire anew; to defend Sonny's honor...I am going to reply in kind.
  19. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    bah...........I don't believe that at all. Have you read the "My X" stories of a few of these women. Some have, and probably will date far worse.
  20. Espy

    Espy New Member

    And you think I can't read?

    Whatever, do as you like, the posts can be reported and removed.

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