
Discussion in 'In the News' started by goodlove, Dec 1, 2010.

  1. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Lying to us about??

    Nothing in the cables so far consist of any truths that have not been spoken of and dissected by the political bloggers and talkingheads on radio, tv and print. (and that includes any Ambassadors private doubts about winning the war on Terror)
    When a US diplomat privately emails that some of the Royals "are rude", are we or they better off knowing this? Same logic per the Italian PM being "a party animal" Sure, I believe in transparency in the Government, however politicians opinions of Dignitaries are not my 'right' to know and are hardly 'exposé'. Assange is trying to discredit the U.S by embarrassing us, plain and simple. Unfortunately, some people take offense more than others and this is where people can run a mile with the info for their own self-serving gain.
  2. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    naw dawg not the got them confused with fox news.
  3. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    After doing further research, it was Richard Armitage and Colin Powell who outed Plame. Libby just covered for them.

    Here is a time-line you may like to read.
  4. Tirkah

    Tirkah Active Member

    She was outed by Dick Armitage, not Colin Powel.
  5. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Ron Paul "Lying is not Patriotic" to Congress


  6. satyr

    satyr New Member

    How about a bombing campaign in the Middle East? Keep it coming, I love when people make it easy.

    Wikileaks files reveal secret US-Yemen bomb deal
    Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh The cables suggest Yemen's president insisted on taking responsibility for US air strikes.

    US cables released by the Wikileaks website suggest that Yemen allowed secret US air strikes against suspected al-Qaeda militants.

    President Ali Abdullah Saleh claimed raids were conducted by Yemen's military when they were in fact carried out by the US, according to the cables.

    The files also reveal that Mr Saleh rejected an offer to deploy US ground forces in Yemen.

    The US fears Yemen has become a haven for al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.

    The cables detail how Mr Saleh claimed responsibility for two US air strikes in December 2009, according to the Guardian.

    Last edited: Dec 10, 2010
  7. satyr

    satyr New Member

    Yes, like this Ku Klux Klan chapter who runs a mail order house out of Arkansas.

  8. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    People seemingly forget that when you use electronic devices, such as computers, no matter how much encryptions you have to protect your privacy, you're still open for a good hacking. Information online is accessible and readily available. Obviously, there's not much of case because information can easily get leaked, so they are putting a scapegoat on him by bringing up something that's practically insignificant.
  9. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Ok, if you're going to throw out the accusation, at least offer a link or information to back it up. The site offers no indication its a financial subdivision of the KKK. When you do, then it can be explored.
  10. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Which part of bombing "against suspected al-Qaeda militants" did you miss?

    Listen, if the US want to bomb terrorist (which btw they have been doing openly and consistently AND telling us about it, so NO "breaking HIDDEN news" there :rolleyes: ), then who are we to cry about it? Is your beef really that 'Yemen" took all the glory for it and didn't tell you?? I know if I wanted to bomb terrorists bombing me and the country that they're hiding in insists; 'Ok, but we want the credit, plus it will keep our Yemenite Muslim al-Qaeda symnpathizers who cant stand your ass from getting pissed that it's you and not us killing the terrorists", I'd be "tell me what time and where" (btw, I'm sure the Yemenite Jews are happy we're helping)

    I mean, are you serious that you think this hasn't been going on for decades? Ask any Palestinian whos had a missile land in their backyard compliments of Israel, with the words 'Made in the USA' on the warhead.

    Al-Qaeda is hiding all over hot spots in the world, hence I expect and understand the U.S working with the Governments to quietly eradicate these cunts. If you don't think the Yemeni don't already suspect the U.S are assisting their Govt in the air strikes, I have some sand to sell you. And you say I'm easy. (well, ok I have been in the past [​IMG] but I digress.)
  11. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    ps: Here's an example where a country's own Govt did the attacking and USED the U.S for intelligence without our permission, and look, the US appears to have civilian concern (aka a heart) of which the Saudis DO NOT, yet we are the only villains of the earth in your eyes.
  12. satyr

    satyr New Member

    I didn't miss a word pork chop, but since you asked for a specific example of Wikileaks exposing a lie or, in this case, an act of collusion between nation-states, I thought I'd oblige you. You're welcome.

    And yes it is commonly known that the U.S. has partnered with regional actors (e.g. nation-states, mujahadeen) in the Middle East for decades. There is, however, a profound difference between suspecting a specific phenomena to be true and actually realizing that it is. For Wikileaks or any organization to facilitate that truth is an asset to democratic values, not a liability.

  13. satyr

    satyr New Member

    It's good to know that you're a reader of such fine publications as Blast Magazine, but I'm not falling for your straw man argument. Notice how I didn't reference the "Collateral Murder" videotape, then ask you to defend it? If the Saudis blew up a hospital, I'm not surprised at all.

    If I hold my country to a higher standard, it's because I expect better of it.

  14. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Yes, because Blast Magazine released the cables. [​IMG]

    Still waiting on your proof the Christian book store is a KKK front.
  15. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Sorry, totally butting in but -

    Same site, different homepage.
  16. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Thanks, because its not the link he provided. I'm confident the Action Center For Justice and particularly The SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center) would like to know of this organization, as they are often extremely successful in shutting racist chapters down who engage in illegal activities.
  17. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Because customers were only inconvienced 2 hours max when it came to accessing Visa's/Mastercards's main still carried on as usually within those 2 hours.

    Come on now, you know this isn't the truth or the media would'nt even be giving Wikileaks any shine nor would you be so upset with the messenger.

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