No ordinary love....

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Sonny Dragon, Dec 9, 2010.

  1. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    I missed that part of the message. DUDE. YMRA is right. run nigger run. not that way fool the other way. run away from her. If she has two kids , never been married then oooppss. if she has two kids with 2 different daddies then fathers day is going to be a motherfucker.

    take off your cape man.

    she needs to concentrate on raising her kids and getting a degree to up her life
  2. satyr

    satyr New Member

    Twenty-three + two kids = Fuck that.
  3. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

  4. satyr

    satyr New Member


  5. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    Well they could be by the same dude, but it wouldn't change anything I wrote, IN FACT....if its not the same father that makes it even worse.
  6. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    Yo...but you don't know the whole situation, there could be a reason why she's 23 with two children.

    ...both of the children could be the Messiah. Or....they are trying to keep them a secret from Anakin Skywalker. Because if he knew the children were around they could be a threat to him. The force is strong in his family.

    And you don't if the situation has been addressed..

    ...not sure what needs to be addressed.
  7. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    hell yeah. she would be looser than a gay man's ass who has Diarrhea
  8. satyr

    satyr New Member

    Sheeeeit . . . that pussy ain't spitting out no immaculate conceptions.

  9. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    What I believe YMRA and Goodlove are trying to say Sonny, is that some of us hope that you have truly considered the AWESOME responsibility that is parenthood and would be part of the package with this young woman. The decisions that we all make (especially early in life) can and often times do carry very serious repercussions for the rest of your life.

    The euphoria of a new relationship can sometimes override clear and rational thought, I won't say whether I think you should or should not be with this woman, my opinion on this matter is irrelevant, I would just advise you to truly evaluate for yourself if this is a situation you want to be in from all angles if you have not already done so, understanding that if you decide to build a life with this person, you are entering a world with significantly higher obligations on numerous fronts. Good luck
  10. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Pardon me oh King of All Righteousness, if I might take a moment of his Holiness's time... aren't you the guy advocating people should mind their own business? I think perhaps you might ought take your own advice & descend from thine holy soapbox, though I'm sure the view is celestial from such an elevated & holy perch.

    Your arrogance is just astounding. I suppose that much pretentiousness has to find an outlet somewhere. But really there's no need to be hateful or judgmental. There's being honest & then there's being an overbearing prick. That's not a judgment BTW, that's my personal opinion.
  11. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    you can say it in the most respectful way with a lot of a mature woman would or you can get two men together that will take to the wood shed and beat the shit out of em.
  12. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    WOW that was impressive. Well written, respectful, mature. Very well put.

    I'm saying a young woman, 23 year old, with two children is an idiot. She has made some unwise choices. Now I know the ladies in the forum would like you believe that "Ahhhh its ok, no long as she's happy"

    that's silly. In my not-so-humble opinion of course.

    ...and we can safely assume this idiot young woman is getting ready to have a mutha fukka she's only met in emails and on skype around her children. Another witless move.

    ...we can also safely safely assume that if she's meetin' dude from Jersey, and she lives in Ohio she already more than enough sampled the local penis cuisine and is now looking for other sources of protein.

    ...we can also safely assume that at 23 with two children, she doesn't have any education, or true career to speak off, and has found her a new simp.

    Screw who you wish. FREE LOVE, but know that whether Tamstrong and Espy like to admit it or not

    ...WE...are all judged by our actions.

    SonnyShao, talk to your homeboys man, that one homeboy that will tell it too you straight. Cuz if you was my real life dog...I'd call you a STUPID MUTHA FUKKA and take you to strip club to have you forget about your trouble. I mean dog, what if one of your dogs came to you and told you the shit you told us here..'d look at that dude like he bumped his damn head.

    THINK DUDE! wait............go jerk off, and then when you are done.

  13. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    I would call him stupid. I would take him to waffle house and say you smell that ???

    thats coffee mother fucker take a drink....
  14. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    You guys assume an awful lot from the little Sonny wrote.

    How do you know if she was ever married or not? The kids are by the same guy? Maybe she didn't end the previous relationship and choose to get stuck raising two kids alone. I am sure Sonny is wise enough to handle the situation. He isn't rushing in after all they have known each other one year before actually taking the next step. Give him some credit. :roll:
  15. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    I give some credit alright. I give him the fucking RUSH CARD....and tell him to rush ass back home before that girl give him prepaid drama for his ass

    he is too young to be dealing with that shit. plus he travelling to another state for that. AAAWWW hell naw
  16. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,

    - 23
    - unmarried
    - with two children
    - dating
    - with a mutha fukka she met off the internet

    Is a fucking failure.

    ...and dude is a FUCKING FOOL if he puts miles on the pacer to play daddy with a woman who has proven she can't make wise choices. Me perfect? NEVER! King of All Righteousness?!? BAH! Hell I've fucked up more than the average person. In fact I've posted honestly and openly and often on this forum just how dumb as hell I was at a young age. you haven't said shit idiot. I am not now nor have EVER pretended to be perfect. Your personal opinion of me is worth just about as much as my opinion of you. In fact, I have no opinion of you at all to speak off. You simple don't rate high enough for me to form one. In short, outside of this particular thread topic.......I don't give enough of a shit about you an opinion.

    No matter what you think about me or my arrogance, in IN opinion is a judgment.

    Now dear slowwit.

    I said mind your own business, BUT IF YOU DON'T be prepared for that is coming. IN FACT my failure-to-read-and-comprehend-friend I actually already said that I DON'T mind my own business. And what I was advocating was...or rather my statement.

    If you don't mind your own business, don't then turn around and act as if you are victim. You don't seem smart enough to put words in my mouth...stop attempting too. Just go cut and paste it will save you the trouble of being wrong.
  17. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    bah..... 23 years old with two children her concern should be raising her children and not net cock. I know yall really want to GROUP HUG this to death, but can we be real..., we can't can we.
  18. satyr

    satyr New Member

    hahahahhhaaha killing me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    the reality will bite him in the ass when she give him the ill na na then she says little robbie needs some milk then he goes and buy it.

    then she says his bday is next week..then he buys a toy

    then she says I need 50 for the electric then he fronts her that

    then its the cable , then its the rent , then he gives her a credit card and then he is left with the laughing behind his back and every sista running in his face saying I heard you are a sucka Im mean a "good man".

    nose so wide open you thought he was snuffleugust.

  20. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    Well he is get wise and then start with "Listen I don't have it right now"

    then she will curse his ass out and not give him no pussy cuz he's not kickin over the ends....

    ..then comes

    "Well you are my man you are supposed to help me out when I need it"

    Dude needs some home boys. Seriously, ok....what can we expect from the ladies. The image of the "black" knight riding in on his trusty Delta Airlines pass to save the day...

    .....but his homeboys should be choking his ass right now.

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