Why I usually don't look at BBW

Discussion in 'Stereotypes and Myths' started by Trey1540, Oct 13, 2010.

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  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Great vid lol
  2. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    So why do you and Iggy keep doing it???
  3. Espy

    Espy New Member

    I agree the topics old, and certain posters like Iggy and Frederick will always have something negative to say. But I've noticed that in the absence of any new threads on the topic, people will bump an old one just to have the opportunity to make crappy comments, so I doubt this particular topic will ever die. I think the best we can hope for is to put offensive people on ignore and just not reply to them at all. Anyone can look at certain posters comments and see an overwhelmingly obvious theme, and that's just not going to change. I don't understand why some members endorse their BS though, and that's actually discouraging to me at times, as I know they're smarter than that. I think sometimes that people's desire to uphold free speech and allow people to express their opinions, overrides their common sense to the point that they don't actually consider what's being said or how it's being said.
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Woman when was the last time you saw me post in this thread or on this topic?
    Its too draining for my taste and I don't like the over sensitivity when discussing it so I let it rock but I don't advocate that others should be allowed to talk about it if they want to. Again we're adults. Let's just live and let live.
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Esp I'm not a stupid man and I am well aware of what alternative agendas others might have but I refuse to allow myself to just be surrounded by yes men and ass kissers. I don't need everyone to agree with me and if we get into the habit of dismissing people with alternative points of view no matter how extreme they may be where does that leave us?
    Constantly posting how pretty and smart everyone is? That's boring and I welcome anyone who can challenge my pov. Truthfully I don't agree with ignore feature unless someone is harassing you. I don't come on here to appease, I come here to have my thoughts provoked and challenged by likes of women like you FG IB and various other women on here. I enjoy speaking to like minded men who have an affinity for ww just as I do. I hate the idea of thin skinned attitudes prevailing.
  6. Espy

    Espy New Member

    I know you aren't stupid, and I know you don't like yes men or ass kissers. I agree people are entitled to their opinions, however those can be expressed in a respectful manner.

    For instance this post is actually one of the most politely worded that I've seen from Iggy:

    It's on topic for this thread, despite that the OP is a jerk and his initial post was completely inappropriate. Nothing Iggy says is incorrect, other than to suggest that all overweight people lack discipline, which is not accurate.

    However he blew it with this lovely followup:

    The bolded portions weren't necessary to make his point, he added those to be spiteful. Granted the replies to him weren't pleasant either, though Dreaming's is one of the funniest things I've read lately, so I get that he was reacting to what was said to him. The point is Iggy has a history of being disrespectful, so a lot of people will view any post from him with that history in mind and so he'll likely be penalized for that. In other words, he's made his bed, now he has to lie in it. If you make a habit of being disrespectful, sometimes you don't get another chance.

    As for ignore, I use it for people who just post what I consider to be garbage. I have several people on ignore and it makes the forum a more enjoyable place. If I know they don't post anything of merit to me, and I have no desire to reply to them, then ignore is perfect. I don't even have to see their posts.
  7. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    I have no problem with anyone freely expressing their opinion, speaking their mind, venting or whatever label you wish to put on said activities. Express away. What I have a problem with is supposedly grown ass adults who countine to go on and basically hold the forum hostage by repeating the same goddamn opinion endlessly. I have a zero tolerance level for ignorant people and bullshit.

    How many goddamn times and how many ways does a rational human being have to say the same damn shit? Yeah, I get that it's the internet and it's a "public forum" but FUCK!! Say your piece, take whatever heat comes from expressing your opinion if there is any to be had and then move the fuck on to something else. If someone is that passionate about a specific subject to the extent that they feel the need to constantly talk about it, then they can take that shit to a venue that will cater to that specific subject alone. Or better still start their own fucking blog or website about said subject and have a fucking non stop free for all 24/7/365 to their heart's content. Why the fuck should they be entitled to disrupt an entire forum and hold it hostage with their personal crusade/agenda? Because that's what seems to happen everytime this particular subject is brought into play. The entire forum is disrupted. The last couple of time that this has happen since I have been a member at least it has been so. I don't partisipate in any of these discussions on this topic because it's always a straight on useless cluster fuck.

    Everyone here is I assume an adult and was not force to join this forum and shouldn't have to be forced to fell like a hostage when the forum is disrupted for basically some unneccsary bullshit with the sole purpose seeming to be to entertain a few knuckleheaded fucks who have too much time on their hands. As you said nobody who chooses to partisipate in any of these weight discussions on both sides of the aisle do not end up having their point of view changed, so what positive results come from these discussions? If there are any positive results, then so be it have at it, but more than not it seems as if it always ends with alot of negative emotions and a very tense and unfriendly atmosphere within the forum long afterwards.

    Again, I'm all for free speech and expression, but this weight topic is pure uncut unproducticve bullshit. Just my two cent, though.
  8. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    For the record. I'm not plus size. I'm 5ft. 9in. 200 lbs , broad shouldered, atheletically muscular build. I could give a rat's ass what another man's prefence in a woman is. No offense, but unlike you I'm not conceited enough nor do I care if most guy's preference are the same as my own. I don't waste my time fronting trying to be "The Man" to impress other people. I just do me and do my best to be just overall a man. A good one at that.
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Fair enough. You presented sound logic I can't argue with that baby girl.
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Again fair enough. Well made point my dude.
  11. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    Very true man. I am walkin away from this at the moment:cool:
  12. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    it is mainly due to the new comers also because they may never encountered the opportunity to address it here
  13. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

  14. APPIAH

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    BBWS are the loviest women on earth i had my first bbw when i was 16 and i have an addiction to big women since hmm memories
  15. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    HAHAHA! OMG I just saw the "narrated by Arwen" part. That's some cool stuff, ha.
  16. thefieryphoenix

    thefieryphoenix Active Member

    This is unreal. This thread has over 1,000 posts. I find it hard to believe that some of the people on here are overly fixated on why black men like big women. It's for the same reason that some people like tall people or some people like others with blue eyes. It's an attraction.
  17. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    I have to spread it around before I can rep you... :smt058
  18. thefieryphoenix

    thefieryphoenix Active Member

    Why thank you. I am simply telling it like it is.
  19. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Yeah, can you believe it? The same ones harping...are the same ones who denounce IR dissenting BW who overly fixate on why Black men date White women.
  20. thefieryphoenix

    thefieryphoenix Active Member

    They are deeply insecure people who don't want others to be happy.
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