Meanwhile, the Bush White House leaked the information on Valerie Plame, a CIA operative, but none of these dickheads asked for Bush, Cheney, or Scooter Libby's execution
To College students from the Govt! DO NOT Discuss WikiLeaks On FB, Twitter! Well actually, its from someone who works in the State department. But they seem to have him on edge, no? ----------------------------------------------- State Department To Columbia University Students: DO NOT Discuss WikiLeaks On Facebook, Twitter Talking about WikiLeaks on Facebook or Twitter could endanger your job prospects, a State Department official warned students at Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs this week. An email from SIPA's Office of Career Services went out Tuesday afternoon with a caution from the official, an alumnus of the school. Students who will be applying for jobs in the federal government could jeopardize their prospects by posting links to WikiLeaks online, or even by discussing the leaked documents on social networking sites, the official was quoted as saying. "[The alumnus] recommends that you DO NOT post links to these documents nor make comments on social media sites such as Facebook or through Twitter," the Office of Career Services advised students. "Engaging in these activities would call into question your ability to deal with confidential information, which is part of most positions with the federal government." While the massive disclosure of once-classified documents detailing some of the nation's most tightly-guarded secrets has inflamed allies and enemies alike, the move by the State Department represents a new front in the administration's campaign against unauthorized leaks. Philip J. Crowley, spokesman for the State Department, denied in an email message any federal involvement: This is not true. We have instructed State Department employees not to access the WikiLeaks site and download posted documents using an unclassified network since these documents are still classified. We condemn what Mr. Assange is doing, but have given no advice to anyone beyond the State Department to my knowledge. When asked why Columbia — which confirmed to the New York Times earlier today that an email had been sent from its offices — would have sent the message, Crowley said, "If an employee of the State Department sent such an email, it does not represent a formal policy position." Earlier this week, companies like Amazon and PayPal shut off the services they provided to WikiLeaks, threatening the site's survival and impeding further dissemination of its treasure trove of classified documents. Now, however, it appears the federal government has moved beyond staunching the flow of leaked information, to suppressing even the very mention of WikiLeaks online by prospective employees. While republishing the leaked documents could indeed raise legal issues for students, it was the admonition against social media chatter that riled some at Columbia. "They seem to be unable to make the distinction between having an opinion and having a contractual obligation to keep a secret," said Hugh Sansom, a masters student from New York. Students were taken aback by the email, said Sansom, who described his non-American classmates -- nearly half of this year's incoming class at Columbia speaks a native language other than English -- as "amused and surprised." By late in the week, word of the email had reached the blogosphere. "Seems the ambitious young things studying IR and considering a foreign service careers are being warned not to touch Cablegate," wrote Issandr El Amrani at The Arabist. A comment posted to that story said that Georgetown University had been similarly put on notice. Stephen D. Biddle, a professor at the school, said that the email amounted to counseling on the university's part. "It strikes me as entirely plausible that some government officials would take a dim view of people appearing to use WikiLeaks material for professional gain," Biddle said. But as for commenting on the leaked information on Facebook or Twitter, Biddle acknowledged, "once it's out, it's out." The email, obtained by The Huffington Post, is published in full: Be very afraid... You all have been warned, I guess. :smt018 and the story link... I will say this...the readers after the story who are responding/commenting on The HuffingtonPost site....are some of the most engrossing, and/or passionate respondents I have read in a while. Thoroughly entertaining!
I read that President Obama issued a ban on all federal employees from reading or accessing any site that published the cables. I know the NYT's have. IDK, I'd be weary, Petty...any temptation to go to Wiki's site may be detrimental, even if out of innocent curiosity. I understand the documents are considered classified, or was it unclassified (even though they have been published ). Anyway, just be careful. *(I'm sure you'd probably know already anyway, or it could have been bogus info I read on the Fed ban, either way, just mentioning it, in case)
The site is currently inaccessible, Assange needs to bring other players on board and disseminate this and similar information as far and wide as possible. The first thing he needs to admit to himself is that he cannot do this alone, so form partnerships with other organizations and use torrent sites to fill the web with much-needed facts about foreign policy and corporate business practices.
His yes, however the cables are out there to be seen if one wants to. People are posting links online showing 73 other sites who have stepped in to 'mirror' it in support...It's just gotten bizarre. Like a cat and mouse game. ps: He's only leaked 870 pages of the 250,000 so far.
The damage from this thing is having an effect around the world. The Mexican Drug Cartels now know that the U.S. is working closely with the Mexican Military. Germany want to have the U.S. Ambassador removed because of remarks he made about the German Leadership. The Iranians now have their eyes on various Arab nations who want them saddled from their nuclear program. The Chinese have been exposed about their feelings toward their ally North Korea. And it goes on and on. No nation will trust doing business with the U.S. for fear of leaks. The U.S.has been damaged. That fucking private who leaked the classified files to WiKi is still free and still have a thing for Lady Gaga. I say execute the motherfucker. The U.S. will not because we are a compassionate nation. Like I said in another thread. Your worst enemy is your own.
Fabulous post, especially this part! No nation will trust doing business with the U.S. for fear of leaks. That is the worst part. And the private can (hopefully will) be executed for treason, but Assange can only be tried for espionage, since he's not American.
Direct link I read that Wikileaks will publish files on UFO's, aliens (probably nothing substantial)
doesnt matter what the governments do WikiLeaks is BIGGER than Julian. Any attempts to ruin his name, will just make people more willing to get the info out there. People are MUCH smarter than they were in the old days, thanks for the wealth of information available online, and the ease of access. Going for the 'head of the snake' simply won't be enough. Didnt work for the war on drugs, and it wont work here. If anything, they need to go after the officials leaking the information to WikiLeaks in the first place.
the govt need to help him disappear or turn up well a little hurt or a little dead. then people would be less likely run off at the mouth. ( i dont condone that , Im just saying) . the guy needs to shut the fuck up [YOUTUBE]elrIcMX3yNI&feature=related[/YOUTUBE]
Assange accuser a US Intel asset Who is Julian Assange’s chief accuser in Sweden? She’s a gender equity officer at Uppsula University – who chose to associate with a US funded group openly supported by a convicted terrorist and mass murderer. She just happens to have her work published by a very well funded group connected with Union Liberal Cubana – whose leader, Carlos Alberto Montaner, in turn just happened to pop up on right wing Colombian TV a few hours after the right-wing coup in Honduras. Where he joined the leader of the failed coup in Ecuador to savage Correa, the target of the coup. Montnaner also just happened to vociferously support the violent coup in Honduras, and chose to show up to sing the praises of the Honduran junta. Jean-Guy Allard, a retired Canadian journalist who now writes for Cuba’s Gramma, captured the moment Small world, isn’t it? Julian Assange is the human face of Wikileaks – the organization that’s enabled whistle-blowers to reveal hideous war crimes and expose much of America’s foreign policy to the world. He just happens to meet a Swedish woman who just happens to have been publishing her work in a well-funded anti-Castro group that just happens to have links with a group led by a man at least one journalist describes as an agent of the CIA: the violent secret arm of America’s foreign policy. And she just happens to have been expelled from Cuba, which just happens to be the global symbol of successful defiance of American foreign policy. And – despite her work in Sweden upholding the human right of gender equity – in Cuba she just happens to end up associating with a group openly supported by an admitted CIA agent who himself committed mass murder when he actively participated in the terrorist bombing of a jetliner carrying a Cuban sports team…an act that was of a piece with America’s secret foreign policy of violent attacks against Cuban state interests. And now she just happens – after admittedly consensual sex – to have gone to Swedish authorities to report the sex ended without a condom…which just happens to be the pretext for Interpol to issue a “Red Notice” informing the world’s police forces of charges against Julian Assange. Who just happens to be the man America’s political class – the people who run America’s foreign policy – have been trying to silence. And who happens to be the man some of them have been calling to have murdered. With a lust for vengeance like that, one could be forgiven for concluding they’ve just happened to have taken a page from Anna’s revenge manual. Anna Ardin (the official complainant) is often described by the media as a “leftist”. She has ties to the US-financed anti-Castro and anti-communist groups. She published her anti-Castro diatribes (see here and here) in the Swedish-language publication Revista de Asignaturas Cubanas put out by Misceláneas de Cuba. From Oslo, Professor Michael Seltzer points out that this periodical is the product of a well-financed anti-Castro organization in Sweden. He further notes that the group is connected with Union Liberal Cubana led by Carlos Alberto Montaner whose CIA ties were exposed here. Note that Ardin was deported from Cuba for subversive activities. In Cuba she interacted with the feminist anti-Castro group Las damas de blanco (the Ladies in White). This group receives US government funds and the convicted anti-communist terrorist Luis Posada Carriles is a friend and supporter. Wikipedia quotes Hebe de Bonafini, president of the Argentine Madres de Plaza de Mayo as saying that “the so-called Ladies in White defend the terrorism of the United States.” counterpunch artyicle^ links to youtube with video of both women:
Assange is arrested in London. Good we need to charge him and lock up anybody else who is helping wikileaks.
wont make a difference that's like arresting someone that pirates movies we all know what happens when you do that someone else steps up and keeps the cycle going :smt101
I'm sorta torn on how I should feel about this guy & this whole leaking fiasco. On one hand, he is sorta putting a lot of people in danger and has opened a can of worms that is causing a huge stir. On the other hand, he is revealing the truth and exposing how our government(and other governments for that mater) have been lying to us all these years.
Why are you not SYH at the pathetic criminal hackers hacking Visa and Mastercard's server in revenge of Assange being cut off? Millions of people could not conduct business transactions because of it.
The war on drugs is bs. The government makes money off of drug charges etc. they also make money off of people buying their highly addictive drugs (xanax, oxycotin, lortabs etc).