How do you think divorce settlements should be handled???

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Kushton Slater, Dec 7, 2010.

  1. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    After reading this article about Shane Mosley having to pay his soon to be ex wife 20k a month. Im left with this wtf taste in my mouth, I mean check this shit out.

    Mosely was just ordered to pay his soon-to-be ex-wife Jin Mosley a whopping $20,000 per month in support starting this month ... plus he's got to shell out an extra $60,000 for the past three months.

    According to the docs, filed in L.A. County Superior Court, Jin claims she needs the cash to pay for several monthly expenses like:

    -- Clothes ................................................................$5,073
    -- Jewelry ................................................................ $1,666
    -- Cosmetics, beauty ........................................... $2,000
    -- Massage therapist ........................................... $360
    -- Personal trainer ................................................ $720

    The couple was also ordered to sell their Southern California mansion ASAP so they can divvy up the cash from that deal.

    Notice there is not a single thing on that list that is a necessity for survival. I mean you need clothes, but what asshole spends $5073 on clothes a month (besides celebrities of course). If she wants to buy all those clothes whether it be quality over quantity or quantity over quality, she should get up off her ass and get a fucking job.

    I think the court system when it comes down to divorce is COMPLETE BULLSHIT. They penalize the person who has alot/more than the other and the ex gets to benefit from it. When a person gets a divorce, I believe not only do the divorce themselves from the person but also from w/e lifestyle they were having. This have my cake and eat it too bs is sickening.

    The problem with alot of these people who marry millionaires, billionaires, etc is that they stop trying to live their own life. They get this "well they will take care of me" syndrome. When you marry a millionaire you have resources open to you that most of us could of dream of having, yet you squander them away. If I married a millionaire, I would still pursue my own career or if I havent finished school yet, I would go back and get my degree. So I could be able to stand on my own 2 feet just in case if something were to happen such as divorce, death, bad investments, etc. Id be able to make it on my own.

    The court system also tends to fuck men over more than it fucks women over and Im tired of that shit. Women want to know why alot of men dont want to get get married and this is the main reason right here. I dont have a problem with being committed with the same person for 20+ years, but I do have a problem with someone robbing me blindly. Good women, should thank cunts like this for ruining the appeal of marriage to ALOT of men.

    Hypothetically speaking, say I was worth $100 mil and me and my wife were going through problems and decided to get a divorce. If she was a good wife for the most part (this applies to if she was a homemaker that didnt have any income that she brought to the table), I would not have problem throwing her $2 - $5 mil (hell maybe even $10 mil but nothing more). I would have a problem though, giving her 10's of millions of dollars whether she was a good wife or not, especially if she didnt help me make a fucking cent of my $.

    I believe a person should leave with at least what they came in with. If she helped me make $100 mil (say she made $20 mil of it) I wouldnt have a problem giving her $20mil that would only be fair. But alot of these people get paid hella money when they did nothing to deserve it.

    I heard this one guy say the reason why judges award ex's with a big percentage of the others profits (whether they are middle class or rich etc.), is to avoid having to put these people on welfare. There could be some validity in this, when you really think about it. I mean welfare is already stretched out and strained, so it does kind of make sense, but still....

    Hell I wouldnt have a problem with them making the person pay a their ex an amount that ='s a middle class salary, that would sound fair, but some of these muthafucka get away with murder.

    How do you feel about divorce settlements? How do you feel they should be handled?
    Ps this is not a lets bash women thread so if you want to find an excuse to do that keep it moving. Im only pointing out the trend that divorce settlements tend to have, which is men getting raped by the system. I hate when men or women ask for ridiculous amounts and the court system agrees to it. Women get fucked over from time to time in divorce settlements, but not nearly as much as men do.... Again this is not a lets bash women thread so keep it moving if you're trying to start bs.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2010
  2. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    He knew exactly he was getting into before he signed them I would say it's fair.

    Honestly if my Wife divorced me I would give her everything and start fresh.
  3. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    This some ol' bullshit. 5 gs PER MONTH on clothes. 2 gs PER MONTH on cosmetics? And the jewelry? Not one thing on that list was a necessity. NOT ONE. Divorce settlements are bullshit as fuck. Like Eddie Murphy said, if you build 100 mil together, then yeah, split that shit, but you can't ask for half his shit when you didn't have shit compared to him. This goes both ways. If your woman makes the money to support the lifestyle y'all are living and you get divorced, you better pack that one bag you came went up in there with, bruh. None of this "Gimmie half Mr. Fuck You Man" bullshit mufuckas wanna pull on folks. And yeah, courts do tend to fuck the paycheck right out a dude. Whether it's divorce or child support, I think men just have it rougher.

    People get legally ganked because of this bullshit. It's disgusting the court allows a lot of this kind of shit to happen. I wish I could count how many times my dad got falsely accused for some shit by my mom and got fucked over by the court system. I wish could count how many time my dad had to miss so many hours of work because he had to go up to the courthouse so he could be lied on again. I lost count in 10th fucking grade. The official count was in the 20s though. When my parents got divorced, my dad just let my mom have all the shit in the house though. He didn't want it, but the court has NEVER sided with him. It's a god damn shame. But the drama is all done.

    If I build 100 mil by myself and then meet a woman and then get divorced, ain't no way in hell I'm letting her take half my shit. I'll throw(maybe literally just for trying to get over on me) 3 mil in her face and call it a done. That's almost 3 times as much money most people will make in their lifetime. Make that shit last.

    I don't know how the whole divorce shit should be reformed, but this current shit ain't happening. Avoid being put on welfare? I'd rather a person be on welfare than get money for some bullshit. Not because I wanna be mean, but because maybe they'll learn to appreciate shit.
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Totally suspect right here.

    If she ain't a black woman then I've never seen a white woman in my life.
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I've spoken about this topic many times on here and annoys me most about this is that women as a whole won't publically condemn these women for shitty behavior like this. Just like when the Tiger thing happened and women were in such support of Elin taking the bulk of his money. Don't the dummies get it, that kind of behavior sets you back 50 years. In cases like that the punishment doesn't fit the crime. I know men have been known to do it too but there isn't a social congratulatory system that encourages men to do so. If you're a man and you live of your wife there is an immediate social stigma, you're not seen as a "man" so unfortunately its not the same thing.
    And let's forget about celebrities and millionaires for a moment. What about everyday people, working class joes who have to pay out a chunk of money each month. I currently have a firend who's paying 1000 dollars a month in alimony to his ex wife over the period of the next 5 years. He does ok but he's no millionaire and how many of us have an extra 1000 dollars a month to pay out just because the relationship didn't work out. Btw they had no kids.

    Splitting of assets accumulated during marriage sounds fair at least a lot more fair than what goes on now. Women are straight raping men with no lube.

    Disclaimer: not every case is the same I'm aware of that but let's be honest. Women usually benefit from divorce more so then men.
  6. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    TMZ is known as an accurate news outlet of the facts. :roll: I would probably take those numbers and info with a grain of salt. The ones they had in the Tiger divorce showed him giving Elin more than his total net worth. Sensationalized news is much more juicy than the real stuff.

    I read an article about Mosley's wife saying they forwent the lawyers and worked it out through a mediator so as not to have a drawn out divorce. She had been his manager for years and wasn't some sit around and pamper me woman. She also said a lot of his family are on the payroll taking his money.

    I assume if he is happy with the settlement then the men here should be. :p
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    JC for me it had nothing to do with their settlement but more so the way we handle divorce in this country. Can you honestly deny that divorce is slanted far more to the benefit of women more so then men.
  8. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    Pre-nup, & I care if you knew her before the money, pre-nup her. They may laugh in your face at the time you didn't have sh!t, but when sh!t goes south, you made some large stacks, & don't have to pay because you had the smarts and balls to take care of business in the beginning.

    I look at it like protecting the longevity of your intellectual property.

    I hate when you hear the line, "I/she/he takes care of the kids," but the person has two nannies, assistant, a chef and driver. Moreover, why do people, especially women agree to be the "main caregiver," both parents should work, both parents should have to come home after a long day and change a diaper. One, you would definitely appreciate the time you spend with the child, two, it would make divorce and custody much more fair, and the list could go on.

    Even if I wasn't going to solidify a pre-nup, if my soon to be ex didn't help specifically with direct work towards the money that came in, bet, she wouldn't get much from me. If I couldn't hide my "earned" assets, I would burn it all before I let a then "freeloader" touch my assets. Real-estate, cash, bonds, I'll burn it all down, I would be in the position to be able make more than enough back.
  9. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    One thing that kills me is that Ive seen cases of a person (usually a woman) getting divorced and getting remarried to someone else and the old husband (usually this is the case) has to pay alimony still. I think that is bs, you got a new husband so why in the hell should the old husband continue to pay you alimony. It might seem like women bashing but its not. When you look at th majority of cases its men who get shitted on during divorce settlements. I hear from time to time a woman having to pay alimony or child support etc, but its few and far between compared to men.

    There are alot of good women out there and alot of good men out there, but assholes like this fuck it up for the rest of the people. Certain double standards go in the favor of men and others in the favor of women. Divorce settlements are a double standard that goes in the favor of women.

    It does make sense though why judges would make people fork over hella $ to ex spouses. The judge looks at it like hey, I can either make this guy/girl support her/him or I can let this person slide and in return the ex spouse will apply for welfare, which will then come out of my own pocket.

    I just hate the excuses as to why they need a shitload of money. Women genrally can get away with saying " I got use to living a certain lifestyle" and the judge will either giver her the amount she wants or he will give her something close. Let a guy pull that "I got use to living a certain lifestyle" bs, the judge will look at the dude like he lost his fucking mind (generally speaking). He more than likely will tell the dude to get a fucking job and move on with his life.

    I feel like men and women should confront assholes like this who try to take people to the fucking cleaners. Ive heard some say they totally understand and agree with a person attacking a persons assets when the person got a divorce because they had been cheated on. I understand the wanting to have revenge thing is a human trait, but at the same time its pretty immature and malicious. There is no reason why Eva Longoria should be able to get alimony from Tony Parker (even though he fucked up). There is no reason Elin should of been able to get as much as she did out of Tiger (even though he fucked). Elin was way more malicous thought because she basically told Tiger if he didnt fork over the money then he wouldnt be able to see his kids and that bs.

    There has to be a better way to give a person a piece of mind or with a feeling of content other than attacking someones finances (especially when they dont need the money).
  10. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    True, but you would be lying to say that she isnt about to get a pretty (undeserved at that more than likely) penny.

    Also the bigger picture is divorce settlements in general. I read this story yesterday and after reading it I started thinking about how divorce settlements go and I thought it would make for a good discussion on here. Dont focus on the Mosley story so much, focus on the actually theme/title of thread more or so.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2010
  11. redlady

    redlady Active Member

    That is not my experiance, frankly at all. I won't go into here because I know everyone has heard the stories. Single mom's with no child suport and then the men who pay and pay. Divorce is a raw deal most of the time for both people. But what I see is that the person in the relationship who has integrity and is kind or more compassionate more responsible for thier own actions that is the person who gets the bad end; especially finacially. I don't think it has much to do with being a man or a woman. It's like most things in life it's about who you are and how you live your life.
  12. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Please refer to Espy. I am sure she can tell you the opposite happened to her. I think an educated person delves for real knowledge and finds out that the divorces of the famous are hardly the "norm".

    Do you have any women friends that got divorced?? Ask real people don't get your education from TMZ or the National Enquirer.
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Preach brotha preach
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Obviously you didn't read my whole post lol. I know Espy's situation sucked and I feel for her but I don't see it as the norm especially in the middle to upper middle class world that I grew up in which supports the whole divorce industry.
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    From what I've seen of divorce in my own life it has less to do with the integrity of the people getting divorced and more to do with the viciousness of the lawyers involved.
  16. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Attorneys act on your behalf. If the person directing them doesn't want something they won't go after it.

    Redlady is correct. Some people have the will to fight to the end and usually the nicer person gives in. Usually the asshole wins the most.
  17. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Yes I can say unequivocally that women get fucked over in divorce just like men do. I've said it before... the person with the most, has the most to lose... period, end of story.

    In my experience divorce isn't slanted in favor of women, at least not in Oklahoma. They solely look at the numbers, and they split everything down the middle. Child support is calculated using a standardized formula that adjusts the amount you pay according to your income and the amount of time you spend with your kids. Here's a little tip for the men who bitch about paying child support... if you have your kids 50% of the nights out of the year, you either end up paying very little child support, or your wife ends up paying you child support if she happens to make more money than you.

    Here's what I see happening often in divorces.

    - People who don't want to spend time with their kids bitching about paying child support

    - People who won't fight for custody or anything else because it costs more in attorney's fees, so they just give in

    - People who feel that being married entitles them to support from their Ex for the rest of their lives

    - People who try to use their children as bargaining tools to get what they want

    It's a simple fact of life that there are lazy, cheap, weak, entitled people in the world... divorce brings out the worst in people so you're going to see those qualities magnified. I'm talking about men and women. Since historically men have been the ones with the higher incomes, they get hit harder. However a woman with a higher income than her spouse also get's hit harder as a result.

    My take on divorce settlements is:

    - No alimony for anyone ever

    - Child support awarded according to the standardized formula

    - All assets accumulated during the marriage from joint income should be divided according to the income each spouse brought into the marriage. So if the man earns 70% of the income and the woman earns 30% of the income, then he gets 70% of the assets and she gets 30% of the assets.

    - In the event one spouse fully supports the other so they can go to school, such as med or law school, then a lump sum settlement to compensate for that should be calculated at the end of the marriage and should take into account other factors such as how long the marriage continued after the non-working spouse was finished with school and working in their field earning. For instance if you support your spouse while he/she goes to med school, he/she graduates and works as a physician for 10 years before you divorce, IMO you got a sufficient return on your investment. No one should owe anyone anything for life.

    The concept of alimony is based upon allowing the spouse with less income to be able to continue to afford the lifestyle they've become accustomed to. That's BS, get a damn job if you want a lifestyle you can't afford. When you're single, you only get what you can afford, why should that change when you become single again? It's that sense of entitlement, that I confess I really don't understand. IMO no one is entitled to support from another person, go take care of your own damn self.

    Disclaimer** I'm sure there are exceptions that would need to be handled on a case by case basis, but for the most part I really see no one being entitled to alimony, and certainly not for life.
  18. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    Excellent post :smt006...
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You ever thought of running for evidence baby girl.
  20. Espy

    Espy New Member

    This is also true. Attorneys take their cue from the client for the most part. It's also their job to tell their client when they're asking for something that's completely unreasonable, or that there's no way in hell a judge would grant. Now do I think they all do that? No I don't. I had a really good attorney, but I made the decision going in that I was going to pay out up front for a really good attorney. I also specifically selected one who dealt with alimony a lot, and had experience with legislation on that subject because I knew that would be the major issue to fight over in my divorce. I figured if she was experienced at getting other women alimony, then she'd know how to keep me from having to pay it. That strategy paid off.

    Jordan and Redlady are both correct in that one party often just wears that other one out until they give up. It's expensive, and it's literally exhausting to have to argue with a completely unreasonable person all the time. But that's where a good attorney comes into play, they won't let you give up if they know it's not in your best interest. When you're worn out and tired of the BS, that's when they should step in and tell you to just let them handle it. I'm a hard-headed, very focused person, but there were a couple times I would have loved for it to be over with. It really kind of mind fucks you to have it draw out over a long period of time, and you just get to a point where you don't even want to think their name. You have to decide going in how far you're prepared to go, how much you're prepared to gamble, and what you're prepared to lose... then you have to stick to that no matter what. A lot of people don't do that, and then give up as soon as it starts getting messy and time consuming, and I'm pretty sure their spouse counts on them to do just that. Bottomline, if you want something, stick to your guns, dig in and get comfortable, and fight for it. If you aren't prepared to do that, then you really have no room to bitch when you get fucked over.

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