Whats one improvement you would like to see on the forum?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Kushton Slater, Nov 26, 2010.

  1. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    People should be forced to actually post in more than one section or thread. Im tired of people coming on here and just posting pics and never posting anything else on here. If you're that desperate for a ego boost that you need to post pics on a forum just so random people can give you compliments. Then I feel bad for you and you're lame as fuck.
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2010
  2. Espy

    Espy New Member

    There are a couple of members who do that Kush, and it got brought up in the pics thread a while back and several men were giving several of the women hell for mentioning that, trying to say those comments were fueled by jealousy & the women who commented were all just being catty. That's complete bullshit IMO, as you mentioned it and you are clearly not a catty female. Personally, I agree with you, I just don't get the point in dropping by to post pics when you don't comment in any threads... and for the PC male patrol, that's not a catty remark, it's an observation. Whether the people posting pics only are attractive or not isn't in question, it's that all they contribute to the forum are pics.
  3. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    Yeah, its not only the girls who notice that bs, Ive noticed it too. The people that do it know who they are. As far as Im concerned its kinda like a secondary form of trolling.
  4. Espy

    Espy New Member

    You know I could rep you pretty much every day for your insight and the way you just speak your mind.
  5. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    :smt036... The feeling is mutual, If I could rep you every time you wrote something insightful, you'd have more rep than the webmaster lol.
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2010
  6. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Aww, that's sweet... :smt058
  7. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Saw that fix there. She can't rape the willing homey. :D
  8. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    The charm has officially gotcha :smt063 lol.... But for real you are one of the few reasons I even comeon this site. Only a handful of people actually make sense on here and you are one of them.
  9. Espy

    Espy New Member

    I feel the same way about you Kush, you breath life into the forum with new threads on less common topics.

    You know I completely missed that edit you made until Eye pointed it out. For the record I've never had to force myself on any man.
  10. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    True :cool:


    I believe you, you seem like you can get the D when you want it lol.
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Dude I have to disagree with you. The thing I wish would change most is how over sensative grown ass people are on here its sad. People act more hostile about weight than I've ever seen before. Wwbm is the only place where weight is a more hot button topic than religion race and politics combined. We have people who haven't figured out how to ignore posts they don't like. You're not gonna change someones mind by being combative all the time and so few realize that.
  12. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    I think the key word here is personally. Different people have different vibes about this. One might be similarly puzzled by the alternative...someone who feels the need to comment on every thread, even if they don't have a clue on the subject. Maybe the ones who post pics wonder why some on here have never posted their pic.

    To each, his own.
  13. veema

    veema Member

    Exactly. More of the "live and let live" attitude is what I'd most like to see on the forum. For a bunch of people who consciously decided to buck a cultural norm, it often seems incongruent to read the insensitive and "quick to judge" posts that are sometimes written. Nevertheless, I still enjoy reading. I just skip over the garbage or the threads I'm not interested in. It's that easy. And every now and then I actually learn something, get a good laugh, or gain a new perspective.
  14. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Kush, you really should just let this go. If it isn't adversely affecting your life, why worry about it?

    I've come to the conclusion that I'm much happier on this forum by NOT posting my replies in threads that I know will cause me stress. I also don't let what others do or don't do bother me anymore.

    To each his own, like Sir Nose said.

    Just let it go and enjoy the forum for what it is and don't worry about what anyone else is doing. You'll be much happier on here, trust me. :smt023

    I'm going to have to respectfully disagree.

    Weight is a VERY sensitive topic anywhere you go. You're talking about someone's physical appearance. Of course they're going to be sensitive about that!! Hello!!
  15. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Yes, hence why I used it to indicate that was my personal opinion.

    I realize the remainder of the post is an attempt at subtlety conveying your personal opinion SirNose... an opinion that I'm very much aware of as you've stated it less passively before. I personally comment on threads that I desire to comment on, it's certainly not all of them, as some simply don't interest me, some I find offensive in nature, and some I don't have anything to say.

    Regarding pictures, again I personally don't post face pics online anywhere, and that's not limited to WWBM. There are however plenty of people from WWBM who I interact with off the forum who have seen me... and the rest can just keep wondering.

    I absolutely agree with 'to each his own', and I think you could easily and appropriately apply that to sentences 3 and 4 of your post.
  16. goodlove

    goodlove New Member


    beat me to the punch. people complain but no action is taken.

    awww hell naw. I giving any dough. Im jewish bitch. LOL
  17. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    Don't misconstrue what I said, I don't care for you to post a pic. Not asking for that, no desire for that. What I'm saying is why begrudge others for doing that? They value pics, you value words. Again, to each, his own. Simply put them on ignore, just like you did to me.
  18. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    what this forum need:

    @is a live webcast of the women on the dance poles at 6:00 every sunday.

    @ any e-beef should be handle in such manner: go to an e-arena to go into an e-ring and have an e-fight...no hold barred cage match
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Bookie baby that's total horseshit

    1. Talking about weight in a general sense where I never called anyone out by name shouldn't be so contraversial.

    2. People are literally killing over opposing views on religion and politics not weight. Only here is it such a big issue.
  20. fromrussiawithlove

    fromrussiawithlove New Member

    I just think posters need to be more respectful to each other. Too many people getting their knickers in a twist if someone doesn't share their opinion and the insults and the bullshit and the patronising comments start flying here and there. It's generally the disrespectful attitude of some people that makes me not come on here as much as I used to, or not participate in some threads because it's pretty much guaranteed that some jackass who doesn't agree with you will jump on you and try and prove you wrong, rather than having an intelligent debate or even agreeing to disagree.
    But I guess little can be done about rude posters, since this is the internet and everyone has big opinions and a big mouth to follow.

    In regards to people only posting photos, I still don't get how it was catty for some of the posters to mention that it's kind of pointless for people to come on just to post photos, since both male and female posters were called out on it. Nothing bad was said to them, just recommended that they go on ratemypic or something if posting photos is the only thing they want to do.

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