is it genetically impossible to be faithful to one person

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by goodlove, Feb 21, 2010.

  1. lilhawk624

    lilhawk624 Member

    The Thread isn't about "waiting until you're in the situation", its begs the question is it Genetically impossible, the definite answer is NO. All these other talking points have been made up by people for emotional and mental excuses for the actions of many. GENERALLY speaking, humans have been able to pass genealogy on through years of lineage using on just ONE mate. Again, Generally

    Obviously its very possible to stay faithful to one mate, its been done for centuries, so bringing genetics into this is just dumb, which happens to be right up my alley of study on a daily basis.

    P.S, there was no insults thrown your way, just debate, call me a douche if you must, my point remains the same.

  2. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    You do see stuff as either white or black. Either the tank is empty or full.. For you - there is no in-between, I realize that... and that is quite allrite.
    You forget that for each bad story, there is at least one good story - and yet - you seem to often focus on the negative stuff to the point that you forget the good exists or even all the nuances in-between..

    Biology (that has never been truly proven btw) dont trumph our ability to think and draw conclusions and act according to that (in regards to faithfuloness).
    Society has set a lot of rules and regulations... The faithfulness is one of them.. doesnt mean we all HAVE to subscribe to it... dont mix that up with a biological inability.

    Then, the discussion is not about that - its about what morals mean to us as people and how much weight we put on accuntability and "doing the right thing" as it were in our society.
    It is always, always in out ABILITY to chose an action.. whatever it may be. Doesnt mean we all do subscribe to the same morals or "right thing", and that is ok... blaming it on biology is not.

    But dont be fooled, it has noting to do with a biological inability to be with one person - that IS a weak excuse.. you have a brain, a concious and you are the master of your own actions.
    Its like when someone say "he made me hit him" - same thing - no, nobody MADE you do anything. It is always your decission, always.

    regardless of stealing or murdering or what ever else we have brought up, nothing makes you do anything you dont want to do. Period.
    I honestly find it pathetic when people blame stuff they do on some random thing like biology. If Im straving to death - yoou bet your ass I will steal food.. but that is a completely different story as Liilhawk pointed out.

    Do you, do what you want, but take responisbility for it and own it. Thats all.

    If you believe in mutiple partners - its perfectly fine, not a problem, that IS your decission and nobody can take that from you - you have a right to it.. as long as you dont misslead anyone - there are plently of women that subscribe to that as well.
    Just dont chalk that one up to some bogus excuse.

    I just wish for some positiveness to come into your life:)
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2010
  3. babybro

    babybro New Member

    I think a lot of it also has to do with empathy as well, which isn't really a strong suit in individualistic cultures seeing as the primary source is to focus on ourselves and our own happiness. Not to say that individuals with an individualistic culture can't express empathy or that all individuals within a community based culture can. But the more one focuses on what make him/herself happy, the less likely they're going to realize what makes others sad.
    Look at much of the polls that people possess. Black and White People regarding polls are often on polar opposites, same with male and female, so forth and so.
    So when one possess a healthy amount of empathy, that also comes into play because than you would feel the pain of others when they experience a horrible situation, such as me with my sisters boyfriend cheating problems.
  4. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    I love my Nongers!!!!!!!!
  5. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    moral convictions and the sensitivity of the other person will keep you faithful. If a person cheats they are nothing more than a liar , selfish and a coward
  6. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    I think you maybe confusing the biology and how someone is influenced by society. If someone is influenced to not cheat, then they won't. Biology has less to do it than how the environment influences you. I think that is what they call nature vs nurture or biology vs sociology/behavior. I am not sure what it is called.
  7. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    I believe people are just like any other animal but we have the power to control ourselves and make wise choices.
  8. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    :smt081 @ expecting someone to stay committed to just you in this day and age. Stop playing yourself.
  9. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Aren't you married? :smt102
  10. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    If he is, and with some of the other posts he's put up, you have to wonder why is he then? :confused:
  11. AfroLove

    AfroLove Restricted

    No, it isn't. Everyone already knows that it isn't.

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