[YOUTUBE]-lQXxRJ-zrU&list=PL0F9AB179E5FF504F&index=27&playnext=2[/YOUTUBE] [YOUTUBE]P4Rb_scbotw[/YOUTUBE] [YOUTUBE]yozuhTvxKVo[/YOUTUBE] [YOUTUBE]Fux3lORVInY[/YOUTUBE] [YOUTUBE]z5bIqi-sfsA[/YOUTUBE]
As a Spurs fan, David Robinson is my favorite player of all time. I'm grateful for what Tim Duncan has done for this franchise, but David Robinson was an athlete that Duncan can only aspire to be.
'players who deserve to be center of attention' This kid....! http://www.todaysbigfail.com/view/20101109?sms_ss=facebook&at_xt=4d01691560786411,0 Which may explain why he is, as the QB.