Blacks struggle with 72% unwed mothers rate

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Iggy, Nov 7, 2010.

  1. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

  2. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    The black man gets it from both sides and in between. I'm proud to be a black man no matter if the world is against me. Our country has turned against us, our women have long ago turned against us and fellow black men are turning against those of us who simply want to exist for the better. We black men are not weak. If we were we would not still be here after centuries of murder, terrorism, de-humanization and incredible injustice. We black men are warriors of the soul. Never forget it.
  3. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    Oh you're right. My bad. The black community as a whole is thriving!

    Nevermind the fact that they are getting schooled in the classroom and a lot of them have zero guidance/disicpline. Yep, its definitely lookin up for the black community these days.

    (lmao at some of you continuingly blaming the media):smt042 Thats some weak ass Jesse Jackson shit right there.
  4. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

  5. artbunker

    artbunker New Member

  6. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    I dont really know what he means by everyone "turning on the black man" though. How are black females are turning on the black man?

    I get that us brothas have been thru a lot but there comes a point in time when you gotta handle your own business and stop makin excuses. Enough of this feelin sorry for yourself bullshit.
  7. z

    z Well-Known Member

    WoW, LoL.
  8. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Bitch...the AMERICAN family is in trouble....not just the Black family....troll-ass dicksucker.

    Take your negative pitty-party to racist site..they'd appreciate a defeated coon like you.

    Don't project your shitty upbringing onto the whole Black community just because you spawned from a bunch of losers..
  9. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    What's funny about that??????????????????
  10. Iggy

    Iggy Banned


    Hahaha what is with this dbag? lol

    Pity party???:confused: Ummm I am telling other black guys to save themselves the pity party. I never feel sorry for myself and never will. I dont blame others for my problems. My parents(who raised me well thank you very much) taught me to take responsible for my own actions.
  11. artbunker

    artbunker New Member

    No one is making excuses. All were doing is acknowledging a few simple facts. A lot of guys in here might not know each other personaly, or even have the same life experiences as each other, but we do notice certain tings in life that lead us to certain conclusions.

    No one is feeling sorry for anyone. only acknowledging that they have seen certain things in life the other person has. I'll be the first to say black women have helped me out a lot in life. Even today I have to thank the black women who help me out at work. those are some nice , kind and curtious women.

    No need to mention examples. If guys who have not met each other ever can agree on this issue then the proof is out there. Too many black men on the internet are stating this as well. IGGY were not making this up.

    If we were the single motherhood rate would not be up to 72%. Ill say its over blown . I'll say the single rate is only 65% but that's still a high number. Too many men have hopped the fence for other races to make this seem like were talking out our ass. You don't need examples. That stat in the header also should be enough to make you wonder..

    If there wast a problem or no truth to our statements , then this site would not exist or not be as popular as it is. What he really means by turning the back is that a lot not all but a lot of black females don't even give a black guy support or encouragement in life till they are out of option is mate selection orrrrrrrr until that guy makes it. he will not receive respect till he has uber made it. Till then a lot not all , but a lot of black women don't even know you exist .

    Between that lack of respect and racism in the world out there, because yes its out there hard against black males. Were still looked down upon as the bottom of the barrel. were still thought of as dumb, ignorant, and only good for rapping and dancing . so to face that everyday, to prove the outside world wrong and then have to battle for respect , unnecessarly with AA women make it seem like they have turned their back on us. Trust me IGGY we are looked at as competition to them. Especially if were educated or were smart enough to pass advancement test on job placements .

    But of course I'm making all this up. That stat mentioned is all fantasy and made up stuff... Were all just making excuses for the the black man because we dont ahve concrete examples . If we give examples that would be another thread and you would call us women bashing and hating. So guys who agree with me, don't give Iggy no examples its a setup question.

    Iggy if you believe its all the black mans fault, then you either grew up very lucky not to see the messed up stuff out here that me and the others have seen, or your just ignoring lots of stuff in your face. I'm hoping its the first statement I just said and not the second.
  12. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

  13. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    You hate hearing good things about Black people.

    Soon as somebody posts something positive you start acting like a half-raised troll.

    Go tune your banjo somewhere else coon.

  14. verbalkint

    verbalkint New Member

    Today's modern black woman is always shouting about how strong she is, how independant she is, and how she don't need no man. And then she finds herself unwed. She can't get it if you spot her ten clues. To her thinking I guess:

    2 + 2 = ?

    All these problems lay at the feet of the modern woman and the government. Every one.

    Combine sexual liberation, where there is no need to get married for many men in order to get sex, with anti male divorce laws which leave a man in an outhouse and a woman in a penthouse, and the "I don't need no man" misandry that the west is drowning in and these numbers are no surprise.

    The rates for whites and blacks in non marriage will continue to go up and less and less men will be invested in the west, and the west's society will continue to crumble to nothing.

    Girl power, indeed. :smt078
  15. thefieryphoenix

    thefieryphoenix Active Member

    I like the sexual revolution but I agree with your other points! The divorce laws need to be made more equitable. They are predicated upon the assumption that American women do not work and need to be supported. Since so many women don't need us men, then they don't need alimony or hefty child support payments.

    Every man should have a guaranteed legal right to see his child regardless of how much money he has paid the woman!
  16. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    exactly. I have been preaching this for a while. I call the Single Independent Black woman (SIB) femi-nazis.

    There are other laws that are really fucked up. I friend of mine is an atty in GA. she stated the following:

    (dont quote me word for word because Im sure Im fucking it up to a point); A woman can have an affair on her husband and get pregged by the other dude. the hubby will still be liable for child support and not the other dude.
  17. thefieryphoenix

    thefieryphoenix Active Member

    Great point! I strongly support feminism, but the womens groups went too far. It would have been better to pass laws to benefit both men and women instead of passing laws to give men the shaft. I don't agree that everyone should fit a fixed set of traditional gender roles. I think the roles should be flexible but we should magnify both men and women.
  18. Espy

    Espy New Member

    That's not correct goodlove. He would only be liable if he didn't request a paternity test and prove he was not the father. If a paternity test was conducted and it showed he was not the biological father, then the court would not hold him liable for any support related to that child. Only if he chose to adopt the child, or the wife didn't disclose the child was not his and he didn't question that either, would he have to pay child support.

    Y'all need to give the 'all women are evil, they screw men over for alimony and child support' bit a rest. There are men who shaft women in divorce too. It may not be as many, I honestly don't know the statistics, but in general the one with the most, has the most to lose and that has nothing to do with their gender. The more dominant person will typically try to railroad the other party, and will have more success because submissive types don't stick up for themselves. Many of the men who bitch about getting screwed in their divorces are men who didn't fight, they gave up because it was cheaper or easier to not fight. If you want something bad enough, you fight for it, end of story. It's long, hard and expensive, trust me I know all about that, but if your child(ren) aren't worth it, what is?
  19. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    you might have gotten my reply confused with someone else. I don't blame the media. But I do agree with one solid point you made. It is these women who continue to bed with these wastes of air....

    .....but if we are to be the leaders of our community, how weak do is seem for us to blame everyone you pointed above...but no ourselves.

    the media
    the system
    the courts
    they want thug

    I don't think you have proven me wrong, in fact....I think you did a better job than I could have in supporting what I wrote. always seems to be someone else's fault but ours. And that is our problem. A true lack of taking responsibly for where we are.
  20. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    This is an excellent post. :smt023

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