and also here(Says that in cartman voice) That's right! They saved those pics and if you don't want that then they slap you with an 11000 fine.:smt019 Lets put it like this! If you want to fly, then you got to either get radiation to catch cancer( thereby killing you slowly to save you from being so called bombed which is very unlikely) or being pat down by a perv and not to mention may be having your child pat down by a child molester. If you opt out, you get slapped with an 11000 fee. Do you think the TSA is going too far?
The holidays are coming! I hope lawsuits start rolling in because this is ridiculous. The American people need to get congress to stop TSA from this nonsense.
I wish as much concern over security was paid to our borders. We have millions of people who are not searched flooding our country thru an invasion with a possibility of weapons of mass destruction being sneaked into the country, yet we say and do not a damned thing about it, yet the tax paying american citizen is treated like a common criminal while the potential terrorists and illegals are not even targeted within our own borders. We are going to lose this war.