The terrorists have won. They have forced the U.S. to create huge ineffective mechanisms like the TSA, forced the U.S. to spend billions while they use scant resources, forced the U.S. to change it's ways as a society forever, backed the U.S. paper tiger into a corner that will not fight back with total war, the terrorists have time and patience on their hands so while the dumb ass americans bitch and moan about having their body parts search the next plane load of passenger "will" blow up over a major U.S. city and the dumb americans will point fingers as to who should have prevented it from happening. Political correctness has tied the U.S. hands from racial profiling forcing everyone from a three year old child to an 80 year old granny to be strip search and have given terrorists the world over the confidence in knowing that if caught their rights will be protected to get a fair trial in an american civilian court rather than having their asses executed by the military. The terrorists have won. They changed behaviors thru intimidation, the tool of terrorism.
Hmm... I heard about the case with the three year old child. I do think it's a shame things are going to this extreme. However, I don't think they have won. While I know they certainly have attempted and maybe in some ways have terrorized us into changing the way we do things. I believe as long as people take a stand against these kind of extremes with the TSA, but in particular a stand against terrorism, then the yes men of terrorism will not and never have a victory over us.