Blacks struggle with 72% unwed mothers rate

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Iggy, Nov 7, 2010.

  1. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    I would say it is the culture of the weak black men. We have failed, do fail, and will fail. And we can't look at woman and say "its your fault" we ware are to be leaders and protectors of our community..

    ...we aren't doing that. its a bit pathetic really.
  2. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    The numbers wouldn't be silly because you would know how many people are unwed mothers. It isn't the percentage that counts but how many.
  3. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    I say its irrelevant.

    I disagree.

    HOWEVER, if you really wanted to get a pretty good estimate, you simply need to check the latest census data.

    How many African-American homes
    African American birth rate
    African American births per home

    that will give some raw numbers.

    .....but it wouldn't change the picture at all. More often than not black children have no father. Either by the percentages of black births OR by the total number of black births.
    70% is a HUGE percentage.
  4. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    an irrelevant number divided by an irrelevant number leaves an irrelevant percentage.
  5. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Fuck outta' here with that shit.
  6. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    Its not??????????????????
  7. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    Are you being slow on purpose, or are you just fucking with me?
  8. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    I dont totally buy into the weak black man shit . There are hard headed women who try to and do push fathers away from the child while screaming " Im independent and he aint trying to help with the kid(s)"

    they do that shit all the time. they love to play that victim shit when in reality they are the betrayers of the black community
  9. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Do you like the media showing black people as bad or are you just fucking with me?

    I don't quite understand why you don't see the convenience of using only percentages over the numbers. When you look around, you don't count percentage but numbers. You don't find it convenient that the media has looked for percentage instead of numbers?
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2010
  10. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    The "Its" the media line is a cop out. The media the media, the media, the fact of the matter is we (as a group) lead in every society ill in this country. You can argue the causes, you can argue the effect of the institutions and polices of this country but you can not argue reality.

    Whether percentages, or whole number the reality is that MOST black children are born to unwed mothers. One child to one mother, or four children to one mother (which is even worse).

    If whole numbers could change that, Ok I could hear you...but it doesn't.

    So I don't get your point in asking "what are th number" nor to I get your point in asking "what about the media"
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2010
  11. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    I will say I find it kind of ironic that alot of black women say black men date white women because they can get away with stuff a sista wouldnt put up with. Yet black women (generally speaking) let black men (generally speaking) get away with one of the biggest crimes ever, which is not taking care of their kids.
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Very good point my dude. Many of them are just frustrated and need someone to take it out on and we're the easiest target.
  13. Ymra

    Ymra New Member don't have to say "generally". Well at least with me you don't I know you are generally and it irks the fuck out of me when people say BUT YOU CAN'T SAY ALL. LOL...

    ...or "NOT ME"

    The reality this is something broken in our psyche We are always looking for the excuse, or the reason as long as it is not point the finger at us.

    - white women are easy
    - you must be looking for someone to walk on
    - Its the media

    shit like that.
  14. artbunker

    artbunker New Member

    Sorry cant buy your argument. When you have a system, since you like to blame the media, when you have a system that supports women having kids out of wedlock, encourages housing for families that dont have fathers in the household, give free food and schooling to single women, and educational support to the point where they dont need a man this stuff happens.

    Don't even get me started with the divorce courts and child support custody and payments being in the females favor in this country..

    Oh and last but not least if these men are weak , who made the choice in breeding and choosing them huh?

    Naw man you cant blame this on weak men your arguments holds no water. when the majority of these women chose thugs and bad boys when their young, get blown up and have a few kids by them , and then at 35 and 40 suddenly want a good man you get this problem. most want bad boy and thugs when their young, then after life hits them hard on the head, at around 35-45 , when their stock is falling (not all women but come on lets be real here) they want a guy like BARRACK OBAMA. GTFOH.

  15. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    couldnt buy that shit with a foodstamp and a pack of Jolly Ranchers
  16. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    YES...what you have said is so simply complex, hit it right on the head. No need to say more, it similiar to what I say and I stop at that. Keep it movin cause we got to.
  17. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    We don't lead in every society ill. The first issue is getting the media from presenting people in negative way. If you keep people from seeing the negative, they are less likely to do it.

    What is this? Of course, they are. Only black women and black men have black babies! This does not change the thought that most of the unwed mothers are probably not black. I don't know because again I have no numbers to go on since they delighted in not giving that.
    What exactly is the whole number?
    I asked about the numbers because they were not given. If the amount of unwed mothers were given it would have changed the article drastically.
    The title would not have been what it is.
  18. thefieryphoenix

    thefieryphoenix Active Member

    Single women in this culture need to take more responsiblity for their actions.
  19. rich665

    rich665 Restricted

    You're blaming single motherhood on just thugs & bad boys? There are many blue & white collar black men who don't take care of their kids. I've seen it many times before. My sister's first husband was a dentist & he doesn't do anything for their son other than pay child support. There are ALOT of white women with half black children who are single mothers..Just think Halle's mother, Mariah, Obama, Alicia Keys..etc. It's a crisis. There are "thugs" who actually support their children. You can't call these men thugs if they aren't out doing any illegal activity. Me, I was fortunate to have both parents in my life.
  20. artbunker

    artbunker New Member

    Your story is a wonderful example of the exception to whats going on out here. For some reason this forum lost my last long counter post I posted up but here are the main points. Yes most of that 72% of unwed mothers do date the bad boys and thugs and drug dealers. this isn't some made up fantasy its life. A lot are single moms because they got preggo between high school and college . Some even in junior high school. Most chose guys with the most "swagger" at the time because they .

    Come on out of that 72% of unwed mothers, you gota at least give me a 80% ratio of these women choosing the wrong type guy early in life . Not even a hard working type of guy the wrong guy. Because I've seen it too many time. Single mother who have the baby with the negative man and then have dreams of marrying a positive man. Or even stay with the guy she had a kid with but see he isn't going any further in life and then has dreams of the guy she let slip and go.

    Lets be real about this . In life there is your sisters situtation, but what I've seen and other I know seen, a lot women, when their young and have their options go for the man that is most exciting and fun to be with. Only later to cry and want a great type of man. Most of these women who are single moms chose the negative type of guy . I men I use to work in a social service office . I see the many single mother come in there and you know what stories I heard the most. He wasnt shit, he was a broke ass N!GG@. He was no good and into illegal shit. And thats their fustration speaking. I als use to work for child support and guess what I heard the same things over and over again form women over the phone. Out of like 75 calls a day I took at least 65 of them were from folks you could tell chose the wrong type of guy with character issues.

    Also lets ask the celebs , who's mothers you bring up, lets ask their mothers what type of men they were into when they were in their prime and had choices. hard question to ask them without them holding their head down isnt it ?. Of course the counter point will be well at least they raised them..

    True but opinion wasn't about that its why a lot of blacks struggle with 72% unwed mothers rate. When the government is basically taking the mans role of caretaker to these children with welfare, along with poor choices in the wrong type of men, but they type of men who excite and bring that missing element in their lives, plus housing, food, and insurance to take care of the kids, plus educational empowerment and employment opportunities programs for women specifically, and the fact the court system once again is mostly in favor of the woman = a faux independent mindset which gives a sense of not needing a man in the long run.

    (My sister's first husband was a dentist & he doesn't do anything for their son other than pay child support. ) Most of the Thugs and bad boys I'm talking about don't even do that much either .

    Finally, a lot, not all, but a lot of guys who got their stuff together in life want to start their own family . So a lot not all but a lot aren't checking for women with kids already as well .
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2010

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