I guess it was inevitable. The publicity reporters always painted them as a happy couple, too bad. Then again a good looking black man cuckolding a white guy, how unusual.
I never understand why people are surprised by shit like this or even why women are crazy enough to believe they can hold a guy like that's attention. He's a good looking wealthy guy in his prime its damn near impossible for a dude like that to stay faithful. The only thing girls should do in a situation like is just pop out some kids and live that luxurious powerball money life and shut up. They never have to work, they never have to worry, they usually have a staff to help out. They're living way better that 99.99999 percent of the world. I can't feel sorry for chicks like this.
If your significant other is not the first person you see in the morning and the last person you kiss before going to bed at night, ANY 'serious' monogamous relationship is being set up to fail, IMO. Men by their very nature are weak sexually. A woman shouldn't crowd her man, but if she wants to keep him solo, a female needs to maintain her 'scent' on him. Emotionally supportive, affectionate, independent, non-argumentative most of the time, and be sexually available. Some dudes aren't cut out to be monogamous, but many are and function better with only ONE in their lives. BTW, no intelligent woman should marry a professional athlete, especially an NBA baller, until he retires. Otherwise she's setting herself up to have her heart broken. To say that random women gift-wrap the pussy and serve it to pro athletes on a silver platter would be a gross understatement.
I completely agree. Girls can't appreciate the temptation of having an unbelievablly gorgeous woman just throwing it at you especially after sex at home becomes stale. We all live within our circumstances and truth is the vast majority of young dudes find it hard to be faithful. Throw in fame and fortune and access to top notch chicks its pretty much impossible. But no one ever learns and the cycle continues. At least we get to be entertained lol
Men like variety. Nothing beats new and it has nothing to do with how we emotionally feel but after being with the same person for a long period of time a man's dick doesn't get as hard for her as it did the first few months they were together.
What about what women like?? Your answers always assume that women are put on earth to please you. You will have more relationship sucess if you contribute as well. Many couples are still sexually excited by each other, still passionate after a few months and even years. Yes!! Once you have a real long term relationship you will undertand becasue you will have lived it. In some ways Andrae you are a pup as far as relationships. Not an insult but look up some of blacktigers post or I can remember one of Sir Nose's posts about sex with his wife and how hot it was. I had to cool off after reading it.
It all depends on the level of sexual/emotional compatibility between a man and woman, Sometimes there is just that really beautiful, natural chemistry that never gets stale, IMO, but both parties still have to work at it. Easiest way to do it is to give it up to your man someplace else besides your bedroom!:mrgreen: Some men are forever trying to get notches on their belt, that's why if a man is serious about staying with one female, he really needs to go for that chick who has the most of the best qualities he's looking for in a mate. That way, he improves the odds of keeping his relationship strong. Lot's of dudes get with chicks they don't really even like as people, but will still dip the pussy. Look at Tiger Woods, he thought his ex-wife had some really admirable qualities about herself and was good enough to bear his children, but that deeper, emotional/physical connection was totally lacking. Could have been something as insignificant as swallowing after a BJ, (you'd be surprised how many dudes creep because their females are 'funny' about sex, as in, they DON'T REALLY LIKE IT!!:?), or strictly the fact someone like Tiger never should have married so young. I don't wanna sound like I'm blaming the women for a relationship failing, since in my experience if a man takes care of a woman's basic emotional needs and is there for her from the heart, she's much less likely to stray than a man would be. But if you're a woman who's dating or married to a man who's under 35 and both rich and famous, odds are against it going the duration.:smt012 Women become a commodity, not a necessity, because there is virtually an endless supply.
I know some men in this thread already have a certain reputation when it comes to judging women and they really dont have much experience when it comes to lasting relationships but GOD DAMN! I have never been so happy to have one of the few good men that are out there. Sure we had and will have our ups and downs but Im so glad that I dont have to chose from what is right in front of my eyes: some macho dudes who judge the females by their clothes size or how big their tits are. What I got out of their posts is: You should always spread your legs but keep your mouth shut. ("be sexual available,less argumentative" nice words, same meaning) They also say that if you marry a young, good looking rich guy, be happy he was stupid enough to marry you but dont expect him to be faithful. Just enjoy the money and shut up. I think, if you are not ready to settle and the girl is not THE ONE - dont get married. Simple as that.
Well, if it is true that he cheated on her, then I say good for her if she feels like they can't reconcile things. It is instances like this that cause people to think black men or men of color aren't the marrying sort and that we are no more than dark skinned penises with arms and legs. Like we have no self control or something. Then we have the nerve to get upset when people, white people, in particular white women, don't want to have anything serious with a black guy or think he's not worthy of commitment or marriage and is just a roll in the hay.
I've been in long term relationships. The longest was 4 years, I get some relationships last but do maintain that spark but that's the exception not the rule. I think what some of you dail to realize is that most guys can't and will never be honest about sex with you. When I speak to men of all ages and different ethnicities its mutually agreed on that we enjoy variety. I don't know why its so incredibly difficult to understand that men and women are different. Testosterone makes us aggressive it drives us to seek out other mates to ensure our genes make it to the next generation. And I never said women were here to please me, again just having an intellectual debate that you a lot of you decide to take personally. Loosen up a little lol
Well I think you're quoting me by reading your insuations and truthfully I think you're misunderstanding me. All I'm saying is that example after example after example keeps being shown of young men with money who have a very hard time committing, why do women set themselves up for failure. I think guys are at fault for not getting it out of their systems but I don't get why some women can't realize that a man who literally has almost every option in the world won't eventually slip up. From a purely logical stand point it continously keeps happening yet so many women want to believe they're the exception. Fairy tales are great stories but they're not real life.
Yes I know. The statement is made more toward those that feel she should have seen it coming since he's an NBA player and that believe she isn't the best looking woman and should get someone that looks more attractive. As some comments were made that she isn't all that good looking anyway and stuff like that. Anyone that were to read them could think that black men are shallow, since the site is a place for black men and white women, a white woman looking over those post may reach that conclusion. Also, it reminded me of that supposed article a year or so ago, by some white woman that believes we aren't the marrying type and only good for sex. Not to say majority of people think that way, I just don't like giving support to such negative stereotypes. Also, it's like guys are rallying around the thought that its okay for a man to cheat on his wife because she isn't pretty enough. It's like dang, what more does a person want? You have money, married, family, attractive wife and it's not enough.
Eva is asking for spousal support.Tony just signed a 4 year 50 million dollar contract around 2 weeks ago . Interesting timing for her divorce filing LOL .:smt033
what a surprise another athlete about to get raped, by someone that has nothing to do with their professional ability. he's an idiot for making her his wife, during his prime years where he could be pulling a different ass each day of the week.