what do white women love about black men?

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by kenny_g, May 25, 2008.

  1. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    wow - that "gorgeous" Blk dude post should be used for what to NOT do. From handle to everything in the post...

    Well, you know what they say:

    If you cant be a good example, at least you can be a horrible warning.
  2. webmaster

    webmaster Administrator Staff Member

    [photos removed] Can't post nude photos in this area.


    Also, these type of posts should be in the personals area -- http://www.whitewomenblackmen.com/personals.php

  3. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

  4. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I think that must be my all time favorite gif!!!!
  5. raocha

    raocha Active Member

    You mean that if I stop bragging about my "hard throbbing pipe" to women and showing them my penis at the drop of a hat I might have more success with my romantic endeavors and fewer restraining orders taken out against me?

    Hmmm....I hadn't considered that. Tell me more. [​IMG]
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2010
  6. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    It is a mystery isnt it:)
  7. babybro

    babybro New Member

    LMFAO, man Tony, you are by far the best giffer I've ever seen on any forum. I salute you. That gif is absolutely priceless!
  8. GanjaGrl89

    GanjaGrl89 New Member

    I love him because he is who I fell in love with...:smt054
  9. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    I want to say, welcome aboard! Hope to hear from you more!
  10. DJ_1985

    DJ_1985 New Member

    White women love black men? Hm.
  11. GanjaGrl89

    GanjaGrl89 New Member

    Thank you wise. :p Very new here and even a bit inspired. I'll have to keep up!
  12. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Just come here every chance you get and you'll learn something new.
  13. GanjaGrl89

    GanjaGrl89 New Member

    Yea:p I just stumbled upon this site and am happy with it. Love to read what others who are also in interracial relationships have to say! I personally have always been interracial and am also bi-racial so a site like this is amazing. I don't feel so alone anymore especially being in the 'south' now which still seems to be real against it. But it's all good, I'm happy and no one can bring me down!!!:weedman:

    be easy,

  14. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    where are you in the south ? I know you love some grits and eggs and some good sweet tea huh ? Im in alabama myself.
  15. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    That's cool! Two questions:

    1. What part of the south are you located in? (I'm in Louisiana, born and raised)

    2. What do you hope to learn from these forums?
  16. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Not sure what to make of this, but it goes well with your avi.
  17. GanjaGrl89

    GanjaGrl89 New Member

    1. Located in Alabama. Actually very close to Louisiana! (California born and raised).

    2. I hope to learn new things; whatever they may be. I like to hear about what other interracial couples or lovers have to deal with or common questions that I may not know myself maybe? I love to read to expand my brain I guess you could say.? I also never knew how many people here feel or have felt the same way as I do/have.:D
  18. DJ_1985

    DJ_1985 New Member

    Just asked a question. :|

    LOL. Good one Espy. But really, my avatar is just a conformation to the general perception. I wouldn't look too deeply into it.
  19. Espy

    Espy New Member

    That's what I was getting at, I wasn't sure if it was a question, or sarcasm. But I did imagine in with Grumpy's tradmark Hrmph, which made it seem really appropriate. :smt042
  20. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    This is an excellent revelation! And no wonder your mind is very cheery and so nice and friendly. Heh, I have a friend who's studying here and she's from Alabama.

    Well, consider this place as your home and solace. Any means of advice, we're all here to help.

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