Yes it does, thank you. It appears in your world people toss out statements with rather clear meaning and then say that's not actually what they meant. Things are pretty black & white, women bear the responsibility for making the decisions if they are pregnant & single, as well as the blame for the lack of a father's presence in their child's life. Glad I don't live in such a rigid world...I wouldn't like it there... well I suppose it depends... nah, it doesn't. Life is too fluid for black & white. It amazes me that anyone over the age of about 21 hasn't figured that out.
LOL.............. I need a better smiley. What you personally believe is really irrelevant, with regards to what I believe. And what I believe is that a woman is ultimately responsible for for what happens to her body, long before there is a child living and breathy she is responsible for her choices. Whether that intent was to have a child. Forgot the condom, it broke, missed my pill day (etc) She is still responsible for the choices she makes and what happens to her body. In the end the inability to make wise choices is paid for by her child. That is black....and deviation (other than rape) that is the world WE live in. Regardless of age, one should have figured that out. But I do enjoy arguing for the sake of arguing... I just gotta hit the rack right now.
I'm well aware of that, it's rather glaringly obvious. However, you present a rather rigid set of circumstances and options. You fail to account for an awful lot, or perhaps choose to mention only the options that you believe will elicit the best outrage from whomever you are replying to. So for the sake of clarity, all of the following may factor into the scenario of a single woman becoming pregnant and not marrying the father: - Not all pregnancies are planned - Not all men are someone you'd want to marry, even if you are okay with fucking them - the same can be said for women - Not all men want to step up and be a father - Not all women want to be married - Not all men want to be married You present this as it's solely the woman's choice, and choosing to remain single is a bad, selfish, unwise, irresponsible choice. It's not, as you assume the men want to be involved, want to marry her, or are even remotely well suited to being a father, and that's just not always the case. I personally applaud anyone who opts to keep and raise a child with love, rather than terminate the pregnancy, regardless of whether that's as a single parent or not. I would never view such a choice as selfish or irresponsible, quite the opposite. Being a single parent is oft times very difficult, however it's also very rewarding, but it shows a great deal of sacrifice and requires a lot of selfless behavior if done properly. Ultimately you can never know what you would do unless you are in the other person's exact circumstances, with their resources, their options, and their state of mind...and rather clearly if you're a man & the other person is a woman and pregnancy is the issue, you sure can't. I know that and for me to suggest to anyone that they chose poorly would be arrogant and completely inappropriate, so I try really hard not to do that, and not to speak in absolutes as they almost always are proven wrong at some point. I acknowledge that fathers are important, as are mothers, but if you can't be a positive in a child's life, you need to stay out of their life and let someone up to the task take over. That's in the best interest of the child, which is really what people should be focused on. If you know you're a shit parent, do the best thing you can for your children and leave them be, or get over yourself and be better. If a child isn't a compelling reason to strive for excellence, I don't know what would be. As I said, love & support are all that truly matter and those can come from just about anywhere.
Well the fact is - Sex Education in Europe FAR exceeds whatever is now being taught in our schools. There's no social input from Zionist Christian groups because the bright line between church and state is clearly defined. Teenage Pregnancy and Unplanned Pregancy are almost non-existant There's no systemic racism against African-Americans Put all these things together and what you have is low birth rates and Governments that are trying to encourage child birth and marriage. What you have here is society one or two bad decisions from getting flushed down the toilet -,1518,726447,00.html You can talk all you want about the result of all this bad decision making by Governments, by Companies and by Individuals. At the end of the day, its clear the campaign to destroy Black America with Divide and Conquer tactics has largely worked. What you have been sold is this nonsense of ingenuity and rugged individualism. Combine with the Jingoistic Mainstream Media that refuses to tell the truth unless it provides shock value. There's also a welfare state that's willing to help Single Mothers. Sure your at the edge of poverty but for many that come from poverty that's an improvement. While men unless disabled do not get any help at all. Courts could careless if you have to live in a apartment with barely any heating, card table and small CRT TV because of draconian Mangina Judges. I highly encourage Black Men to get your education/certifications and push the eject button on this bad movie.
I thought we settled this with "IT DEPENDS"...I guess not No shit.... No shit.... No shit.... No shit.... and just in case you missed shit. And I'm not sure if you truly are this obtuse, or if you are just fucking with me. I am perfectly well suited to put words in my own mouth thank you very much... What I am saying is choosing to have a child, by a man who is unworthy to be a father, or who simply does not want to be a father is unwise, irresponsible.... bringing a child in this world thinking "who needs a man" is unwise and irresponsible. This has loosely has to do with what we are talking about....but on the whole it has no place. Abortion is a whole nother' subject. Not sure why you brought it up. And how your above reply segued into this I don't know; however, I agree. The further we go down this road the more the ills of society increase, spawned by the fatherless children of men who would leave their children, and women who made poor choices in the men they laid with. (accidental pregnancy or not)
I believe that single mother's should receive the aid they are getting, an more if needed....because the children they are raising are the future adults. Not to care for these women and children is to all but give up. The sad reality is a good number of these women will fail to do it alone....but not all. Black men need far more than encouragement. We have failed, do fail, and will fail (on the whole) until something makes a change. And as more and more of us are raised out men, our plight will continue to get worse...
Let me also add, I simply can not relate. I was raised by father...and my mother. My mother made a wise choice in the man she chose to give her children, and truth be known my oldest brother and sister my father would say were"ooopsies" ...over 30 years of marriage and 9 children. ...and I watched them fight and struggle and celebrate and push and strive and work. To keep not only their marriage strong but their family standing. This is the example that I have before me. I know how to love, but more important I know how hard it is to keep a marriage strong. ...and neither I nor anyone else is perfect.
Yes, I am apparently really obtuse at times, or so I've been told. For instance it has just now occurred to me to consider your responses in light of your career choice, the military one not the photography one. Most, in fact darn near all, of the men and women I know who chose the military as a career are very black and white, rigid, and speak in absolutes. Point being had I not obtusely overlooked that fact, I would have better understood why you respond the way you do and would have just breezed past your posts. As for the above snippet from your post, my point it that an unplanned pregnancy isn't your choice, not marrying a man who doesn't want to marry you isn't your choice, and being a single parent if the other parent wants nothing to do with the child or you isn't a choice. And the 'it depends' in all of this is, your ability to offer a two parent environment to your child 'depends' upon both parents wanting to be involved. If they don't you're screwed and that's not on you. It's nice to think we all have ultimate say and control over every facet of our lives, but we don't, unfortunately there are many instances where another party contributes, or chooses not to, either way that's not your choice. You may chalk all of that up to 'it depends' or think that this is implied in your statements, but it's not. The way you state your opinion is heavily weighted against single mothers, while not accounting for the part the man plays. Perhaps that's not how you intended it, but that's how I'm reading it. As for discounting a man's contribution, I don't have a 'who needs a man attitude', but truthfully there's very little another human being can provide for you that you cannot just provide for yourself if you try. It might be easier, more efficient, or more beneficial to have another person involved, but it's clearly not a must have. Some people simply don't have the option, and again that's not always their choice. Single parents make the best of their circumstances. I consider that a wise decision, as well as responsible.
From that same article: The black community's 72 percent rate eclipses that of most other groups: 17 percent of Asians, 29 percent of whites, 53 percent of Hispanics and 66 percent of Native Americans were born to unwed mothers in 2008, the most recent year for which government figures are available.
Thanks Archangel. My stupid computer wouldn't let me pull up the article again from the original post, so all I could get was the year before.
I love how they use percentages instead of actual numbers.:smt011 That's always a tip off that the article is slanted. If you started multiplying .72 to the number of black mothers, you'll see something surprising but guess what! The number of black mothers is not mentioned. Ask yourself why is that. why not give the numbers? ....
This is the consequence of a culture in which women said over and over again that their children did not need fathers. If we are to reverse this alarming trend, we are going to have to start once again valuing men and fathers just as we value womena and mothers.
actually numbers would be a bit silly. It goes without saying that whites are the lareget racial group in this country. Over 200 million people compared with 100 million of all others. but if you have 7 out of 10 of one group ...and 3 out of 10 from another group... ...not matter what the number are, that 7 out of 10 is always, always going to be the biggest percentage, not matter how large the raw numbers are.