1. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    I have the habit of looking pretty deep into stuff. That's my M.O.
    Some people like to call it "overcomplicating things" heh.

    Well, I remember hearing that keeping a dream journal is the best thing to do and that it can also help train you to remember your dreams. I also remember reading somewhere before that waking up too fast/abruptly makes you more likely to forget whatever you were dreaming about. I love a deja vu. I read somewhere (I read a lot, heh) that a deja vu means that you're on the right path and doing what you're supposed to be doing in this life. Of course there's probably many other reasons for them too. But I like that one. :D
  2. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    The journal especailly comes in handy when I have recurring dreams. Sometimes if I'm having the same nightmare over & over for example, when I write it down, especially in story or poetry form, it goes away. I had someone very special to me (a guy my parents wouldn't let me date) die in a car accident & I dreamed about him all the time after it happened. It was very painful to dream of him & I'd wake up in tears every time. I know it was a combination of things: grief, missing & loving him & the fact that my parents wouldn't let me go to his funeral, but it's almost like he was there to tell me goodbye. One night after the dream I wrote a poem about him & how I felt about him & the dreams stopped. I still miss him.
  3. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Aww, that made me get teary eyed. I'm really glad you found a creative way to get through something like that. Of course you'll still miss him. It is my spiritual belief that while we sleep our spirits do leave our bodies and travel around in the astral plane along with spirits of other people sleeping and people who have passed away, so I believe he very well could have been there to tell you goodbye that way, until you meet again. :smile:
  4. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    It can be a possitive thing though, it gives people a different side to look at of the equation.
  5. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Thanks Brittney; you're a sweetheart! :D
  6. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    The victim card
  7. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member


    living life to the best of ones ability
  8. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member




    People who don't enjoy hummus.
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Damn Scottish lol
  10. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    trusting family just because they are family.
    thinking as a collective group.
  11. jayarmy

    jayarmy New Member

    Agreed!!! Most definitely!!!
  12. jayarmy

    jayarmy New Member

    Agreed!!! Most definitely!!!

    I counted on my family in NYC to take care of a problem my son had with drug dealing bullies. They did not, none of them who he told about it anyway. I had to go there to take care of the problem myself in Sept2010. Sucks!!!

    Im in GA and they are right there damn near down the block from him. NYC Police had one for the record, but no deaths, no call for that. Even called me a fucking psycho without any apology when they found guns on the two guys who fucked with my son. Ended up staying in the bullpin for a night but thats ok as long as my son was safe.

    I asked my family why they didnt get involved. No answer except he should not speak on what he sees. Fuck that!!! I wear the uniform to protect people who stand up against crime and whatever else!!! My son is going to Yale next year and I'll be damn if any mutherfucker will stop him from being all that he chooses to be.

    Im glad he didnt have my brother's phone number because he changes phones like he changes sox. Neither did I..sucks, but good at that time. I already have one brother in prison for murder and I dont want another one to be in there.

    Family first!!! But some family just dont get involved when the going gets tough. I hate that shit and then they want to smile in my fucking face. Fuck em!!!

    Unique4ever if you read this post, then... Thank you!!! I have two less body counts because of you and I am a free man at this time!!! I was thinking of what you told me before I left for NYC. It stuck with me all the way there and more. I did make a promise to my mom and I did stand by it 100% because I really saw no danger at all at first.

    I did get kind of hostile but only because others presented in immediate threat to ME at the time of confrontation. Sorry I kind of sugar coated what really happened in NYC in September Baby. I knew the full truth would upset you. Dont want you to think of me like that, but I am who I am. Maybe thats why I feel so comfortable in the Army, getting deployed, and wont let it go. I dont know. I apologize for not telling you the full truth but now that this thread brings it up, I feel guilty. You were correct in my intentions Baby! Sorry. BUT... I found another way to deal with the problem as I promised my mom, so that has to count for something right?
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2010
  13. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I'm sorry to hear about this Jay. That sucks that you can't rely on your family, but congrats on your son going to an Ivy League school! That's so good!
  14. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

  15. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    Yea I completely feel ya on this man. People act as if just because people are family that that means they can be trusted to care of you or take care of any issues/responsibilities you give them. I love my family but I swear I have ALOT of grimey ass cousins that I dont trust from here to there (think of about them being a foot away lol). Hell if anything family can treat you worse then most strangers. There is only one person I trust 100% and thats myself because at the end of the day, Im the only one that keeps this boat (my life) afloat. I hope your son has a great time at Yale, I bet you're hella proud of him. Btw Happy Veterans day.
  16. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    I think it's safe to say that you can no longer count on that part of your family when they won't help your son when he is in danger. That's sad that that shit had to happen. Family ain't gotta like each other, but there is that unwritten rule that if family is in need, you help them out. All they did way tell your song not to speak on what he sees. They have the whole "no snitching" mentality bad enough to where they won't help family. Dude, fuck them.

    Your kid is going to Yale, congrats on that man.
  17. jayarmy

    jayarmy New Member

    I agree BA. Thanks Man!!
  18. Athena

    Athena New Member

    People that talk too much are overrated (in their own minds).
  19. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    This makes me think of those people who are really talkative (I can be really talkative too sometimes, but I also love to listen) and they'll ask you a question and you'll answer them, and somehow the conversation reverts right back to them (like something in your story reminded them of something or someone in their lives). It's like, why did you even bother asking me anything in the first place. Like you really give a shit lol They take over the whole conversation that you can't get a word in edgewise.
  20. jayarmy

    jayarmy New Member

    Thank you Kushton Slater. I tried to believe in family but it didnt work out for me. I am very proud of my son. He was pissed off when he was not the first African American President..LOL Somehow his skills/knowledge is off the chart as compared to mine. For me its like talking to a stranger sometimes. BigBrotherWise reminds me a lot of my son, if you know of him in this forum. I would swear they are the same person at times. So much knowledge, so confident when they speak because they know in detail the subject they are speaking on, and yet so young. Is it google or what I think...LOL

    I can only encourage him to keep moving forward and tell him that his day will come. Im so glad he trusts me (well he knows me and how I am...LOL) to speak on problems in his life that he feels he can not handle alone. It felt good that he looked for me even though we are so far apart. My deployments in the past have really separated us from how close we used to be. Feels good to know that he believes that he can always count on Dad!!!

    Thanks again Kushton Slater!!!

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