Who would you pair with whom?

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by Brittney, Dec 17, 2008.

  1. CarlosNevada

    CarlosNevada Active Member

    First, it's great to see your wonderfully familiar name GG. You are one of the deans of wisdom and sensuality in the forum and one of the key reasons I got hooked on this site. The wit, humor and camaraderie in a romantic/sexual context is what makes this site great. It has helped me considerably in admitting what I like in all women and it's refreshing to have friends who understand you without judgment. Now, I have women in my area wondering about my increased eye contact and pedicure and manicure compliments (I am up to about 4 now), but I feel some degree of liberation. There are waitresses, one in particular, who I could almost claim as dependents now because of generous tipping, thanks to all of you. I said "misunderstanding" in referring to Tarshi's incident, but you are correct; it was more than that. She's miles away, but I felt her pain and drift, and that's the reason for my expression of concern.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2010
  2. CarlosNevada

    CarlosNevada Active Member

    Thanks, Espy. You are one of the most thoughtful and considerate people on here.
  3. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Whatever the misunderstanding or non-misunderstanding was, I clearly missed it. Granted until this past week I haven't been following much on the forum, but I haven't noticed anything outside of the usual jaded comments, overgeneralizations, and stupid trolls. The forum at times has a negative atmosphere IMO, and during those times I often read something that I find disheartening from someone I would typically respect, and that can be hard. But I try to view it in the context that people have good days and bad days, and sometimes they share negative experiences and sometimes we get a lot of people sharing similar negative experiences and/or beliefs and that tips the drama scale for the worse. I don't have an issue with people basing their opinion on their experiences, or sharing views that I happen to think are jaded or too rigid for my taste, as long as they don't get personal with anyone specific on the forum. That's not to say that I think allowing yourself to become jaded or apply a negative attribute to an entire group of people is a good idea, I don't and in fact I think it's one of the most counterproductive things you can do. Clearly though people do it and ultimately they pay the price for that choice.

    Thank you Carlos for thinking that. I sometimes excel at reading between the lines, though I often totally miss the meaning of what is plainly stated. Go figure.

    Thank you Francie, I'll happily take that pairing. :smt060

    And to get back to your less talk, more pairing edict:

    Liquid Swords and BA, because they share taste in music, and are both wise and witty beyond their years.

    Francie and Kush, because he's got a great sense of humor and could fully appreciate Francie's quirky but completely adorable wit.

    Kimbo and Christine, because there's chemistry there a blind, deaf mute could sense, and they share a similar sense of adventure.
  4. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the mention. I'll take that pairing!! :D

    Too funny with Sir Nose and Jizelle!! :smt081
  5. CarlosNevada

    CarlosNevada Active Member

    Thanks, Francie. I would enjoy that pairing. I considered her strongly, pardon the pun, for my shaggable list, but some of these newer folks are paired already. I am an all day sucker, yet another pun, for beautiful feet and tasteful shoes that accent them. Plus, I noticed that she likes Prince, as do I, so it may be time to get some suggested names for our first-born. :) I also applaud your other pairings, as they reflect compatibility I have sensed, particularly Espy and Karma.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2010
  6. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    I still don't know. I'm going to have to stalk you some more to get a better feel for you to see who I think you should be paired with.

    Woooo!! Francie gives me three of 'em!! What're you trying to say Francie? Hmmm? :smt112
  7. CarlosNevada

    CarlosNevada Active Member

    Thanks, Britty. Take your time.
  8. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

  9. Espy

    Espy New Member

    :smt058 Thanks Carlos.
  10. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    Is that supposed to be me? If so I glady accept the pairing of me and her.

    Thanks for the compliment... I would definitely go out with Francie, she's hella cute and I like her sense of humor.
  11. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Yeah it's supposed to be you, no clue at the time how to spell it, suppose I put kutcher cus of the partial ashton kutcher anagram thing. Sorry :D

    Thanks for saying I'm hella cute, I'm gonna take that comment and run away with it. ;)
  12. GirlieGirl74

    GirlieGirl74 Well-Known Member

    It's good to see you too, Carlos. A lot of us did have a lot of fun in the days after we joined. I enjoy looking back through the threads sometime and reminiscing. Hopefully, Tarshi will know how much we love her and miss her, and she will return soon. ;)

    You are I are usually on the same page, and I think for the most part we are on this subject too. I just wonder how many bad days some people can have in a row. :smt042
  13. Espy

    Espy New Member

    I think for some people there is not limit. :smt042 Let's face it, if you're negative all the time, you tend to attract other negative people, misery does love company after all. Basically I think if you go around with a predetermined mindset about people, that's what you tend to find most of the time. People don't like to have their beliefs challenged, so if they think all women are shallow, or materialistic, or all men are dogs, they quickly identify people that possess those traits as a way of reassuring themselves that they're right... after all it can be scary to have to admit you're wrong and open up and put yourself out there. It's that whole concept that ignorance is bliss, and apparently so is self-delusion.
  14. GirlieGirl74

    GirlieGirl74 Well-Known Member

    I have a difficult time dealing with negative people, but they have a difficult time dealing with me too. I've been told by a few people that they thought I was phony, and others have asked what drugs that I take to be happy. I always just laugh and tell them that's just me. I just prefer to be happy than sad. I've had heartache and pain like most of us here have. I just choose to handle it differently than some people do. People are entitled to feel and act however they want as long as it doesn't infringe on my rights or the rights of others. However, I also have the choice in deciding who I let into my life, and I prefer to alleviate the negative.
  15. Espy

    Espy New Member

    As usual I completely agree GG. I encounter people fairly regularly who are annoyed by a positive attitude, or confused. I think people tend to expect you to say positive things, try to make the best of a bad situation or event in your life, but then when you do precisely that and you aren't completely falling apart over it they just don't know what to think. They assume you're either in denial, or putting on a brave face. I've learned in my life that most people truly don't understand someone who can practice what they preach, but then I believe everything that happens is supposed to happen and it serves a purpose so it's really not difficult for me to accept it, deal with it, move on and not look back. It is hard for people to grasp that though, and you would not believe the things people have said to me when I'm not handling something as badly as they think I should be.

    One thing that disturbs me though, since we're on the subject and you mentioned people thinking you're phony, is how a lot of people view any kindness or act of giving with suspicion. I find almost always that if you do anything for another person, no matter how small the gesture, other people immediately ask what's in it for the person doing the giving and if they can't answer that they become guarded and accuse you of hidden motives or just trying to make yourself look good. I find this both irritating and discouraging. If I can clearly see a need exists, and I have the ability to fill it, I'm going to do that and there is nothing in it for me other than knowing the need was met. This applies to people I know, people I've never met, the homeless man on the corner by the mall, etc. Who they are isn't the issue, what they need is, and I just don't understand why people can't grasp that. Some people are actually perfectly capable of helping other people with no expectations of anything in return, they don't need to score brownie points, or be recognized for their efforts. I'm in good place in my life, but that doesn't mean I've forgotten what it's like to be broke, hungry, or alone, it's called empathy and I think too many people just don't have it and the world needs more of it.

    Now in apology for the major thread jacking, and before Francie gets onto me, more pairings:

    BBW & IB - cause he's a nice guy who can appreciate a good woman, and IB is certainly that.

    GG & Tony - call me crazy, but I just think there might be some chemistry there and that would work ;)
  16. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    I have given this a lot of thought.

    Carlosy + IB = Perfect Match. :D
  17. CarlosNevada

    CarlosNevada Active Member

    You're funny. I have always thought she was cool, and she does like to have her feet admired, but not sure she will have me. It's been a whirlwind of a 48 hour period. The love of my forum life (Tarshi) has been driven away and I truly miss her already. Yesterday, Tamstrong has my child, while wearing sexy heels. TC's feet are MIA, and withdrawal is setting in. Now, I have to turn my attention to another lovely suggestion. :)
  18. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    It's only natural that you two can get your mittens togther and release the passion. By the time you two get done with other, he'll have dick pains and you'll wobble around as if you had a bad pap smear. :) ;-)
  19. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Much love here! Thank you for that!
  20. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    I would pair myself with:

    CarlosNevada (LOL)
    Freshness and his glasses


    Stephanie and Raoul
    Francie and Andrae
    Petty and Britty

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