What's going on with you 2.0?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Bookworm616, Jan 1, 2010.

  1. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Don't you have pay as you go cell phones there?
    One of the ones I have over here gives me unlimited to calls to the same network and free landline calls providing i top up once a month:D
  2. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    My gut is telling me I should cancel my get together with my coworker tomorrow. Here is why:

    Coworker A I went out with on 2 dates a few months ago.

    Coworker B I'm supposed to see tomorrow outside of work for the first time.

    Come to find out Coworker A and Coworker B are friends and Coworker A is going over to B's house on Sunday to watch football and meet B's friends.


    I'm thinking this is too risky and I should just cancel out on Coworker B and tell him why I'm canceling out.

    I can't see this ending well. LOL. :smt092
  3. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    With a Friend (UPDATE)

    We've arrived out of the traffic infested area of hers and now we're in the library and she's checking her email. All the while some good opportunities had come to me relating to my engineering field. So, today is good.
  4. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Yeah we got tons of them, and the one I want is only 25 bucks a month for unlimited texting, data, and internet, with 300 minutes for talking.

    I just can't afford the phone part. I've had offers of cheap to free phones from friends, but they all have the expensive companies I can't afford. From what I can tell my two smartest options are the 25 bucks through Virgin Mobile, and 45 bucks/mo through a local company. The second gets me unlimited minutes as well as unlimited text, data and internet. Both are really cheap options, but they both require me to either find someone who will give me a phone (or at least sell me one really cheap) that is from one of the two companies, or to get one and flash it over to the second company.

    Right now the 25 dollar plan would be the smartest, since I could potentially afford that. But I don't know anyone who has one of those phones -_- and of the two phones they have available that would suit my needs sufficiently the price tags are 69.99 and 89.99. Neither of which is feasible this paycheck, yet again. -_- and Next payday? That's rent.

    So my window to get something accomplished in the way of a phone is a few days after my non rent payday (I get paid bimonthly).

    I mean, technically I could still get the phone...but if I do, then I will either be completely broke for the rest of the month or I won't be able to pay my bills at school. I'm trying really hard to stay on top of those annoying bills, so it leaves me broke constantly.

    I haven't had a phone in like a year. It sucks. I use Nate's but it's -his-. Not mine. He's not always around me, and our schedules at work tend to be opposite (he's mostly morning/afternoon and I'm a night closer) so my oppourtunities for even calling my mom are limited. And then when I can call I have to worry about going over his minutes and his mom getting mad at me (they share minutes on her plan).

    In short...I need my own phone, but I can't afford it. I'm holding out minor hope that maybe my mom can get me one of those two phones for christmas, though she'll probably just send me socks again. lol Either way, I'll be happy.

    Or I guess I could ask ppl to help me for my birthday. If enough of my friends would chip in 5-10 bucks I could have a really awesome phone! lol And my birthday is coming up...hmm. Maybe I'll just start dropping hints. >.>

    P.S. My birthday is coming soon. :D January 1st!
  5. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Well there is your answer:D a birthday phone hooray.

    And yeah I'm totally with you on the handset price thing, the best network always has the highest price for the handset you want, but I have chipped phones in the past so they will take the network I want when they have been 2nd hand.
    Isn't there anywhere you can get a 2nd hand phone opened up for other networks, small phone accesorie stores do it here ie they are non network stores.
    Hope you get one soon, not having a phone is like having your writing hand cut off.
  6. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Well I can open them up for certain networks. But they don't all interchange and they also charge a lot for it. It'd cost me 50 bucks to switch over my friend's phone to get the 45 dollar/mo plan. So that's 95 dollars. One of the phones I wanted on the other one for 25 was 70 dollars. It also had a free $20 credit on your account if bought through the website. So all I would've needed was $75 to get a brand new phone activated that I actually liked as opposed to $95 to get a used phone.

    It sucks though cause the credit on the phone is only til the end of the month -_- but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that perhaps for christmas they'll have a sale on multiple phones. Especially the LG Rumor 2. ahhhh I want it soooo bad. lol
  7. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    They charge alot over there to open up a phone, it's sounds like its not worth bothering with that, depending where you go here the price changes, but I never paid more than 20 quid, sounds like they got that market priced out for normal people, why would you bother:smt011

    Just had a look at that LG Rumor and yeah it's quite nice, although I've gone off LG since I owned a Cookie and the screen kept f#cking up on it, piece of sh#it, I want a blackberry curve next, not the newest going but a very reliable little phone with a full querty key.

    At the moment I have a Samsung Diva it's so pretty, nice little phone
    no problems with it either.

    And I had to get the old samsung G600 out after the cookie failed on me, still a great phone though, so running those 2 at the moment.
  8. robina

    robina New Member

    i couldnt be arsed to get my phone unlocked so when my sister donated her old lg phone to me i had to go buy an orange sim, bloody thing eats money on mobile to mobile non orange calls ( so well i just dont calls folks or i put the phone down after 10 mins to get em to call back, lol )
  9. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Ahh you need a T mobile for non same network calls and an 02 for everything else.
    Lol@ you putting the phone down:D
  10. robina

    robina New Member

    i used to have 02, free network to network calls, those were the days, spent half the night on the phone to my ex, now bless him he knows the situ and if i call him he offers immediatly to call me back, lol

    i try not to use the phone as i can never seem to get a top up, always get distracted by bills and stuff for madam, lol
  11. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    just go on the date & don't think too much about it :smt038
  12. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    oooo. It's so pretty!!! I want one...in pink. :D

    If I ever get the phone, it's gonna look like this when I'm done with it


    ahahahah. Or at least a pink pretty design. Something girly. lol
  13. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Ohhh ahh shiny, thats nice, I like that.....
  14. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    You may be putting too much thought into it. I say keep the date & have a good time! You'll never know if you don't give it a go. :D
  15. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    I don't know. I already postponed it. My stomach is in knots. LOL.

    He understood. He didn't want an explanation. He just said, if I change my mind, then I can ask him out.
  16. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    you'll never know what can be if you don't put yourself out there gorgeous. it's just a date, and it may turn into something else.
  17. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    I just don't want to be labeled the office tramp. LOL.
  18. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    better decision. That is just too weird.
  19. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't worry about things like that books, that's just something unpopular people say about popular people:D
  20. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Yup, exactly what I was thinking! It just looks odd going from man to man in your job.:smt011

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