No problemo. I used to consider myself Wiccan, and I still have a fondness for it. One of my roommates regularly practices still. It makes me sad when, on top of all of the negativity flung towards the religion, people like those idiots go and publicize something under the label that is distinctly false. If we knew less about Catholicism it'd be like a bunch of Catholics running around drunk and naked on Sundays and acting like it was the Sunday ritual, and the news cameras rolling the whole time. The actual Catholics would know this to be completely false, but because it was on the news countless sheeple would be convinced that was how all Catholics were. Wicca has been mislabeled as everything from voodoo to satanism, and most people who don't know anything about it tend to jump to conclusions because of all the bad press it's received. I think Britty just thought that's what was happening here. I certainly know I was kind of wary of opening this thread, and I kind of wish I hadn't because I could've gone without hearing about those stupid people. Bah. Just know that those people are idiots and they really don't know what they're doing. This blog post has some interesting info about Wicca, if anyone is interested. An excerpt from the Wiccan Rede, sort of a religious set of laws that I referred to prior.
My good online friend is a Wiccan (High Priestess), also. I will say she has used it to her benefit, not always fairly, however overall she utilizes her religion wisely and judiciously. The fact is, 'those idiots' in the story not only did this, but they said some pretty disturbing things. They didn't appear to be joking either, which frankly makes it more creepy. I think they think they ARE Wiccan. This is the actual ritual they performed...
I was going to leave this alone once I remembered it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness, and then Nikki lit the candle for me. But I'm bored and have the free time right now, plus it kind of feels like a loose end not responding to people saying things to me. And everyone's trying to call me salty, angry, and butt-hurt. Anyway, since you asked: This: And this: Seems I must have unwittingly came off like that. Oh well, what're you gonna do? None of the above. Well, it seems people here don't have to know something before chucking some bullshit about it, like Wiccans. So touche. Because if you did then you'd know that group of people don't do that some ol' bitch shit. That's what people keep saying, (to follow my own advice). My advice was basically skim the surface of Wicca before you start talking about it. Myself, I've more than skimmed Wicca and have dug into as deep as it goes, sir, thanks. Well, "crazy ass witchcraft folk" seemed pretty general to me for someone not addressing the entire group of them. :smt102 My bad, I guess. I didn't say you were the one who left me neg rep. Even if you did, it's fine. I know I'm not perfect and might deserve it sometimes. As for coming off butt-hurt, I'm not sure how to convey tone over the internet, all I can do is say that I wasn't mad (disappointed maybe) or butt-hurt (disgusted perhaps). Besides that, there's nothing I can do for you if you're convinced I have to be angry to tell people when I think they are being fucking stupid. Awww!!! Just for me!!! Thank you, I never would have thought something like that existed. What a funny coincidence. What I said was addressed to the person who did leave it, if it wasn't you, then don't worry about it. Simple. Thank you Nikki. I've tried to "educate" people countless times. A few times here. It proved pointless. So now just saying they are fucking stupid does it for me and is good enough for me without being so time consuming. I'm not trying to change people's opinions, just letting them know how I feel about the opinions they have. Discussion board and all that. So you have a good friend who is Wiccan and you post something that supports the negative stereotypes, prejudices, and misinformation about something as sacred to her as her spiritual path, then just sit back while other people talk shit and make jokes until Nikki posts what she did? I certainly don't begrudge anyone who thinks they've got a friendship with you then.
But no one said anything bad about your religion you just assumed that people did without reading the posts. You're in the wrong my friend.
Wicca isn't my religion. I do think it's saying something bad when someone is perpetuating negative stereotypes about something. To me, that's what I saw, until Nikki posted what she did, then people suddenly have Wiccan friends and make it a point to be more specific about the people in the video instead of generalizing the whole group as I read it before.
Regarding my ONLINE Wiccan friend, which part of my words "I will say she has used it to her benefit, not always fairly" did you miss? I witnessed her cast love spells on a man she fell madly obsessively in love with online in order to win his affection (she was married, btw). I didn't agree with her doing that, and still don't...HOWEVER as I SAID, overall, she used her craft judiciously. People? You mean me. Its not suddenly I have a Wiccan friend, cause I don't give a shit if I do- I only mentioned her in response, to make the point that even she abuses (and one of the reasons I found the Wiccans' Lebron antics ridiculous, and I think they were serious). But know this Britty, I'm not going to absolve the Wiccan religion of any idiotic behavior JUST because I know her. I have Christian friends too - should I follow your lead and also ignore the antics of other Christian's idiotic behavior because it may somehow disparage Christianity? The thread is titled "Wiccans cast a spell on Lebron"...yet you want to blame me for the bad perpetuation of Wicca? Spare it. That's like me reporting "More Catholic priests exposed for pulling little boys penises", and you then chucking a fit because you think I'm perpetuating the negative stereotype linked to the Catholic Church. Sure it can be interpreted by a few as "generalizing", however almost every reader here got the joke and UNDERSTOOD that YES, even in Wicca, there are WICCANS who abuse their 'powers'. Just like some dirty catholic priests in the Catholic Church do. BTW, how the hell do you conclude that in post #43, I am "making it a point to be more specific" about the Wiccans involved, when I posted specifically about them and their antics in POST #1??
I would suggest just getting one made. Then you can make it prettier than the one I posted. Or simple. Just black bg and white words, or something. You can get stuff on canvas, too. I could design a really nice poster... >.>
Am I perpetuating a negative stereotype about moms and motherhood? (I know a mom, btw) Where is your 'fucking stupid' post defending moms? Am I perpetuating a negative stereotype about 'fucking stupid' nurses who don't know how to put a breathing tube on a patient (ps I know a nurse too) Where is your defense post? Am I perpetuating a negative stereotype about crazy cops who are a lil trigger happy?( I know cops, even dated one, bad friend me ) Where is your "fucking stupid" defense post?
Kunoichi why are you trying to make a rational arguement with an irrational person. Knock it off. She hasn't made one solid point yet so nothing you say is gonna make her go "Wow I never thought about it like that. Good point." So let it rock babygirl.
I'm not sure what that has to do with what I said unless you're trying to say it's okay for you to post something that supports the negative stereotypes, prejudices, and misinformation about Wicca because your friend or whatever has fucked up before and did something she shouldn't have. I know Wiccans are human like anyone else, and I never said Wiccans were perfect angels. I said they don't curse people or do what the people in the video are doing. If they do, they're not Wiccans and shouldn't say they are. Like a Muslim wouldn't have a Ganesha shrine in their home, a Wiccan wouldn't place curses and do that stuff in the video. I don't think any religion should be disparaged because of the idiotic behavior of the people who try practicing it. There's no need to absolve the Wiccan religion of any idiotic behavior because a religion isn't a living entity who can behave idiotically or otherwise. But I feel like you're helping to stigmatize the religion more than it is already by advertising the idiotic behavior of wiccabes, letting the chips fall where they may, while you know (or should since you have an ONLINE Wiccan friend) the Wiccan religion is misunderstood so much by the majority of folks without the information or knowledge to know better. Because you didn't say anything like you knew that before post #34, it made me think you're fucking stupid. I know you're not the only one who has done it, but because we share the same forum and you are here for me to be able to tell you what I think about it being done, until you put me on ignore, I'm going to do just that. You had to know you were posting something that would make people lump the wiccabes into the same group as real Wiccans, but you didn't seem to care, and I have a problem with that. Since you have a mostly judicious ONLINE Wiccan friend, I think you ought to know better about what Wiccans experience because of others' ignorance and what sorts of things perpetuate that ignorance. Because it wasn't until post #43 that you referred to the "people in the story" as "those idiots". I didn't remember seeing any of those threads, but even if I did I probably wouldn't have said anything because a few bad cops, nurses, and mothers don't make most people assume that ALL cops, nurses, and mothers are like that. However, that can't be said for Wicca, I think because it's not as common. Not a lot of people know Wicca like they know cops, nurses, and mothers. Ask any handful of people if Wiccans worship the devil and place hexes and curses on people etc, and I'll bet you'll get more yays than nays. Ask any handful of people if cops, nurses, and mothers are homicidal maniacs and I'll bet you get more nays than yays. So, it's really not the same thing like you're trying to make it out to be. :smt081
So..what's going on? Any new curse spell on Lebron as of late? Please let me know. It'd be very nice if his team loses each and every games they're playing to the other teams. He should told his people in Cleveland, rather than shove down their throats. To my opinion, he should have stayed with Cleveland team long time ago. Man, I want to kick his ass for bringing the embarrassment to Cleveland! Damn it! I can understand why people in Cleveland are very angry at him. I can't blame them for that anger. Again, please let me know if there's any new curse spell on him.
I doubt these people are important enough to have the news report this about them twice. Don't expect any future updates. I wouldn't want to place a curse on somebody because they left a basketball team. It sucks seeing any player get injured and not being able to play. Also, do you even watch ball?
Someone got their panties in a big ass twist. Geeeez. Kuno, I co-sign with everything ya said. I tried to rep you but I have to wait before I can. You sound rational and smart.