"GOP is the new black"? MY ASS!!!!! :smt092 GOP is being known as party of no and only supports the rich people, that's it. They just don't care about the quality of people's lives. That's why I loathes GOP so much. They should just die. But right now in about 50 years' time, I don't think there will be republican party anymore. Due to mixed race, I think. Well..it's going to be really good for us, really.
Well, GOP is also for less government involvement and people being more self sustaining outside of goverment support. While YES, many GOP, conservatives, republicans, whatever you call it, can come off as cold hearted and insensitive, to some degree I think there are many points that can be agreed with. I think it is often the media hype on BOTH SIDES that exagerate and label the other to different extremes, so in the end no one on either side really gives the other a chance, but instead paints a big brush. i.e. if you're a liberal than you're this, if you're a conservative, then you're that. Anyway, if this whole the "new black" deal is really how they feel, then it will be that way until they are in control then democrats will be the "new black". I feel like these things are always a back and forth and you just have to vote more on how politicians handle issues in comparison to one's own personal beliefs, way of life, etc., rather than taking the selected party's word for it.
That's why I hate Republicans even more than they breathe into the life that flashes before my life even step into a success! They're not going to take away for what I've worked so harder to earn my permission to leave this country for the UK. Republicans can just kick my black ass. They're the reason why they're being so selfish and very uncared about this country when they were in charge for eight years. They never admitted to own up their mistakes. That's why I love being Democrat myself. I have only a shy of faith in humanity, a shy of faith in American. If this continues as Americans being an idiots and being so blinded for voting for wrong reasons, then I'm gone. My faith is hanging in the balance right now, if that happens, it will shattered.