What's going on with you 2.0?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Bookworm616, Jan 1, 2010.

  1. beautiful02

    beautiful02 New Member

    I just got over strep and that was NO fun. I resigned from one of my teaching jobs. I'm spending more time at home with my son and thats what matters. I'm teaching more online classes at home, which I love. On another note, I have to go to a pain specialist soon for my shoulder so I'm hoping I get relief from that. I'm living life the best way I can. I'm actually happy right now and that is what matters! Love you all!
  2. Anten7

    Anten7 New Member

    I just got back in to Cleveland Hopkins Airport from a business trip. The project manager was reminiscing over his days at Enron: "You are either Friend, Food, or Foe - and eventually, all Foes become Food." I'm just glad he's on our side...
  3. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I'm trying to organize an outing to a supposedly "authentic" british pub for food, beer, and karaoke. Limited funds means very little of much other than karaoke while there, but if I get a lot of people to go I'm sure someone will take pity and at least buy me a pint! :D

    If all works out tonight will be epic, i can feel it. If not then plan b will be a romantic night with my baby. Win-win either way!!!!! I just don't want to waste this precious Saturday night off work. It happens so rarely!
  4. NCBradin

    NCBradin New Member

    Hey guys,

    Just want to let you know that my journey's coming to very emotional ending. I'm in process of talking to my agent right now and if it's going very well, then I may be moving to United Kingdom to do with my project!
  5. curleyblonde

    curleyblonde New Member

    Oh wow, thats great,, good luck. I hope the outcome is what you wanted and expected it to be.
  6. NCBradin

    NCBradin New Member

    We shall see. If BBC likes my project, Universal Lords. Granted, they may find it very alike of Doctor Who. If it's gets to green lit, then there's no telling when the production begin.

    I'm aiming for 2013 or 2014. I need more time.
  7. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    ok that was seriously SO FUN! We went to a british pub and I got to perform one song (Christina Aguilera's "I turn to you") but in the middle of it I MADE IT RAIN so hard...the DJ's told me to keep going and I got SOAKED but it was a great performance. After that they had to pack up but damn it was awesome. Then me and my love shared a banger sandwich and some cheese sticks and i had a looot of whiskey and Nate had this awesome cider.

    Great night! No one else went but I dont care, it was exactly what I needed to relax! I wanna go back but im normally working on Saturdays so it'll be a while. lol
  8. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Just, wow. My manager went apeshit on me and told me that if I hate my job so much I should be looking for a new one. Without explanation, without warning, just random as shit. This one was the one dude in that whole place I thought I could trust. Once again I was wrong on that one.

    Might I point out that no matter how much I hate my job I make a huge effort to never appear upset in front of the customers, always wear my often complemented smile, am as helpful as can be to even the rudest assholes, clean -everything- im supposed to and plenty that I'm not, help out in every way I can regardless, always looking for something to do since I hate being bored (which means I clean a LOT), show up early for work nearly every shift, and always do what I'm fucking told to do. For a long time I actually cared about my job cause I liked the business, but after getting reprimanded quite rudely because somebody else fucked up I felt I needed a meeting with the store ops manager, because it was handled really wrong and I'm tired of no one even bothering to listen to me. He avoided me for the past week and now blew up on me and another worker for no fucking reason, when we're two of the hardest workers in there. It's complete and utter bullshit and I don't know if he's on his period or what but this is ridiculous.

    so I'm getting up in too few hours to look for another job. As soon as I find one I'll be quitting my current, and I highly doubt I'll provide a notice. I'm hoping to be able to just not show up by the next shift, but most likely it'll take longer. So I'll probably end up aiming for a busy saturday night, just so I can have the satisfaction of fucking somebody's night up like they've fucked up plenty of mine.

    grr. With all the enjoyment I had last night I was prepared to ride that high for a week. I didn't even get a full 24 hours out of it. grrr.
  9. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Damn, that's hella shitty. Sounds like my friend at his job, except the manager doesn't bitch at him, and he's the hardest working person there.
  10. mama

    mama Well-Known Member

    This exact same shit happened to me last week, the only difference is I did quit, I couldn't take anymore bullshit. I'm the same, one of the hardest workers, polite to customers n shit n under appreciated. When my boss started shit wit me I let him have it n told him where to stick it. I'm lookin for a new job, hope I find something soon.
  11. mama

    mama Well-Known Member

    Good luck! Hope it all works out for you. :D
  12. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    mama and BA, yeah it sucks hardcore. I wish I -could- just quit. I wanted to, but I have no other means of income right now and I need a lot of money to stay afloat every month. I'm not completely even making ends meet right now, I'm just sorta holding everything together with chewing gum. -_-

    on a brighter note, after a night of no sleep (I get insomnia when I'm stressed) the morning turned out nice. Apparently Nate's wallet finally turned up. Someone turned it in (not sure when) after it went missing like a few months ago. It was here at school. Here's the kicker:

    It still had cash in it.


    It was just two bucks, but still. WOW! Karma finally paid us back for all of the stuff we've turned in...I could've had so many flash drives and drawing pens and stuff, but nooo, I'm honest. It came back!!!!

    And then I totally found a quarter in the cafeteria. Cha-ching!

    Now to survive until 5pm with no sleep. Wish me luck! and I need the patience not to call my work and demand answers. lol
  13. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    OMG!!!! It really is my lucky day!

    So we have these adorable little "pocket buddha" statues at the school supply store. I've wanted one for a very long time, but I always think of getting one when I'm broke. lol So today I was like "You know what, I could use a little peace" so I grabbed the pink one (hehe) which is an adorable tiny buddha figure throwing up a peace sign.

    And I open the little box....and it's GOLD, not pink.



    It means I win ALL OF THEM!!!! wow!! It's 10 bucks shipping but dude, I'm totally willing to do that next payday. With shipping it translates to like over half off.

    I'm so lucky!!!
  14. NCBradin

    NCBradin New Member

    Thank you! :D
  15. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    I had a very long, but productive weekend. We shot our short film over the weekend. Saturday's filming should have ended at about 6:30 and started at like 10:30. Instead, we started filming at about 1:00, and the weather wasn't cooperating with us, and we ended up wrapping for the day at about 11:00 pm. I didn't get home until 12:30, after leaving the house at 8:30. Thankfully, Sunday's shoot was much quicker. We ended at about 4. Yay!

    Now we play the waiting game. Hopefully the editor doesn't take too long editing the film, but we did plan on doing a lot of transitions which will take awhile to edit. I'll post the film (it's only going to be 4-5 mins) when it's finished. :D
  16. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    congrats DH and Books!!
  17. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    so Im working on my companys intranet and now I keep getting a very nice informative message every minute that tells me I have 1782117 minutes left of my session counting down.

    Thank you, I really need to know that...

    it blocks anything I do until I X out, but then it comes back after a minute again.

  18. mama

    mama Well-Known Member

    Government agencies suck balls. :smt085
  19. curleyblonde

    curleyblonde New Member

    Do you work for one?
  20. mama

    mama Well-Known Member

    No, just had to deal with a couple lately.

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