[YOUTUBE]p_8t-e-F2qs&feature=related[/YOUTUBE] Any chance I can get to be moon walking in operating room or posting MJ vids I am all over it like white on rice.
That's what you get when you let "life" get in the way of the forum. We should be your life. This forum should be your macronutrients, calories and fiber. Your taste buds should salivate at the very thought of us. Yet "life" is prioritized over the us! You should've at least called me while you were gone. The fact you don't have my number is no excuse.
I did actually look up "the end" in the phone book, surprisingly I couldn't find you Anyhow, in future I will make the forum my number one. You can be my number two. :smt023
Well, it's just that....it's just that...y'know...with you being back and all... Well...I just...I just...does anyone have a tissue?