Feeling Guilty About Attraction to White Women?

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by IHaveNoIdea, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. JJ4WP

    JJ4WP New Member

    Never Felt Guilty

    As a black man, I have NEVER felt guilty about being attracted to hot white women. :smt060

    What's NOT to like? :confused:

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    Last edited: Oct 18, 2010
  2. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Your attraction is definitely known and then some...lol
  3. BruceCarson

    BruceCarson New Member

    Nope, I wont deny that I inclined towards lighter skinned women but based on studies its a natural thing so I'm not going to blame myself for it. You see it in cohabitation or marriage stats which clearly show a massive tilt towards WW/BM and away from BW/WM... a black man dating a white women basically means there is a single black woman out there.

    Long term though it does suck because the same thing is going to happen here that did in Europe, aka sexual selection leading towards the average skin color of the population getting lighter. On the one hand its good that society is accepting of basically and racial makeup in a relationship, but I dont think the prolifetion of white women with black men is a good thing for racial equality or black people. Like you I guess it shouldn't bother me since we are all just humans but I've had the idea of racial equality so drilled into me that its hard to get over.

    So personally though I've dated white I really want to marry black and intend to.
  4. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Why are you even here?
  5. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    It's proliferation. No such word as prolifetion...

    There's a whole continent full of Black people, even dark skinned Black folks - Imagine that!

    Good for you, but why are you here then? We're not temporary stop gap measures for your dating woes....
  6. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    LOL! We think alike....
  7. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Great minds always do! lol
  8. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member


    Go check the DJ Hero thread. There's more where this came from...lol
  9. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    You clearly dont know much about simple gentics such as Mendelian selection..... Darker - dominant - lighter - resessive.. ergo - the population as a whole would not become lighter.
    Quite the contrary.. the proof is the childern that bm/ww produce, they are more often than not, percieved as black, not wite.

    If you want to marry a bw, then stop wasting your time dating ww.. its not getting you to your goal.

    ps, what malarky are you talking about happened in Europe???? The population has not become ligher there, Thats pretty damn funny. On more levels than one. Clearly you know very little of the European history.
    and lastly, why am I responding to a troll???

  10. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    And let the beef begin smh.
  11. BruceCarson

    BruceCarson New Member

    Because I date white women and I'm black (while biracial actually).

    Also, obviously there is a whole continent of black people, the reason is melanoma and the fact it wasn't covered in glaciers and there was therefore not an extremely strong sexual selection pressure. In ancient Africa it wasn't so hard for a man to support multiple wives, in Europe it was. And Melanoma means there's a strong evolutionary pressure to maintain dark skin in Africa.

    ... Look, I'm not trying to piss people off. If you really just see people as individuals then why should it matter if over the long term black people in North America will get lighter (eventually white) and black women remain single? I'm surprised there'd be hostility pointing this out on a forum dedicated to white women with black men.
  12. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member


    You know damn well, most Black men are with Black women. Stop that, "Race mixing is diluting the Black race" propaganda crap.

    Your agenda is so transparent - trying to guise it as if you're all for interracial relationships.
  13. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    case in point.
  14. Din0Might

    Din0Might New Member

    I have always been told that if you feel guilty or embarrassed than you probably should not be doing it. With that being said, if you feel guilty, you have problems and should stop. Just my 2 cents
  15. BruceCarson

    BruceCarson New Member

    You're right over the very short term, but when you bring up the child of a black man and white woman as a counter example, you clearly can't see the forest for the trees. You understand Mendelian genetics, but what you're missing is evolutionary pressure. The very fact that black man is having children with a white woman, and not with a black woman (who is likely single instead) means the evolutionary pressure is away from darker skin.

    And about Europe, you totally mis-understood me. I didn't mean that Europe has become lighter skinned over the last two years or something, I meant the fact that "white people" come from Europe. White people evolved not because god created them or by random chance, but because 10,000 years ago it was all covered in ice so there wasn't much food around, men could only afford in Europe to have one wife. So their (Men's) preference for lighter skin lead to the evolution of white people in the first place.

    Anyway I didn't mean to stir up a hornets nest, this is just something I've been thinking about and as a black person it bothers me... I guess it shouldn't since black white we're all people and if black people over generations become lighter so be it.

    PS. If you want scientific sources there's plenty online:

    EDIT: Also you're confusing concepts, the population does not become darker if for example all black men only had children with white women. It actually becomes lighter, there's more people that society would consider to be "black" but in reality the genes that code for dark skin are rarer.

    Also I'm here because I do date white women, and the white women/black men phenomenon is something I've been thinking about so I thought this would be a good place to discuss it.
  16. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    I don't know where you got your education honey, but you need to take your ass back to school! What the does skin cancer (aka melanoma in case you didn't know; if you did know then wtf) have to do with continents & glaciers & 'strong sexual pressure' & 'supporting multiple wives', etc........what is your point?

    It's obvious you missed the chapter on genetics in your high school biology class. Have you ever heard of dominant & recessive genes? You need to look it up. Then maybe you'll understand that this shit your shoveling isn't even suitable for fertilizer.

    FYI it's not you that pisses me off; it's your ignorance.
  17. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    well said ib...!!!

    get him tiger...or cougar in this case ;)
  18. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

  19. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

  20. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member


    Geeky for the ownage, the ass stompage and the muthafuckin' WIN!!!!!!


    Shit had me DYING!!!!

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