It has taken 28,000 lives since late 2006, that is more than 7000 lives per year. Today Guadalupe, a town of 10,000 residents near the Texas border, named a 20-year-old female college student Marisol Valles García as town's Chief for police dept. Almost everyone who had this position in last couple years has been gunned down so no one applied for the job except this girl. My pessimistic view makes me think this is maybe a BRILLIANT idea planned by drug cartels. Could it be.... that she is in fact a plant by the Cartel? a matter of PR move, when they don't kill her.... it will cast a lighter image on the Cartels. Do you think the war is going to spill over to Arizona and Texas soon?
It will spill over into every state that has illegal mexican immigrants. All that killing and nobody calls it "brown on brown crime"....makes you wonder why.