keeping pot illegal is a perfect example of what's wrong with this country. As one of the posters mentioned, we allow people to get completely stupid at bars, without regards to whether or not they're driving home. Accidents caused by drunk drivers are staggering. Yet, we have to nerve to arrest people for possession of weed, that they'll probably blaze up at home or at someone else's house, without being a danger to anyone. Something doesn't add up there, and like Joyce said, people that smoke up are being criminalized for no good reason. The only new thing that will come out with legalization, will be regulations on who can distribute it. You will probably have to buy it from certain places, that will tax it and make sure you're over 18/21. It's not going to be without a few flaws.
seriously out of everything, drug enforcement with respects to weed, is just a waste of our non-existent money. Legalize it and throw a tax on it. People would rather have it that way, than have to hide and become labeled a criminal. If you limit it to being sold in stores, it would probably be better anyway. At least you would have trusted brands and won't have to worry about getting some fucked up shit laced with LSD.
Basically. Weed just makes people lazy and even when they drive high, they don't drive as bad as drunk drivers. Although, I'd rather people not drive high but fuck, what can you do?
if anything should be illegal, it should be alcohol. But you know, too many people would lose their way of life. Bartenders, politicians, everyday laymen, etc
HAHAHHAHAH!! For real. My friends would die if alcohol was banned. I wouldn't even give a shit. I'd probably laugh at their asses.
Regulate it and make some fuccing coin off that bud!!!:weedman: It's on the same level as brew IMO, and no matter what we do there's always gonna be weedheads and those who get blunted before they go to work and smoke a bowl before going to bed. The sooner we regulate it and make it legal, the sooner people can learn what it means to smoke responsibly.
aint no different than the people having a beer or two before work no excuse for this shit to be illegal, other than bureaucratic bullshit
What still pisses me off the most about it being illegal ain't the fact that it poses such slight health risk that a former fucking surgeon general endorses it...It ain't the money that could be made off taxing it that might actually make up for the fact that me and everybody else around my age probably ain't gonna get a dime of social security even though we're paying into it like a bitch right now...It ain't all the people it could help through it's medicinal uses... It's the fact that this shit has been illegal for a long time and the only reason it still is comes down to people being afraid to question what fucking Ronald Reagan told them. Slander and libel since it was criminalized back in the day, coming to a head with Reagan's "war on drugs" and with every passing year people still believing it's some dangerous, dangerous thing. I tried to explain the truth to a friend of mine recently, and I crashed and burned because no matter how many times I told her all of the shit I learned about weed, why it's illegal and how it -really- is, she just kept going back to "I don't do drugs". We were in the process of getting drunk. "You realize alcohol is a drug, right?" "yeah, yeah, but it's not really a drug. And it's legal. Marijuana isn't legal" "Yet Marijuana can help people who are on chemotherapy. Try giving those people a beer and see what happens" ugh. I hope more people follow suit with the former surgeon general. If more people who other people actually listen to would say this kind of shit we'd finally make headway. Though I'm wary of them actually doing it, regardless...think about all the people they'd have to let outta jail. That's gonna be a looooot of work ain't nobody gonna want to do.
lol I've had a job since February. I just hate it. And I've been working for the majority of my time since I was 15, I've paid way too much fucking SS tax not to have any sort of check when -I- get old, too, goddamnit. All so people who are old now can be comfortable, but I can't have the same shit when I get too old to work. Not cool. Especially if they keep weed illegal by then. Cause then I can't even blaze up and relax and talk shit about younger generations on my front porch comfortably.
I just love the fact that the age for retirement keeps going up and up. even if it's around when you hit age, you still had to work longer than previous generations, which can be an insult on its own. They should at least give you the option of paying it or not, like group disability insurance. I could be spending that money while I live, you know. Aint no telling if I'll reach 65 or not.
It depends what kinda weed you smoke whteher it will make you lazy or not. The most common weed people smoke is indicas (which make you lazy). Sativas give you a energetic high, then you have hybrids etc etc. Also as a person who has driven fucked up on shit, weed is like water compared to the other substances. If anything when I use to drive high Id drive at my best, hell it was the only time I ever went the fuckin speed limit and under. The government wants you to get addicted to there pharmaceutical drugs which really fuck you over time. The government aint shit but pimps and drug dealers with degrees.