Flaming you edited your post at 5:33 and I posted mine 1 minute before yours. I see great minds think alike...
Islam is very anti-Black...You can even see it with Black muslims. I've NEVER seen a light-skinned Muslim Brother selling The Final Call in the blazing sun...just the darkest Brothers. Not a peep from Farrakahn about Quadaffi's racist rants or Darfur...or slavery in Islam...but he's quick to cry about those palestinians. I stay far away from them.
Thats real talk,Fara-CON is always trying to speak up for them muslims in the middle east and what not,but when it comes to the genocide in Darfur he's silent. When it comes to the thousands of poor black Iraqi's who were brought there as slaves centuries ago,he dont say a word. I've never trusted,respected or rocked with them bean pie eatin,bow tie wearin,nasheed singing black muslims.
I've done research about Islam/Muslims (for an extensive bible study) & what I learned is scary as hell. I believe many jump on the Muslim band wagon without having a clue what it's even about.
Yeah, I try and not be racist or whatever against anyone. However, where I'm originally from (Serbia), muslims were allowed in hundreds of years ago into a certain part of serbia (kosovo... some of you may be familliar with that name). Anyways, they fucked like rabbits and overpopulated the serbian people who had lived there for wayyy longer, and eventually fucking just took it over from serbia and now it's an independent state. And guess what? America helped vote it to be independent. So, I'm not blaming the american citizens, but the american government needs to stop acting like it's anti muslim in some aspects but then kiss their ass all the time (AKA for oil like in saudi arabia, one of the most muslim extreme countries in the world).
DD16,its in Muslims best interests for the sake of their religion to dominate the land their in.Once they dominate it anyone who's not muslim is "fucked" as they say. They'll institute Islamic law and in Islamic law,because whats a muslim country without Sharia? Incest is acceptable (marriage between cousins),there's no minimum age to have sex with a female really so pedophilia is permissible. Anyone who's not muslim is a kaffir and regarded as lesser... There's a multitude of things like that in Islamic law. They also had white slaves centuries ago in the middle east. They called their white slaves Mamlouks and still use the term Mamlouk to refer to whites pejoratively sometimes to this day. Mamlouks were mostly Turkish but the rest were different races of whites that stretched all the way to Germany and France. Islam encourages violence,dont let them try to fool you that its a religion of peace... They only wanna be peaceful when they're outmatched and can't win...
basically whatever is more convenient Saddam wasn't playing nicely, so we invaded and took their oil wells by force. Honestly, how many 'evil dictators' are there in the world? Now ask yourself, how many of them have decent oil reserves and shitty militaries, and no nuclear deterrent. I get the whole 'world police' thing, but why did we invade Iraq and not Iran, N Korea, or some other poor country that treats their citizens like shit? Is it because of their fearsome nuclear arsenals and modernized equipment?
Lol USA government is already taking shit by force... look at iraq... everyone knows it's for oil... This is why most countries of the world cannot trust America's word when it comes to this stuff, because they have a bad rep. This is unfortunate because america's PEOPLE are good people, but their government (like most governments everywhere around the world) are corrupt assholes who like Tam said, only care about money. This is why I fucking hate 99.9% of politicians. You just can't trust what they say most of the time. And Reversed, I hear ya. Actually, serbians were ruled by Turks for 600 years I think. We were their slaves. A lot of serbian people (but definitely not the majority) have muslim-like last names now because if you did not convert you were killed.
so your last name is like Abdullah-Ralf or some shit? oh I forgot..we never got that far, so I won't get a last name
No, mine is still serbian. But thanks for assuming that my ancestors were weak and submissive... asshole.
and if it makes your little pretty head feel better, many of us took the names of our slavers too do you think natives in Africa really have names like Michael Vick, or Charles Witworth, III
Even the word Islam means submission. The goal taught in their teachings is to take over the world & to destroy anyone not Muslim. Muhammad was something. A lot of people don't know his history. He went from being a camel driver to a self-proclaimed prophet. After he was run out of Mecca, he ended up in Medina where he found a lot of people to follow him. He made his "living" as as caravan raider (like a stage coach robber). He taught revenge & took it on anyone that didn't agree with him. He was initially friendly with Jews & Christians until they rejected him as a prophet. He didn't get that no one would accept that a "prophet" who was a thief & a murderer, so he took revenge at every opportunity. Those he didn't murder, he forced into slavery (mainly women & children). He was also a pedophile. Abu Bakar (his right hand man & 1st elected leader of Islam) gave his 3 year old daughter to Muhammad as a wife! But being the upstanding, holy prophet that he was, he didn't consumate the marriage until she was 9! Another interesting fact that may aren't aware of is that Muhammad was also illiterate, yet he claimed that the Quran was his only miracle. I guess it was miraculous because he didn't write it & he couldn't read it. It didn't matter anyway because he made it up as he went along, & if something no longer applied to him, he would change it. He was nuts!