Pretty much, IMO, a case of MANIFEST DESTINY, The Next Generation... EXACTLY like the days of Tuskegee, Alabama...... Only that, this act apparently was the hopes that, because it happened in a fiefdom outside of The U.S.A., it would *stay in the closet*.... And how the hell hypocritical is THIS statement? Yeah....*RIGHT!* Well, I, for one, don't wanna hear from any of THEM chewin' and snarlin' their criticisms & aspersions about the Third Reich's works with 'Eugenics'... 'Cause...I wanna stress AGAIN.....THAT makes YOU nothin' but HYPOCRITES, plain & simple, yes? Remember the Old Adage: PHYSICIAN, HEAL THYSELF! 'Nuff Said!!!! OpinionsCartoonStudios@Yahoo.Co.UK
That's some fucked up shit. They did black folks wrong with the Tuskeegee nonsense and these these folks wrong for the Guatemala incident. This shit is fucked up.
It makes you wonder what other experiments have been done by the almighty government to people they evidently see as expendable. For people to be treated like lab rats pisses me the fuck off! I'm sure our jacked-up society won't be as upset by this revelation as they would be if it were animals that had been subjected to this shit! Animal rights activists would be all over it, but for the people they'd probably excuse it based on who/what they were! This makes me sick!
Damn shame. Another thing that pissed me off about the Tuskegee study was that two of the heads of that "study" were black.
Yeah, we *all* wonder what *else* these miscreants have hidden under their cloaks.. Seriously, if truth ever were to be *fully*'d be a case of "Light a fire in the fireplace, fix an good, stiff drink, sit back and *relax* for at least two hours...'cause that's hoiw long it'll take to tell ya *everything!*" TRUST me!! OpinionsCartoonStudios@Yahoo.Co.UK
"When Everybody's Out To Get You, Paranoia Always Makes Good Sense" - B.E.N. Mann, Author and Humourist Pretty much th' TRUTH, IMO.. OpinionsCartoonStudios@Yahoo.Co.UK
Hell, no, they shouldn't.. This is REAL LIFE; It ain't no freakin' Walt Disney's "WINNIE-The-POOH" Cartoon. But for those of you in the world that wanna persist on havin' a Hide-Yer-Head-In-The-Sand-An'-It-Won't-Be-There-No-More attitude towards life...... Rude Awakenings Shall Cometh Thy Way. 'Nuff Said!!!! OpinionsCartoonStudios@Yahoo.Co.UK
God Damn Amercia~~~!!!!!:smt077 Guess who's preacher was talking the TRUTH!???:shock: Get your ass back in those pews, Mr. OBAMA.:wink:
As much as I have the *utmost* concern for our Animal Kingdom...those O.T.T. tree-hugging hippie types at P.E.T.A. kinda sorta need to get a life, as well.... OpinionsCartoonStudios@Yahoo.Co.UK