The Gripe Corner; All Join In!!

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by AnMDBCartoon, Jun 16, 2010.

  1. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    I hate when ppl wear shirts tht say "free (insert w/e name)" and when you ask what did such and such do u find out they killed 15 ppl or got caught wit 10 bricks in there car. Or the kicker is when the person happens to be a celebrity who makes millions that did some stupid illegal shit (T.I, Lil Wayne, etc). Those niggas dont deserve any kind of sympathy they did stupid shit and got what dumbasses deserve.

    I also hate when guys wear skinny jeans then decide to sag them.
  2. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Dude, we have the same brain or something. I hate when rap fans do that shit. I post on a rap forum and every time some rapper gets arrested, the dipshits go "Man, fuck the police. Always fuckin' with a nigga. Free *rapper's name*". And here's the best part, on that site, if you call them out for being stupid, they accuse you of being a cop. A FUCKING COP!! I've been called a cop so many damn times on that site. And the funny thing is, these rappers rap about doing all these crimes n' shit and when they get caught, the fans wanna say "The cops jus lookin to fuck wit a nigga". Then, if a rapper really is moving weight, they glorify him but think he should be free, but if a rapper doesn't really move weight, he's a bitch. I swear to god, I hate rap fans.

    Some rapper got caught with 6,000 E pills at Sac International Airport last year and his fans were like "free mah nicca".

    And I'm with you on the sagging skinny jeans. Only thing worse than sagging baggy pants is saggy skinny shit that is made so you WON'T sag. All they do is form tighter aroun dyou ass when you sag. Nobody wants to see that shit.
  3. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    Ikr, fans can be some serious dumbasses. When pookie and dem get locked up, you think T.I got a shirt on saying free my fans pookie and dem... HELL NO, that dude going on with his day like shit aint even happen.

    One more gripe I have is when people use the word irregardless, I swear it drives me crazy.
  4. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    My internet has been fucked for the past 2 days and they can't come to fix it until Saturday. :(
  5. AnMDBCartoon

    AnMDBCartoon New Member

    And here we are yet again with a NEW gripe...

    Tonight's Gripe is Sponsored By:


    Is *THIS* any way to treat your Fellow American?

    So I *did* land Stateside promised:

    No production projects....YET!

    I *am* here for two or three conventions...(Hope ta see ya wherever I hang my fedora, yes?)

    Ennyroad, back to the gripes....yes, plural *not* singular....not today...

    First thing,


    Every now & then I like to do my bit to help out my Fellow Space Travellers, by giving blood..

    The folks at the Red Cross got one look at my Passport - saw that I have been living & working in England since 2000 - and PERMANENTLY put my data into the system denoting that I am *FOREVER* barred from donating blood in the U.S.A.!

    My response was: "D'ya mind if I ask...*why*?"

    It was explained to me that it's for fear of any threat of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (SBE) more commonly known as: MAD COW DISEASE..

    The big fear is that Yours Truly, having been in The U.k. for over 18 months, mighta consumed beef over there...and contracted..well, you know..

    I *told* those bozos that I *don't* eat beef of ANY kind...AT *ALL!*

    And *I* was told : "Well, you could just be SAYIN' that.."

    ..and so, that was the end of that....

    The misery continuums....

    This A.M. I went to one of the local DENNY'S for a breakfast (2-4-1 coupon that Mrs. MDBCartoon found on the back of a grocery register receipt tape)

    Ennyroad, the personnel there were sitting around like retirfed Country Club hotshots....and apart from them, the establishment was *devoid* of *any* other patrons whatsoever. Nothing.

    And I was told that they had -- *run out of food* -- and were awaiting a re-stocking delivery .. about 1 to 2 hours they said.

    I told 'em this is the last you've seen of *Yours Truly*, hiotherto a loyal patron.....and stomped outta the building.

    I mean....a 24-hour dining emporium? Running outta food? What the HELL is up WITH that?!?

    Get STUFFED!:smt096:smt076:smt067:smt070:smt019

    Guess it's BACK to living by THREE WORDS a'la Wile E. Coyote & Charlie Brown:

    YOU CAN'T WIN!!!

  6. AnMDBCartoon

    AnMDBCartoon New Member

    Part II of Is *THIS* any way to treat your Fellow American?

    Can't a fella get a BREAK?

    Is this 'false advertising'? Or is somebody SO mentally defective that they FORGOT to pull a promo advert on telly?

    I headed to The OLIVE GARDEN...where they were advertising theirn famous Never-Ending-Pasta Feast.

    I just pulled up to the hostess station...and was told by the hostess..

    "Oh, that just *ended*...."

    The freakin' commercial JUST AIRED **LAST FREAKIN' NIGHT!!**

    Well, thank YOU, pal!

    And so I *did* storm outta there...and was told:

    "Have a great night!"

    Get STUFFED!!!!

    YOU CAN'T **WIN!!**

  7. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Why am I the only empathic person I know? I mean, seriously, I don't ask much from my friends, but why can no one be there for me when I need it?

    Is it so fucking hard to utter the words, "hey, bookie, I know your life sucks right now, I wish there was something I could do" to me? I do it for my friends. Why can't I ever get that in return? Instead I get judgments back at me.

    WTF? I hate most of my friends and am ready to tell them to fuck off because they can't be there for me when I need them, which is hardly ever.

    Disclaimer: This does NOT include all of my lovely wwbm friends, who have never met me in person, yet don't find it difficult to give me a *hug* when I need it. For that, I am forever grateful. :smt050
  8. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Sorry to hear about that, Bookie. It sucks having bad friends. I usually like to keep my group of actual "friends" small, because it's less drama and let downs. Just pick out those few actual friends and associate with the "others" less often. The "others" might get butt-hurt, but shit, why should it matter to them when they don't care that much.

    *HUGS BOOKIE!!!*
  9. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator


  10. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    I know what you're going through!
    Hugs & kisses! Love ya Bookie!
  11. AnMDBCartoon

    AnMDBCartoon New Member

    Remember, Luv...We're ALL here for you..

    In the words of RED GREEN:

    Remember, I'm *pullin'* fer ya..


    'Nuff Said!!!!

  12. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Thank you so much guys and gal. I really appreciate it! I felt the hugs. ;)

    Thanks for cheering me up! :smt060

    And Tam, I hope things get better for you, too.
  13. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Thanks Bookie!
  14. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    i'm so sorry lovely...!!! it's always disappointing when you realise that the people you love and choose to invite into your life and support no matter what cannot do it in return. maybe an early spring clean is necessary...??? big love & hugs to you:smt058
  15. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    hope alls well with you tam...!!!! big e-hugs & kisses xxxx
  16. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member


    'NUFF SAID...!!!!!
  17. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Thanks gorgeous!!

    I was having a rough day yesterday. Today, I got into work to find an email from the friend who really just acted cold to me, she replied to my reply that she wishes she could say something (about my situation) that would make it better.

    You know, that's ALL that she needed to say to begin with!!

    However, I will be concentrating more on the people that consistently make me happy and don't judge me. :smt023
  18. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

  19. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    I hate people that suffer from "look at me syndrome" (narcissism to the nth degree), you know the kind of people who brag all the time or talk loudly so everyone (people who arent even in the coversation or care about the convo) can here their accomplishments etc.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2010
  20. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    surprised you could hear me over the pacific...!!! oh did i tell you about the time that....:p

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