White America Has Lost It's Mind!!! About 12:01 on the afternoon of January 20, 2009, the white American mind began to unravel. But when that streak was broken—and, for the first time, a non-white president accepted the oath of office—white America rapidly began to lose its grip. As with other forms of dementia, the signs weren't obvious at first. After the 2008 election, when former House majority leader Tom DeLay suggested that instead of a formal inauguration, Barack Obama should "have a nice little chicken dinner, and we'll save the $125 million," black folks didn't miss the implication. References to chicken, particularly of the fried variety, have long served as a kind of code when white folks referred to black people and their gustatory preferences—and weren't many of us already accustomed to older white politicians making such gaffes? But who among us sensed that it was a harbinger that an entire nation was plunging into madness? Who didn't chuckle, after all, the first time they heard that white people had doubts that Barack Obama had even been born in the United States and was therefore ineligible to be president? It sounded like one of those Internet stories in which some (usually white) writer does his best to prove something everyone knows to be true is actually the exact opposite. And you go along with it for a few paragraphs to see how long the writer can convince you that what you know is right is actually wrong. Seemed like that, didn't it? After all, what was the beef? Obama's father was Kenyan, and the kid was born in Hawaii—which is barely a part of the United States to begin with (only a state in 1959!). His mother was white, and after the Kenyan guy left, she married an Indonesian guy, so little Barack lived in Jakarta for a while before coming back to Hawaii to be brought up largely by his white grandparents. . . . And that's it? Come on, this was after-school-special material, the kind of thing that brings a tear to your eye because little half-Kenyan/half-white Barry made good, not the stuff of conspiracy novels. But the more you shook your head at it, the more it seemed to have taken root deep in the lizard part of the white nervous system. Obama is not an American. He says he's Christian, but he has a Muslim-sounding name. He's not black, he's not white. . . . Is . . . is he even human? Click link below for more: http://www.villagevoice.com/2010-09-29/news/white-america-has-lost-its-mind/ The title speaks for itself.
wow, This is so bias. It is like Obama's administration can't win with Steve Thrasher. The story goes from a black man eating chicken stereotype and jumps over the 125 million dollars he saved the country and other black people. Then he paints white people as not believing in Obama's birth when even Bill O'reily said he was born here and white people have been the ones to prove it. His mother a white woman proved it. Many white officials from Hawaii have proven it. His granddad and grandma(white again) proved it. Yes, some white people believe it but most in the country do not. Just so easy to turn crap into racism where it isn't. It does nothing but divides the country and makes it harder for the administration to run.
What bias?? His article is spot on, IMO. He quotes a Harris poll that says 25%A of Republicans think Obama is the ANTICHRIST. Think about that shit for a minute. A quarter of all GOPers think the POTUS is Satan's herald and the harbinger of the Apocalypse.:-? It's really hard to believe that Obama actually won the presidency with the amount of hatred out there towards him.
thats ashame because we are here saying we love white women and yet you are saying they have lost their minds uh ok:smt021
I think the article shouldn't be calling all white people crazy or whatever, just the ones who are like really extreme kinda republican, we'll say anything to slander your name people. If it wasn't for a bunch of white people voting for obama, obama would not have won. Clearly a lot of white people are not stupid idiots who think he is like a muslim and not born in the USA, so I think it's unfair for them to lump all whites into a big pile.
Whoa now, we all know that the actions of a select few gives people the right to brand and judge a whole people group. As also two wrongs make a right, right?
All these articles and bullsh!t like it only serve to distract EVERYONE from serious issues and the real facts. I don't fault How personally for posting this, but I do think everyone should just ignore these types of articles/coverage. Give no pub to it, if those whom are smart and have level head on our shoulders just ignore this sh!t, then that sh!t and the people that create it will cease to make elicit respones their looking for, therefore ceasing to exist at in our just, right, equal, deomcratic, etc. realm...I'm in my good place without these fools, how bout yall?
I guess you can blend in real well in a Klan meeting, Tuck. There is a difference between loving SOME white women who LOVE you back and SOME white people (especially republicans) who want to see black people disappear from the face of the earth. Not all white women LOVE black men otherwise WWBM would be full of white women members.
What? He generalized, why is that hard for people to except and stop with the "gotcha" nonsense that is all over media and opinion? White Folk have lost their minds, us loving White Women has nothing to do with it. If you're White and don't hold those attitudes then you're not suppose to be offended. I don't defend "Coon" behavior, yet all "Black People" are capable of it. As they say how does it feel to have the shoe on the other foot?
Eh? How come we can't call some White Folk on the mat for their views? This is largely the problem with trying to point that out. People assume "Two wrongs don't make a right". Whole on a second, we as Black People don't control the Government (Obama not withstanding) and for sure don't control the Economy/Industry. So when 25% of registered Republicans believe some bullshit, they are racist without admitting so, in their circle its okay to hold these opinions. Those muthafuckers ARE Crazy? What does that have to do with a White Women somewhere right now (3am) in North America who's spooning with her Black boyfriend/husband and has bi-racial children in the next room? Not a dam thing! Stop trying to equalize shit.
It's not about equalizing anything. We know they are wrong; a lot of them with those extreme views know their wrong too, why focus on the event? Why not focus your effort on prevention of the event, or the after effects. Reading this sh!t is a waste of time my friend, do something before the fact, like I did, I was on the primary Obama campaign group, I did something before the fact. After all the articles, tv coverage, net coverage, etc, I'll be here still campainging for the demo's...that's what I'm talking about...what are you doing?...voting?...great...what else?...reading articles?...great...what else?
Good points Fresh. It's like the tea party movement- its as powerful as its responses. We all know what a crock of shit it is, yet when people blew on the flame, it stoked to the catastrophe we saw daily on our news about it. The author from the git-go should have said... "But when that streak was broken—and, for the first time, a non-white president accepted the oath of office—white THE FAR RIGHT/CONSERVATIVE America rapidly began to lose its grip."
To make a long story short: Mellow out...Hissing, Spitting & being frustrated & bitter about it will only elevate yer Blood Pressure un ecessarily. It sucks like hell...but remember the sage words of The Much Regretted John Winston Ono Lennon, BEATLE Emeritus, M.B.E. (ret'd) They'll Get Thiers Yet.. 'Nuff Said!!!! OpinionsCartoonStudios@Yahoo.Co.UK
The Tea Party is trumped up by the media as to present there's a movement against the policies of a Black President. There's a fly in the ointment! 1) The original Tea Party is full of Libertarians, many whom don't hold a racist few and believe people should be treated equality at all times and that groups should not get preferential treatment. Ron Paul has said this SEVERAL TIMES. 2) The Tea Party has been hijacked by the RNC support network, not the RNC directly. Inside that support network are KNOWN White Supremacist groups or known Racist that have written racial charged articles for known White Supremacist Newsletters and Web Sites (proven, documented). Among its shock troops are Focus on the Family Extremist, Concern Citizens Council(s), Concern Tax Payers, etc, etc. I supported Dennis Kucinich for President who is a TRUE PROGRESSIVE. Obama MADE him vote for that stupid Health Care Reform bill. Nobody had gotten more money during the 2008 elections from Financial Services than Obama. I agree the focus should be on the Tea Party's lack of coherent answers to problems. All they can say is smaller Government, as-in privatizing everything. They were no where to be found during the Bank Bail Outs. They support extreme social conservative loons like O'Donnell, Paladino, Miller and Angle. But I will defend White People loosing their minds. Why because who else would complain to Frito-Lay about a Noisy Sun Chip Bag because it was made Bio-degradable? - http://www.usatoday.com/money/industries/food/2010-10-05-sunchips05_ST_N.htm Even a fucking Facebook page? - http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-new-SunChips-bag-is-just-too-loud/118148924863668 This is not the correct one, I don't care enough to find the actual group that's 44,000 members and counting. Its all White People, maybe with too much time on their hands, how come they weren't marching on Oct 2nd????