Before I move to UK....

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by NCBradin, Oct 7, 2010.

  1. NCBradin

    NCBradin New Member

    What can I do to prepare myself once I set my foot up there? I'm not that stupid when it comes to my cousin who lives there, she's going to set me up for meeting hot girls.

    I just want to be prepared, just in case! I know UK do indeed have closed captioning as I've been told by my dear friend. That, I can relax easily. So..mind you guys giving me the list? Tell me what to do!

    I'll be moving there to do business, you know?
  2. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    have you ever been there before nc...??? london is such an amazing city, just wondering the streets is fun enough. you can do the touristy things like the eye, museums and the tower etc. walking around is the best way to familiarise yourself with the place though. my husband and i on the weekends used to flip a coin...heads was left, tails was right and we'd drive in the country and explore it that way. weekend trips to bath, plymouth, brighton, scotland, ireland...train to paris. you'll find yourself busy

    good luck & have fun :D
  3. Complex

    Complex New Member

    Double Post
  4. Complex

    Complex New Member


    Most Americans that explored England said that we are too snobbish. I would imagine such a conclusion is based on our linguistics.

    Our sense of dry humour differs than Americans, which offers a punch line. If you have no idea what is dry humour, might I suggest viewing this…

    By all means keep your American accent if you are looking to snag a bird.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2010
  5. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    i've found that the brits tend to have the same sense of humour as us aussies which i love :D
  6. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    You will spend your entire life in some podunk town in North Carolina feeding stray cats, the closest you'll ever get to a consistent supply of pussy.

  7. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    lol...your tongue is sharper than most knives i've come across saty
  8. NCBradin

    NCBradin New Member

    You're being very mean. You don't know me. You're an asshole today, did you know that? You better keep your mouth shut. Go away, you asshole.
  9. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    You can preparing by fucking all the hot American women on your list. :smt036

    Naw, but for real, the only thing I can really tell you is research the place you are planning on moviing. Even though it's still an English speaking country, there are probably going to be some cultural differences, so just read up on where you're gonna live.
  10. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    :smt081:smt081:smt081:smt081:smt081:smt081 I'm glad I wasn't eating a cheeseburger. I woulda choked on that muthafucka after rading this.
  11. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Know that they refuse to drive a car on the right side of the road. It has become their time honored tradition to ride it on the wrong side of the road.
  12. robina

    robina New Member

    no no, we drive correctly, its all you other crazies that insist on driving on the wrong side of the road

    theres no list of things you should do to get into life here, just visit places you want to go and chat with anyone you come accross
  13. Complex

    Complex New Member

    If you ever happen to visit the States, you will embark many Americans who cannot decipher a Brit from an Aussie in terms of speech pattern.

    When I first arrived to the States, many assumed I was Australian, based on watching numerous episodes of Steve Irwin. I do remember chatting with a friend, which, commented on the numerous times, he was mistaken for British, despite being Australian.

    I do believe we have common traits despite residing on different sides of the equator.

  14. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Back in the day Swedes used to have cars like the US driving like the English but it changed in the mid 1960's when they drive on the right side of the road. NCB,you may had to import you car to the UK if you want your left handed steerring wheel.
  15. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    TBear,I wonder is some people can tell the difference if a man who speaks like Paul Hogan compared to Terry Thomas?
  16. swirlman07

    swirlman07 Well-Known Member

    Humm, I don't understand the comment about closed captioning if you are in London?? When people ask me about the differences between the states and Europe I tell them that here in the states it's all about convenience. Everything is done with an eye toward the consumer. I find service to something lacking in most of Europe, just my opinion as opposed the states. Here, the customer is king and you can get away with a lot. I don't find people bending over to satisfy people in Europe.

    Get used to drinking bottled water as the quality of water isn't so great. But, you get your choice or plain or gas, lol, which is different that the states. You can expect to have smaller apatments, smaller beds, not king or queen size., not as extensive a variety of items your are used to like shopping at Walmarts, Best Buy, Targets, etc.

    You won't have the convenience of 24 hour stores like the states where you can buy almost anything around the clock, fromr auto parts to having prescriptions filled, on and on. If you are a fan of fast food, you won't find all the ones we have here, and when you do, there are twists on the food to suit the local taste. Get used to mayo on your fries, lol.

    Refrigerators as smaller as people don't shop for a week's worth of food but tend to buy items daily or for a few days only. Oh, and in most countries you usually get porn every Friday and Saturday night free on tv, after midnight, lol. A.

    Even though Engish is spoken in the UK, the words can be quite different for every day terms, though some are intuitive. Instead of the trunk of a car, it's a boot, or you take the lift instead of the elavator, torch rather than flashlight, etc. Spelling is also different for some words as are verbs.

    I am sure that you will enjoy it, it's just going to be an adjustment for you. But, take it all in and enjoy your time.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2010
  17. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    lol...sorry soul, just saw this...!!! i've noticed that a lot of americans cannot tell the difference between an australian and an english accent which is odd to me...i even remember once there was subtitles on a programme because an australian was speaking...
  18. robina

    robina New Member

    when did you visit the uk? the 80's?

    asda is owned by walmart, many are massive stores selling near damn everything and are open 24 hours, alot of tesco's are too
    we also have 24 hour pharmacys, hospitals have em too for emergancy scripts

    small beds? lmao we have king size, super king size and queen too

    you get good service in resturants, not so much in macdonalds and the like. places that employ teens on minimum wage aint gonna be the worlds greatest service but ya get what you pay for

    sorry to disappoint you on the free porn, the standard channels dont do it these days, you need to pay for it on cable or watch it online like everyone else

    get used to fries with mayo? erm we have ketchup, mustard, brown sauce etc just like the rest of the world
  19. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Basically a smaller united states that drives on the wrong side of the road.
  20. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I didnt understnd the comment about bad water in Europe as as well, that would be South Europe, not the rest...most of Europe has better water than many places in the US - the water in Houston is awful and so is it where I live in LA. Most big cities in North Europe has 24 h shopping - I dont know about South Eourope and the small beds got me chuckling to as I dont know anybody in Sweden or Germany who dont have King beds... the fridge thing or apartment thing being smaller is not true in Sweden and netither is the food shopping habit he spoke of.

    haha poor guy just got on wwbm and is getting pounded for generalizations already... No harm Swirlie:) we dont measn to be mewan..

    I do eat my fries with mayo tho - but most my friends in Sweden have them with that awful thing called Ketchup. LOL. Ketchup has been i every single household and restaurant in Sweden as long as I remember.

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