My checklist of music: old school hip hop and R and B and dance music ---- check working on my country ------ check working on my Pop ----- check HHHHMMMM what is left .... ahhhh shitt time to ROCK GOT DAMN IT lets get it started with my favorite VAN HALEN: lets start with the classic [YOUTUBE]wlq0lYB3iSM&feature=related[/YOUTUBE] [YOUTUBE]4n4g1bGITLc[/YOUTUBE] AC\DC [YOUTUBE]Bomv-6CJSfM[/YOUTUBE] living colour a little known black rock band [YOUTUBE]7xxgRUyzgs0&ob=av3e[/YOUTUBE] billy idol= goodlove [YOUTUBE]ToeY7MkCm0c[/YOUTUBE] [YOUTUBE]0VNx78SAq8M&feature=related[/YOUTUBE] Kick ass band of today [YOUTUBE]1V_xRb0x9aw&playnext=1&videos=xlGPeWVzmcs&feature=artistob[/YOUTUBE] [YOUTUBE]HyHNuVaZJ-k&feature=channel[/YOUTUBE] lets not forget nirvana [YOUTUBE]hTWKbfoikeg[/YOUTUBE] the clash [YOUTUBE]bJ9r8LMU9bQ[/YOUTUBE] so what you got to add ?
I shook my head to "cult of personality" all my life, and never knew what he was saying until thank you. Van halen jump reminds me of those classic michael jordan games, pretty awesome.
[youtube]gvDpFqBCRQU[/youtube] samantha james beach house-relaxation [youtube]EBN4oUT9lAs[/youtube] uplifting trance. feel the rise on a good day.
I like that . here is some others by a bad ass band INXS [YOUTUBE]vSME53nL8tg&feature=related[/YOUTUBE] [YOUTUBE]gkLL7JdnIk0[/YOUTUBE] [YOUTUBE]6jujG5X9iZs[/YOUTUBE]
Did michael jackson sample the last song? correct my ears but it sounds like 'black or white" for some reason. The beat atleast.