Diddy Wants Some 'Sammi Time'

Discussion in 'Celebrity WW/BM Couples' started by nobledruali, Sep 23, 2010.

  1. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    Why is Puffy even sweating this chick, she isn't even attractive in my opinion.
  2. z

    z Well-Known Member

    I concur.
  3. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Money doesn't buy class!

    Well I missed this one, didn't I, lol.

    Not a hater move in the least. I just googled 'Diddy's baby mamas'..and this tri-pic popped up. Sue the photographers..or the models themselves.

    The point is, Sammi can compete looks wise. The fact is, Diddy a "dude worth hundreds of millions of dollars and whose name is a brand" fathered kids with those no-name women, and I find it ironic that it's ok for you to say Sammi doesn't even come close to looking good like that all the time, but what, his B/M's do?? Dream on.

    She doesn't carry herself like trailer park trash....she's fucked ONE guy over two seasons, is IN LOVE with him, doesn't get repeatedly pissy drunk, doesn't get into a bunch of fights, stays home often and usually doesn't wear make-up or dress flashy when at the house.

    Therefore, I think you have it confused. Trailer trash carrying is when you have multiple kids with multiple women, or have multiple kids with a man who you KNOW is having kids with multiple women!
  4. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Yeah, well sop that^ up too with your biscuits and lick your fingers to boot! :mad:

    Last edited: Oct 8, 2010
  5. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    He's not worth even close to a Billion dollars! lol. His worth is $450 million. You act like Russell is out of his stratosphere - Russell is worth $350 million.

    In the Forbes list, Beyonce's $ figures are from her concerts. No one makes money in CD sales anymore -too much illegal d/l's and bootlegs...performing is where the big bucks are. (Unless you're Susan Boyle, number one CD seller last year).

    The head scratcher I alluded to pertains to their physical and mental relationship. Totals polars in all aspects, ala Bobby and Whitney. I also don't know why you think Beyonce's fame was on the decline when she met and married him. She was the hottest ticket in town then.
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I never said she wasn't on par to smash. I'm sure he's done worst but the fact they made it seem like he was running her down just don't sound right.
    As far as my trailer park trash comment is concerned, anyone who makes their private life a circus like that gets the stamp. She did get into fights on the show and she definitely carries herself like a battered woman who would scream at the police after getting her ass beat swearing that he loves her. Total trash my friend. In comparison to the rest of the cast maybe not but that ain't saying much.
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Well I didn't get an accurate amount of how much Jay is worth but a lot of articles put him between 450 to 530. So I'll give you that one more or less. Put it like this no matter how big Beyonce is or was in pop she will never touch who Jay z is in rap. He's top five on everyones list, she'll barely be a memory after 35. I don't see why them being together would be a head scratcher. He's the greatest at what he does.
  8. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I read a different version.

    That she was with a group of friends and on the phone when he had his driver pull upside to her and yelled for her. She went over to him while he tried sweet talking her. She merely continued her phone conversation. Now for all we know, it could have been her man on the phone, and we DO KNOW she has a man. You know not all women drop their men, their panties or their phone calls when Diddy pulls up in his car.

    She never "got into fights' she defended herself when women or a certain housemate attacked her. You would defend yourself too, right? How is that trashy?
    She's shown she would be the antithesis of the woman who would scream at cops to stop, rather she'd be the one to have him arrested.

    Let's not talk about about people making their private lives public, ok? Diddy tweets his private, often-times crazy thoughts on the daily, his woman Cassie has her vagina, nipple and clit-piercing out there for the world to see, His late boy Notorious BIG publicly beefed with Tupac via rap songs over fucking Faith, Faith wrote a tell all autobiography about her life with Diddy and Co, and Diddy has so many reality shows focused on following his circus of a life, its mind-boggling trashy cu-razy. :rolleyes:
  9. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Is he a great husband, we don't know. But we disagree on him being desirable to a woman physically. Sorry.
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I never said a word about him being physically attractive love.
    And just because he doesn't do it for you doesn't mean other women feel the same. Him just being who he is warrants more attention from women than a better looking nobody. I find women are far more attracted to our status than our physical.
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Whoa slow down. In the first season she instigated the hell out of a fight that got her beloved bf locked up because she was acting trashy. I never said Puff didn't act trashy I'm just saying the idea of him texting her girl to get her number didn't sound right. The one thing I notice about women ESPECIALLY those craving fam ie Sammi being on Jersey Shore, the don't normally miss a chance to get more of it.
  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Andre, I have yet to MEET OR READ a notion from any woman that finds J-Z sexually and visually attractive. At the end of the day, you don't fuck his money. That's not to say that a woman over time may BECOME attracted, but from the git-go? Uh no.
  13. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    What show were you watching? "Instigated the hell out of a fight"? lol.

    If you're referring to the Irish dick who first bothered Pauly D, then Ronnie and Sammi, who also hurled insults at them as they walked home..you damn better believe Sammi or any woman would respond back. I would have said a lot more than she did. Ronnie just mis-directed his anger at Sammi afterwards, but that incident didn't garner his arrest. This did... http://www.jellofart.com/mtv-jersey-shore-fight-ronnie-knocksout-some-guy-then-gets-arrested/ ...*notice Sammi minding her business.

    I don't know Andre from NY...you must not like Jersey girls or something.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Any chick who wouldn't have the forethought to shut not knowing if that guy had a gun or a knife is trash. Why make things worst with your mouth.
  15. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Why don't you direct that ish thought to the loud mouthed drunk punk who was bothering them.
    You can't operate on the fear of guns and knives, because the odds are your suicidal co-worker would have one before a pussy fucktard in Bermuda shorts and wife-beater with flip-flops stumbling on the boardwalk had one.

    And fyi, Ron and Sam had bodyguards shadowing them the whole time.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2010
  16. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Umm, I find Hov attractive. Maybe it's part of the whole package though (excluding money Andrae, lol). He's one of my favourite rappers and I know the word is overused but he has 'swag' for days. I don't see why everyone thinks he's so ugly but oh wellll. I don't really go for pretty boys.

  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    And this is why you're the shit LS. I'm really happy you said this and not me.
  18. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Notice your reasons WHY, which are operative words, and why I stated "that's not to say that a woman over time may BECOME attracted, but from the git-go? Uh no."

    Now if you saw him walking down the street and he WASNT J the rapper, if you became sexually attracted and desirous of him, then fine, go ahead and tear his clothes off. But you prefaced your attraction, which was my very point.

  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    But she also made it known that she doesn't go for pretty boys. Not everyone goes the for the same exact type. He's not attractive to you physically but you don't speak for the 3 billion other women in the world who might.
    I don't like fat chicks and don't think most guys would go for one but I can't speak for every single guy.
  20. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    I get what you mean but nah, I think he's attractive but those other things just make him more appealing. I actually like the picture you posted.

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