1. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    This song came to mind ;)

  2. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

  3. AnMDBCartoon

    AnMDBCartoon New Member

    One finl response to this thread:

    Yours Truly was pretty much living a lifestyle of The Fonz in his bachelor days.....through 9 foreign countries & 15 U.S. States..

    And the aforementioned L'OREAL advert making gig....I jumped at the chance to do back in 1998 (Before Mellisa & I were an *item*)..basically, it was the most *surefire* way I knew to get a date....

    When AnMDBCartoon & Mellisa became Mr. & Mrs. in 2000, I went into Consummate Professional mode when making said adverts...and never once did I *ever* consider straying from my marriage!

    And even though I *am* getting back into the gig with working with models/actresses for films & adverts....IT-IS-MY-JOB-AND-SHALL-BE-NOTHING-MORE-THAN-MY-JOB!

    That's as in That Was *Then*...This Is *NOW!*

    'Nuff Said!!!!

  4. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

  5. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Yeah & they need to choke on it!

    True, there are a lot of folks who intentionally go after people in relationships. IMO they do share in the blame. I asked someone close to me why she always went after the women her husband was screwing instead of killing him, and her reasoning made sense. She said that some of these women go after married men intentionally out of coveting what another woman has because they're jealous & want to destroy it. I know this isn't always the case, but after she told me that, I've paid attention & seen it happening. I have an aunt like that. Almost every man she's been with was married to someone she knew. I had a roomate that would befriend our neighbors girlfriends and fucking him behind their back the whole time.

    What's funny to me is when these people marry or get into a relationship with the person they cheated with, they are shocked & hurt when that same person cheats on them! What the hell else do they expect?

    There is definitely no shortage of single, horny people to screw running around!

    So true, R1J! If someone wants to screw around then why be in a relationship? If you'd rather be with someone else, be honest with the one you're with & let the relationship go. Nothing positive comes from being selfish, and that's what cheating is.

    Amen! I like the way you think J!

    As for myself, I believe cheating is wrong.

    I was involved with a man 11 years ago that I thought I had a future with. He said he was single, and I didn't see any reason to doubt him because he gave no indication he was attached. He turned out to be a lying sack of shit!
    I found out that he was married, but he tried to tell me it was only on paper because they separated a few years prior to his meeting me. Turns out he actually walked out on his wife because she was going to have a baby & he didn't want any kids. This makes him an even bigger piece of shit IMO. I, of course, dumped his sorry, low-life ass! Even though I didn't know, I still felt guilty & very sympathetic toward his wife.

    I won't cheat & I don't want to be cheated on. I'd rather die alone with my vibrator than be with a man who cheats!!
  6. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    I might not sure if you’re saying if he was dating you but still actively married (going home to his wife, sleeping in their bed & engaging in sexual & emotional relations). From what it sounds like, you were dating this guy for a while; you were feeling him, even to the point that you thought you could marry him. But come to find out, he's technically married, but not actively, he’s separated.

    If indeed they are separated, whatever the reason why, doesn’t or can’t change that status. Just because he supposedly “walked” out on his wife doesn’t mean he’s not separated, therefore not a liar also.

    I could be wrong; I don't know the full circumstance(s) of their situation, but I’m willing to go out on a limb and say that he probably didn’t want kids from the start of their marriage. More over, he more than likely stated as much, while they were engaged & dating. There’s reason that stereotypes exist, because some truth lies within them, and relationship issues that derive from the difference in gender is subject to those same stereotypes…women can “loose it” in a sense. This woman probably knew from the get go that he didn’t want kids, but she thought he might change his mind, or she was going to change it for him. That didn’t happen so she took matters into her own hands, missing a pill here missing a pill their, or missing them all together. Mean while, this man whom probably doesn’t wear protection because that’s the verbal agreement they had, is being duped.

    “Surprise I’m preggers & I don’t know how it happened, aren’t you excited!!!” Fuck no, that man already stated he didn’t want kids, but here they are. Even if she didn’t sabotage his plans of not having kids, it was her responsibility not to get pregnant (& we all know the odds of having a baby while on the pill, you better of winning the mega millions jackpot), but here you are pregnant. As a man not wanting children, or if involved with a women that doesn’t want to get pregnant, and we had the talk of whom would be responsible about birth control (her, me, or both), if it falls on me, I take care of the job & if I forget my sh!t, I don’t play.

    She did that to herself (more than likely). She failed him, miserably. We aren’t just talking about getting a fast food order wrong, or picking up a puppy while your at work. She either failed in not getting pregnant, or worse plotted on him. Your talking about bringing a human being into the world, that’s heavy, your damn skippy I would kick your ass to the curb for a betrayal like that. You think cause you carry someone’s blood, that they don’t retain the right to kick you to the curb lol. I can take care of my child all the same, that’s why they invented Child Support, plus, it helps some of us get away from poor decision makers.

    I know I’m long winded today, but I’m usually not & you know you ain’t got to read it. I am tired of all you downing the people--like myself, whom would sleep with a married women (I’m not mad, or going to loose any sleep over it, you know me lol). See, I have a choice, I can either sleep with a married women or not. I’m not addicted to them, their not crack for me, I can say no & pursue a single woman/accept the come-on of a single woman. Just like the potential wife can say no to crack, or say no to me, I’m not crack, that heat of the moment is bullshit, and if you can’t control yourself drinking, then don’t do it. Come on people, no one is holding a gun to these peoples heads, they don’t jump off of bridges chasing people, they don’t hit their children if they don’t want to. If you find out that your mate is doing crack, you don’t blame the crack, *oh crack, I’m going to kill you, why would you help my wife get addicted to you* lol. Why blame the other guy/woman, the bottom line is that they aren’t making theses people do anything they didn’t want to, we as people hold the key to almost everything. We don’t a lot of things we could, even though the necessary tools may be there, why should cheating follow any other type of principal. Also, we all know that the people that got cheated on want someone to blame in hand/in place of their spouse, then they can have an easier time accepting what happened to them or make up/forgive their cheating sun of a b!tch/b!tch ass tramp of a spouse. That just sounds easier, *I know girl, he made you do it, I know you never suck d!ck for an hr straight, 3x’s in one night…after getting backdoored. I forgive you, I know you’ll never do it again.* Get real people (while you’re at it, why don’t you have your spouse just stay the fcuk home, cause if they go to the bar, club, grocery story, library, hell, even church, they won’t be able to say no & land on my d!ck. Keep them away from me, or buy a chastity belt or sumthin lol).
  7. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    So even if his wife tricked him he has righted the wrong by getting with someone else before he filed the paperwork for divorce? I mean he told her it was just a piece of paper so why be in that marriage?
  8. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    I see where you are coming from, but if they don't share the same bed, bedroom, live in the same house, it's more than likely understood that the marriage is in disillusion--unless one of the parties wants to try & reconcile. The paperwork is just technical mumbo jumbo. In his situation, she probably knew he was leaving and for the most part did not intend to reconcile, marriage over.
  9. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Exactly, JC!
    His wife didn't trick him! He told me that they had been trying to conceive, but when she told him she was pregnant, he just decided that he didn't want the responsibility of it all. That's when he up & left & that's what makes him a piece of dead, dried-up dog shit!

    Fresh, the stuff you said about his wife/marriage woulda made sense if those were the circumstances BUT it wouldn't surprise me if he had painted himself as a whole different person with her as he did with me.

    We had a long conversation about everything when I found out he was still married. He told me that in the time since he walked out on his family, I wasn't the first woman he'd "cheated on his wife with" (his words). He'd been in several "relationships" in that time, (IMO the relationships were fake because he wasn't being real with anyone). His attitude was that women were only useful for what he could get out of them, & that he'd do or say whatever it took to use somebody.

    I heard from him several months after I broke it off, to tell me that he & his wife were back together & that he was gonna try to do right by her & his 3 year old daughter. I hope he was sincere & will put his family first like a real man should.
  10. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    Yeah, that why I said that about thte circumstance, I had feeling...that dude is straight up & down wrong...at the very least you could man up & say "I know you may not like it & I know I took vows, but I can't live up to them, so let's get the divo." People are so scared to break it off, then they end up in terrible marriages cause hella more harm.
  11. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    It's funny, he even asked me when I ended it if I was sure it couldn't work between us. I told him not even if he got professional help (which I think would do him some good). No relationship can be built on lies & manipulation.

    Terrible marriages also come from people being afraid of being who they are & putting themselves out there for other people. They try to be or to appear to be something they're not. Sometimes for shady reasons, but a lot of the time it's because they don't think they can find someone who'll love 'em for who they are or they're afraid of being alone. This makes 'em tell people what they think they wanna hear instead of being real. This always backfires, and as you said it causes hella more harm. It's just sad.

    I can say though, my relationship with him was not in vain. I believe he came into my life for a reason. I gained a lot of positive things from my negative experience, so I have no regrets.
  12. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    I've been separated from my husband (living separately) for almost 3 years. I waited to get the divorce for awhile to check on his mental stability, but since then, I haven't been able to afford to get divorced.

    I dated a guy for 7 months and he didn't care. I've been upfront about my situation with every guy that I have an interest in dating. None of them seems to care.

    The divorce is coming, when I can scrape up the $550 it'll take to get one. ARGH!!
  13. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Your honesty is definitely something I respect. Involement with someone married is not my thing, but it's not my place to judge. When people are honest & don't withhold important info about themselves, it allows two consenting adults to make an informed decision about whether or not they wanna move forward or walk away. If people would be real with each other, there'd be a lot less drama & heartache going on.
  14. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    I would never withhold that information from anyone. I believe in honesty and no game playing. And honestly, I'm so far removed from that life now, that I call him my ex and it takes me awhile to realize that yes, I'm technically still married.

    I'm hoping to rectify this problem sooner rather than later. Fingers crossed!!
  15. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, too!
  16. Devorn

    Devorn Member

    Cheating boils down to feelings. Everyone wants to climb the emotional ladder. If you've spent your life dating sadness and happiness comes along, most would cheat. The same applies for couples, people love you for the feelings you offer them or the feelings/moods they get by being with you, so if someone comes along that can offer them much more happiness it'd be hard to resist.


    but there are those who never climb the ladder. Unless their partner is willing to climb hand in hand.
  17. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    would like to rep you, Bookie.

    without intention to reopen that discussion- there are always different ways to express your opinion.
    Some ask, want to understand the situation and afterwards they say, what they think about in a respectful way.

    Others read and 10 sec. later their post is done, mostly decorated with "bullshit", "lame" , "fuck" or other nice descriptions. And exactly that is the judgement. It is aggressive and insulting. Maybe some are so used to that words that they don´t know anymore, what they mean.
  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    For someone who didn't want to reopen the thread could have just repped Bookie privately but you decided to make some passive jabs. Real nice Christine. As for the words that came across a little harsh, I personally use them because they seem to stick more, carry more weight. I don't do PC on a public forum nor will sugar coat my thoughts, that comes across as sneaky and dishonest in my book.
  19. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    These threads are never closed until the boss says so, or they fade into the abyss. People may say their done but post again because these topics are forever, they will never die unless society changes and they phase out into the abyss like these threads do sometime.

    What I have come to notice is that some people can discuss a topic and go back and forth with their view points not necessarily agreeing on anything or some things. Some people argue topics, they are "ride or die" with their view points, they make personal attacks to try and get their opinions/view/beliefs/values noticed, heard or accepted as facts. I believe I and people benefit from listening to all view points, considering them within the framework of my existing opinions/view/beliefs/values.

    Derail over.

    With that said, I also add that I personally wouldn't get involved with someone's wife I knew, even if it's just a friend of a friend, acquaintance, anything like that. It basically goes like this: if I'm at a bar I wouldn't approach a women that is visibly married, but if I approach & she decides to reciprocate my approach, I'm going in. If she tells me she married, but still wants to engage with me, that's not my problem. And if you think about it, your wife already let YOU down by even engaging with in the first place. I would divo any wife of mine for engaging with someone in a manner that I just explained. You can't say it's all flirting up until she "gets the business." What if her intentions where to "get the business" but she just couldn't close the deal with me because I don't sleep with married women, that will allow you to sleep at night, just cause she didn't have sex...?
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2010
  20. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    ??? :confused:Haven´t I said I would have liked to rep Bookie...but I cannot??

    you see- exactly what I´ve mentioned...anyway I don´t care about it anymore. Have a good life andrae
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2010

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