If you are having baby momma drama....then here are my suggestions on a couple of things to minimize the drama. 1) if she tripping about having the childs clothes when you come to pick you child up then buy the childs clothes for yourself, have the clothes at your home and that way you take that quarrel away from them. 2) if she trying to keep the child from you...dont argue just call and call and make sure you can print off a phone log that has incoming and outgoing. also when you go to pick up your child and she is tripping call the police and get a report. 3) never ever argue. My mom told me never ever argue because they like to argue to get weapons against you. so just smile and ask for the child. nothing more than that. remember paper work wins all cases. you can put it in front of the judge and let it tell the story. any other suggestions to lower the arguements and get resolutions without going to the judge if possible. If you do have to go to the judge what should you do to prepare for ?
So true. There is absolutely no drama between me and my son's dad. We talk like normal but we're not close at all. No one could think we were ever getting back together and no one would think we hate each other. Whatever my feelings for him are I would never tell them to Jacob.
That is the perfect way too handle the situation you should teach a course to a lot of the people I know who are in similar situations.
All of you are great single mothers. I wish more women like you could effect the lives of children I see. I do not mean to be critical and this sounds horrible but it is true but, in the U.S. single black mothers are notorious for putting down the black father. Even some of the best single black mothers often do it subconsciously.When you have a male child and you have conflict with the black father you cannot tell him your negative feelings about the father. The boy will internalize it, the guilt, the shame, everything. At best it will result in a negative self image, it could lead to worse.
I have a controversial theory that Barack Obama could never have been Pres. if his single white mother had bad mouthed his wayward father the way many single black mothers do everyday. He would have never developed the self-confidence it takes to want to be the most the powerful man in the world, he would have doubted himself, his intellect, and his worthiness. I am not trying to be nice to WW when I say this. This is very sad for me to admit this, it is heartbreaking but I feel it is true.
Not necessarily. There are those of us (both men and women) who won't stir up trouble because they understand that stirring up trouble only causes issues for their children. And they're mature enough to realize that putting feelings aside for the betterment of your children is always the best thing to do.
Im sure you are right BUT if you go to the court you will definitely see an aboundance of cases where a person is hold a child away from another parent. sometimes they (especially men) will just say fuck it and walk away because it is too emotionally and financially draining. I talked to a friend of mine (we have been friends for about 15 years) last nite and she stated that she wasnt letting the father see the child because the only time he shows up is when he has a new girlfriend and to show off the kids. she stated that he put in paperwork to the courts for visitation. lets think about that for a sec.
Obama is not the most powerful man in the world. He's just another Wall Street Puppet like all the ones before him.:smt006
I know what you mean. In a democratic republic the executive chief position was supposed to be the most powerful man in the nation. After we became the top world power as Great Britain declined the Pres. of the U.S. was to assume the role of 'the most powerful man in the world'. However, the military industrial complex that President Dwight David Eisenhower's warned America and the world about in his 'Farewell Speech' in 1961. The corporation took over after WWII as Europe and Asia where broken, American corporation sold literally all the goods because of the destruction of their infrastructure and economies, they became more powerful than even the Pres. himself but, title 'the most powerful man in the world' remains even if it is just mere tradition. My remarks where meant to be an example of overcoming a challenging background.