I was watching CNN last night and there was a story on a 13 year old boy (or around that age) that shot himself in the head because of continual bullying at school. Apparently the parents made complaints to the school, but the school says they didn't get any... What would you do if you found out your child was being bullied? Were you ever bullied? Do you think bullying is "normal" and that most kids do it?
I would have a talk with the teacher then the principal. If that didn't work, I'd pull the kid out of the school. I was bullied maybe two or three times physically and every so often got fat kid jokes. I Don't think it is normal. I do not plan on putting my children in public school. The children come out horribly in that system emtionally(surprised we don't have more criminals out of that system) and it is failing the children left and right.
That's so subjective. Being teased is part of life especially for guys. We pick on each other all the time as kids. It develops thick skin for adulthood. Now tormenting someone when they clearly want to be left alone is fucking cruel and my remedy for that is simple expulsion and uniforms and all same gender schools. The end.
yeah you gotta draw the line there people need to respect other people's right to privacy I never really understood what drove a bully to push past that point
honestly this takes me back to the brain damage piece, from 'Bill Cosby, Himself.' He goes on about how he has kids and always tell them what NOT to do, only to have them do it anyway. His reasoning for this behavior was simple: Kids are brain damaged. :smt033
Get on the bus and threaten their lives. I've been bullied a couple times, but I ended up cool with almost all the people that gave me shit. And I think most kids do give other kids shit at one time or another, but not all of them are bullies, in my opinion. I think if somebody is constantly giving somebody shit, then they get the title of bully. But that's just me.
No, their brains are working fine. They just learned it from somewhere. That is the thing with bullying. It is learned from somewhere else. No one goes out of their way to bully someone else unless they learn it and think it is "normal" to do. It is normal in their world but not everyone else's.
What happens if the bullies are the same gender as your child? My daughter goes to school with a girl (thankfully this year they aren't in the same classroom, but she sees her at recess) who is extremely mean and bullies the kids around. I have a meeting with my daughter's teacher next week and I will mention this girl's name to her teacher so that maybe the teachers can communicate and observe and nip this behavior in the bud right now. At the rate this little girl is going, she's going to be horrific in HS to be around.
Its unfortunate this kid took his life. People need to understand that bullying is something serious. What if this kid had decided to take the lives of others also,before he took his own. When does it stop? School is an environment to learn and any child who continuous disrupts that environment and or harasses another child needs to be removed from the school.
Bookie I recommend you follow up with a letter/email to the principal. Trust me. Say you take bullying serious and you hope they do. Then your request won't get lost in the shuffle. Teacher's aren't equipped to handle it and most times overlook it for not wanting the hassle of dealing. They think they aren't paid to keep the peace and oversee the safety of all the students. A student can't focus when they are thinking about embarrassment or getting their butt beat at recess.
Bullying is never OK... both my little brother and I were the targets of bullies growing up and it was horrible. Kids used to throw gum and those sticky reinforcements in my hair, I got beaned in the head with a 3-ring binder that had a text book inside when I was walking down the hall...hit so hard my head bounced off the locker next to me...kids tried to trip me when I was on crutches, they made fun of how I looked (even after I was the finalist in a beauty competition, which meant I was supposed to go to a national competition, but I didn't go because they all called me 'Dairy Queen', because I was too much of a cow to win, I guess..). Kids used to pick on my brother because he's gay. That is especially not OK...it's difficult enough to be gay without having kids pick on you for the way you were made. They'd hold him down in the back of the bus and beat him up...day after day. I felt so bad for him. My parents fought for him, but nothing was done. They ended up switching him into a private school, which didn't really help much, but at least the beatings stopped. And both of our experiences were before cell phones and YouTube. I can't imagine if I'd had those to contend with when I was that age. It's just so much worse now. Kids are so cruel...and while I think some bullying is 'normal'..like 'oh, Jimmy is a wimp!' and 'Cali is a crybaby!', I think it's taken up 5000 notches these days, and something has to be done about it.
Beat some ass. Heh, no I'd probably try to have a "discussion" with that child's parents first. And a heart-to-heart with my child about the shortcomings of bullies and the popular reasons why they bully and reassure my child depending on whatever the bully is bullying them about. What I would do depends a lot on the specifics of the situation. In no particular order: I bullied. I was bullied. I bullied bulliers for bullying. So I think I have a good understanding of all sides. Yeah. I think it's a part of everyone's life sooner or later and you just have to try to overcome it and move on. I'm assured I'll know what to do when/if I find out my child is bullying or being bullied so I'm not really worried about it. I think from my own experiences, I'm pretty understanding of all of it and will know what to do whatever the circumstances may be and according to them.
i think bullying is normal...it was around when i was in primary school (yes centuries ago) and i think it will always be. i think it's more intense now & easier to get at people, where back in the day you could escape it when you walked in your front door...now you can get texts and emails...there's no escape. if my child was being bullied i'd speak to the school, their teacher & the childs parents...i would not stand for my child being uncomfortable in an environment that's supposed to nourish them...and you honestly don't want to mess with me when it comes to my children
Yea Ive heard some say kids nowadays are soft in comparison to older generations. I dont think thats the case I think (like you said) the problem is nowadays there is no safety house where you can go to lay low. Whereever you are now its seem like you're susceptible to bullying. Me personally when I was a kid bullying/hazing was just something you did (it was kinda like a rites of passage). Ive never been bullied though (hazed yes). If someone ever messed with my kid I would talk to the principal. If that didnt work Id find another school for my kid or I would have talks with my kid to let them know nothings wrong with them and that there peers are just douches and cunts, just ignore them. And if it ever just got to the point where my kid contemplated suicide. You might see a video of me on Youtube like that dad.
yeah, he made a mistake. the thing is that people and I was feeling him. also he had a press conference where him and his wife were talking about it all and his wife stated that his daughter responded positive saying she felt good that her dad stood up for her. this says a lot about the role of men and women.