London and Monaco are Europe's most expensive cities for real estate

Discussion in 'The International Perspective' started by DenzBenz, May 15, 2010.

  1. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    I :heart: the USA.
  2. DenzBenz

    DenzBenz Well-Known Member

    Britain threatened with scientific brain-drain

    Reuters Life! - September 23, 2010

    British government cuts to science research as part of next month's spending review could lead to a brain drain, the chairman of the Lords Science and Technology Committee said on Thursday.

    The ruling Conservative/Liberal Democrat coalition is looking to make cuts of about 25 percent in many government departments in an attempt to tackle a record peacetime budget deficit.

    Lord Krebs said the heads of six top universities had reported that top researchers were already opting to return home or go elsewhere in anticipation of substantial cuts.

    "There are already early warning signs that, even (with) talk of cuts...leading talent is hemorrhaging, going overseas, or we are failing to attract that talent," Krebs told BBC radio.

    Krebs said the government must support scientific research, as other countries have continued to do, because it contributed to the overall economy.

    Four senior researchers have left Oxford and Edinburgh universities to return to the United States and two candidates have withdrawn their applications for professorships at the University of Manchester, the Times said.

    The details were contained in a letter from Krebs' committee to David Willetts, the universities and science minister.

    Source: Reuters Life!
  3. DenzBenz

    DenzBenz Well-Known Member

    British actors are too ugly for foreign audiences, says British TV boss

    The actors using in British dramas are too ugly for foreign audiences, according to an ITV executive, who said the gritty realism often found on domestic television doesn't work overseas.

    Programme makers need to cast better looking actors if they want to market their shows in North America, according to Emmanuelle Namiech, ITV Studios director of global acquisitions and co-productions.

    "The UK has more realistic expectations about what characters should look like, but the majority of overseas networks look for characters who are much more aspirational. Some of the dramas we see will not sell because of the cast," she told Broadcast magazine.

    In contrast to most prime time American shows, featuring aspirational heroes and heroines, British producers have tended to opt for more realistic lead characters with whom the audience can relate.

    When broadcasters have taken British shows across the Atlantic, they have often felt the need to remake them.

    Read more: Telegraph
  4. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Not sure it has as much to do about looks as it does about relating to lifestyle.

    For example, the original Office series I hear kills the American version, whose actors are far from attractive, but Americans cannot relate to working characters in a small city in England like they can an American.

    Plus, the accents may factor in as well.

    Having said that, I'd watch any series Idris Elba is in, so Namiech is correct in his case.
  5. DenzBenz

    DenzBenz Well-Known Member

    Tens of thousands of UK students head abroad for work

    Tens of thousands of UK students head abroad for work within months of leaving university raising fresh fears of a brain drain. One in 40, or 2.5 percent, of students had jobs overseas six months after finishing their degrees, a study for the Office for National Statistics showed. That is the equivalent of just under 50,000 UK-resident students immediately leaving the country last year.

    Almost half head to other EU countries, especially France, while one in ten find work in America. Other popular destinations include Japan, Africa, Australia and Canada. The exodus will further fuel concerns that plans to introduce a graduate tax system will drive even more graduates overseas.

    The Coalition has refused to rule out such a system as part of a review of student finance. It would see former students hit by a levy, similar to income tax, when they reach a certain earnings thresholds. Those earning the most would pay more. Critics have warned foreign students who return home or UK graduates who go overseas would escape such a levy.

    Source: Telegraph
  6. daydream16

    daydream16 New Member

    well, they won't find any work here.
  7. DenzBenz

    DenzBenz Well-Known Member

    Great Britain is 'worst place to live in Europe'

    Great Britain has been found to be the worst place to live in Europe, with France and Spain topping a poll for quality of life.

    Not so great Britain...rain pours down on subjects.

    Research by uSwitch has revealed that high living costs, below average government spending on health and education, lack of holidays and late retirement have contributed to a bleak picture for Brits. Furthermore, the UK no longer enjoys the highest net household income in the continent. Last year it was 10,000 pounds above the European average, whereas now it is just 2,314 pounds ahead, slipping below Ireland, the Netherlands and Denmark.

    Britons in search of quality of life might want to move to France, as it held on to the top spot in the uSwitch index for the second year in succession. Spain came second, while Denmark, Poland and Germany helped to make up the top five spots, with all these countries offering more days of holiday and a lower retirement age than the UK and Ireland.

    Ann Robinson, director of consumer policy at uSwitch, said that last year, compared with our European neighbours, Britons were miserable but rich. 'This year we're miserable and poor. Whereas some countries work to live, UK consumers live to work. In fact we work harder, take less holiday and retire later than most of our European counterparts,' she added.

    Recently, a study by Aviva and accountants Deloitte found that the UK has the biggest pension gap in Europe, with Britons needing to increase the amount they save each year to have a good retirement income.

  8. daydream16

    daydream16 New Member

    Weird! I didn't think it'd be the "worst" but how many countries did they sample or whatever?
  9. botoan

    botoan Active Member

    That has to be just Western Europe. Romania and Albania would be the worst in Europe. Those countries are the Haiti of Europe. Good people bad countries.
  10. daydream16

    daydream16 New Member

    Yeah I agree. Must be just that part of europe cause there's way more countries that have it much worse there than GB.
  11. robina

    robina New Member

    dont worry its a denz benz thread, you will come to learn he hates brits and loves to point out how shit we are at every given opertunity
  12. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    I dont want to sound mean but if people are here on a work visa then they need to go back to whereever and let the american citzens here fill them up first before an outsider.

    Boy that sounds like hate but Im sorry that is how I feel.
  13. DenzBenz

    DenzBenz Well-Known Member

    UK is the worst place to live in Europe

    Brits have fewer holidays and pay more for goods than almost all other similar countries. Their food and diesel prices are the highest.


    Brits get the third fewest hours of sunshine a year - better than only Ireland and Holland. Life expectancy in the United Kingdom is BELOW the European average of 79.3.

    UK worst place to live in Europe: Quality of Life Index
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2010
  14. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    You could have saved a lot of time and effort and just made this your first post back in February.
  15. DenzBenz

    DenzBenz Well-Known Member

    It was reported on September 21, 2010 by
  16. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    Not the point
  17. robina

    robina New Member

    spreading your love for the uk again denz?
  18. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    well i lived there & absolutely loved it...!!! hows about you actually live a little and visit the country so can actually experience it
  19. z

    z Well-Known Member

  20. DenzBenz

    DenzBenz Well-Known Member

    England is a cloudy, foggy and rainy little island. According to, Britain receives 80% less sunshine than Spain, and 17% less than the European average. Proof is in the following photos.




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