There is so much good old school shit out there that if hip-hop just suddenly stopped, somehow, I wouldn't give a shit.
....which left it in a coma. Doctors say that it will never come out of it and is now a vegetable. Only thing to do is remove it from life support. *click* The autopsy found that hip-hop contained more traces of pop and bullshit than a fat man with cholesterol. Doctors were stunned at how long it went on before giving out. They say it was suffering for years. They recommended that hip-hop should eat cheerios to lower it's pop cholesterol levels. It didn't listen. Then the good MCs will will sneak to hip-hop's grave at 2 in the morning and excavate the body and try to revive it. :smile: Just noticed.......why the hell am I always writing some damn story?
another autopsy was done and they found hip hop had no heart and lost its soul and diversity. I was more fond of the commercial because they were more creative than the rappers in the industry themselves