Ok, so now its SAME WEIGHT? Before you said ii was if she weighted less than, then it was she weighed more than, now its same as. In MMA, if you had a 150pd male fight a 150 pd female, you's have NO CLUE who would win. You may think it would be the man, just like you may assume the heavier boxer in a heavyweight fight will automatically win. It never is so. Its why Kimbo got the f knocked out, or a 160 pd MMA Jujitsu grappler can beat a 200pd boxer into submission.
First of all, I was using football weight because a lot of the guys who bring you down are big, and if you're a runner, you're not THAT big, so it would matter. Second of all, Kimbo sucks. He did street fights against guys who didn't know how to even fight, so he shouldn't even be in the fucking UFC, he is a joke. Also, in most fights, when you're paired with someone you usually weigh about the same as they do, maybe a few pounds difference. SO, unless you have really good technique and are lucky to get a good punch or kick in, you probably would see the man win against the woman. I'm not saying it's guaranteed, but it's more likely since he has more strength and power. Also, to clarify the weight stuff, I first was talking about FOOTBALL and how a woman in there could be tackled by strong men much heavier than her. Then I said if I was playing foot ball I'd rather be tackled by a big woman than a big man. Then I started talking about MMA, and weights in that is totally different than football because they have weight divisions in MMA. Okay?
Impossible. That guys in some far away land in iraq while his wife's in the kitchen. Food poisoning huh?
I've known some great female college athletes, basketball and track, but even they will tell you that from a purely physical standpoint they simply cannot compete with their male counterparts. Why is this a crime against women?? The human animal isn't the dominant species on the planet because of how fast it can run or how high it can jump. It's the grey matter that separates us as a tribe, and in this regard a woman's physical capabilities aren't a relevant or limiting factor. Smart chicks give you smart babies, and that's really what it's all about!!:smt023
that's why the WNBA is so boring it's not a crime tho...that's just science....women have other attributes that make them important in other areas... only ones upset are the ones with the penis envy tape a dick to your stomach all you want, you still can't bust a nut
Have you see a Sixers game of late? Boring doesn't begin to describe it. This has nothing to with crimes against women or role importance, wtf, LOL...I'm just saying there are some women who could go to toe with some men - in fact, I bet there are some female officers that can out do you, petty Petty. Football isn't about dick, or even big dick, The MOST important and skilled player is the QB. Some are shorter than others, some slimmer. SB winner Drew Brees is 6ft and 205. So keep fooling yourself its about dick envy, because you come off like those militants who accuse people not down with the cause as having white envy. Sounds stupid, no? (btw, how "big was A.I again? Oh yeah, 5'11, 160 pds) Balling!
There a fraction of women, and I'm being generous, who can compete with equivalent men in ANY major sport. I'm not talking about some Billie Jean King v. Bobby RIggs bullshit; I'm talking about the 100th ranked make tennis player against the top ranked women's player. The girl would get SMOKED. And don't bring up QBs, being cerebral is but one of several traits that a successful quarterback must have. You show me more than 20 women in the USA who can throw a football 60 yards or a 20 yard out on a rope, all while catching the helmet of a 300# Dlineman under their chin, then we'll talk. It's beyond bullshit to say that since a female WNBA player could school some middle-aged heath club warriors, she can 'compete.' The WNBA is a pro league. Tell me what pro woman's player can hang with her male counterpart in the NBA?? This is so dumb. That's why when I play pickup with a chick on the other team and she starts talking trash 'cause she made a couple layups or hit a jumper, I always make sure to give her HARD foul that sends her several feet under the basket, just so she KNOWs. Don't try to come out frontin like you can bring it like a MAN. Recognize.8)
LOL ^ ^ ^ Hey, the fact that you acknowledged there are some women who can lay it on some men proves my point, and yours moot. But I'll engage you for the hell of it.... Did you really say that tennis's 100th ranked male player could SMOKE Serena or Venus? LMAO. As for your QB example, that's 15 yards right therrrrr! (And Aker's kicks for the win!) Listen, QB Kevin Kolb is out with a concussion - yeah how bout that, a MALE got con-cussed! That chin hit can knock anyone on their ass and does. Who are you kidding about 60 yard throws? The average for an NFL QB is 6. (Peyton maybe 12) You act like 60 yarders are the norm and effortless for male QB's.(he better have a great O-line) Don't act like a trained female couldn't spiral a ball for 60 yards down field or for a Hail Mary if she had to. A female javelin or shot-puter on average can throw for 150 feet and 50 feet respectively. My point about the QB's isn't about women being them, it was to show how the strongest and heaviest player isn't necessarily the only traits required in football. As for the original story, I have seen many CB's up close, they aren't that big, hun. This chick that played obviously was qualified otherwise she wouldn't have been put in. It wasn't 'mandated' to shut people up as Petty ass-umed.. Why the hell does it scare ya'll so much? Women aren't going to take over football, but there sure as hell are some that can play positions. So yeah, I may not be able to personally bring it, but I'll repeat your opening line - 'there's a fraction of women...who can compete with equivalent men in ANY major sport.' So YOU better recognize too BTW, your spit-the-dummy hard foul? In a REAL game, that's 2 at the line ..for the win. Adios.
You obviously don't play tennis, or sports in general. Serena is hyper-athletic, for a WOMAN. Her serve is devastating, for a WOMAN. The difference between the 100th ranked male tennis player and the #1 male tennis player is consistency in their games, not really skill per se. If you think Serena Williams would have more than a prayer against some 20 year old, 6'4, 190 lb. 100th ranked professional tennis player, you are delusional. Quarterbacks are recruited and drafted based in part on ARM STRENGTH. Being able to whip a football minimum 60 yards in a tryout indicates whether or not a quarterback can throw a football on underneath and intermediate routes with enough RPMs so that the ball gets to the wide receiver before the cornerback gets to the football. Most women don't have the hand size or palm strength to grip a regulation size football, let alone the strength/power to make NFL type throws. And most men, forget women, can't stick a 20 - 25 yard NFL throw down the field that splits coverage. Don't bring up that average yards per completion crap, throwing swing passes and dumpoffs to FBs is what brings down a QB's average yards per throw. More hypothetical bullshit. About female javelin throwers, hon, the implement they compete with is LIGHTER than the men's. But I guess you knew that, huh???lol:smt019 Chucking a fiberglass spear isn't the same as throwing a football. And if you really believe that a girl played in a HS football game playing CORNERBACK, arguably the most athletic position on the field, and don't think it was more than some publicity stunt, you are nutty. You think DBs are 'small'?? 5'10-6'2, 180-205#, 4% bodyfat, many of whom can bench press double their own weight, run like the wind and jump out of the gym, with insane athleticism, change of direction skills and hand/eye coordination, are little people??? If women played football in HS, college and the NFL against men, there would be women DYING on television every Saturday and Sunday, getting their arms and legs broken, skulls compound fractured and suffering from internal bleeding. Who are these amazons of which you speak??:smt105 The ONLY sport where that 'fraction' in theory plays out is in college basketball, at one position, point guard, and that would be the top women in the college game playing against male players at the lower divisions, ( II and III). That's it, that's the list. And I doubt the female player would be able to EVER get her shot off or do more than pass the basketball. Should would a total defensive liability. I LOVE women, have been beaten one on one by scholarship athletes in b-ball and tennis, been run into the ground by female soccer players, and realize and appreciate the incredible skill level and athletic ability of female athletes. But when you start talking nonsense that women can compete on an equal level with similarly talented men in their respective sports, that's too much hairy armpit, bra-burning, 'womyn is the goddess', feminist, fantasy propaganda. Without women there is no species and there is no human life, which is why men for thousands of years have attempted to control the reproductive freedom of women, because the ability to procreate = POWER. There's only one facet of human endeavor where the physical differences between men and women is a limiting factor, and that's sports. I don't believe even in military combat that certain woman can't fight at a level on par with her male peers. But come on ma, stop the drama about competing in sports with men.
yeah I mostly agree. Some sports that require skill ONLY can happen, but strenght power and skill is not gonna favor a woman against a man. Like I said, I think women should play against women in most sports, and men against men. I definitely know that if I compete/fight against ppl in MMA, I wanna fight women! Think about it. Men have much higher levels of testosterone naturally than women do, that's what basically makes them men, and testosterone gives you a lot more power than you would think!
Not now, but I did. I did gymnastics, played field hockey, Captain of my Netball team, Captain of my Crossball team, went to the Local and State Championship games for both sports respectively, and I played Cricket and Rounders( baseball) for my high school team. I would regularly lob the ball out the park, pa. I’ve also partaken in M/A sparring sessions against men, and held my own pretty well, thanks. I’ve always been a naturally strong chick. And like I keep saying and you keep agreeing with me, I think there are some women who could hang on a NFL field in certain positions. So why are you arguing with me for? You keep agreeing with me without realizing it. Re-read my original post hun, I said there are women who can. You keep responding in a tone as if you’re saying women can’t, but in print, you agree with me that some can. So can some, or can they not? Some non-NFL female players playing positions. And we disagree on Serena because I think she 'does have a prayer against the 100th ranked male tennis player", are you joking?
Females and female QB's can and DO grip the ball and DO throw down field, WTH? Have you even watched a (female) football game?, lol? Btw… [youtube]4IUcpmn5v18[/youtube] Here's a 12 year old girl doing it, lol [youtube]AOkaR52EFuA&feature=related[/youtube] [youtube]ewmgWFgvL7E&feature=related[/youtube]
The javelin used by men weighs 800 grams (1.76 pounds) and the javelin used by women weighs 600 grams (1.32 pounds). A difference of 200 grams. Maybe in drugs that’s a lot, but not in a javelin. But I guess you didn't know that, huh???lol:smt019 "Chucking a fiberglass spear isn't the same as throwing a football." No, it weighs more. And what does an NFL football weigh? A mere….1 pound. Ps: A shot-put is 8.8 pounds. grams.
Please re-READ. I didn’t say CB’s are small, just that they’re not that big. They’re average sized, frankly. At 5ft 10, 180 Asante Samuel, compared to other NFL players, is not a big guy, correct? So why isn’t he "dying every week" on the field from being hit by 320 pound offensive line men? Male players get their bones broken too and survive, so spare me the "women will be dying every week on tv" bullshit, pa. I’m not talking pissy weak women here, I’m talking top of the line, skilled trained athletes. Dejesus playing wasn’t a pub stunt. The team’s coach was short so he called up players from his program’s junior varsity team, and she was one of the players who made the cut. She played her position, and finished the game. End of story. :smt112
You sure about that? Watch this girl, don’t ever let yourself limit your thinking about all women...:smt052 Cage fight, man vs woman..see who wins. [youtube]Orek_Qbjp_8[/youtube] [youtube]8_vhRsUA1xU&feature=fvw[/youtube] [youtube]ft427-kdvWQ[/youtube] [youtube]gliUNSX7AQM&feature=related[/youtube] This guy taps out, exhausted after fighting this female… [youtube]58c8e1APVZQ[/youtube] [youtube]nRPD7bOoSpc&feature=related[/youtube] and wins!
Ps: I think you should also peep this, Daydreamer. It’s a about a young girl who was ostracized by her school coaches and male teammates, who were convinced she couldn’t compete because she’s a girl. In the beginning they seem bored and barely watch..until they saw her do this… [youtube]TeJfbrPpS9U&[/youtube]