1. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I've always been of the ilk to be a lady to his friends/family and in public, a hostess in the living room, and a whore in the bedroom.

    While I do exhibit PDA's to en extent (eg: sweet/stolen kisses, hugs) I'm not about passionately kissing my man's lips or his neck in public, or rubbing his P (maybe tapping his ass discreetly).

    Conversely, I don't like him to rub my breasts etc. I'm extremely affectionate behind closed doors or in intimate settings, but in public, IDK, I just think it comes across as too much.

    What about you, what do you think of them? Are you one who likes to do them?
    Does the sight of other's conducting them turn you off?
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I completely agree. It comes off way too needy otherwise
  3. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Yes, I think it's ridiculous when people are swallowing each other's tonsils in public. Really, no one needs to see that.

    I'm with you: affectionate little pecks, hugs, hand holding are all that's really needed in public. :smt049

    And I'll just add this (especially for NPM aka The End): I hate, hate, hate couples who sit on the same side of the booth when no one is sitting across from them. LOL. That annoys me so much, I can't even put it into words. I don't even know why.
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    It annoys you cause you're hating lol
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2010
  5. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I had a date do that once on our first date. I sat opposite him and he immediately got up and sat right next to me. I was like, "what tha..dude, I don't know you like that to be hip to hip to you". And he kept his arm around my chair as we conversed... :-|
  6. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I also like to gently massage/run my fingers at back of my guy's neck/head if we're sitting. If he has waves, I'm very careful not to mess up his hair, lol.
  7. fromrussiawithlove

    fromrussiawithlove New Member

    If my man did something like that in public, I'd have to give him a nasty little painful pinch on the thigh. This is very strange, I don't understand how anyone would be comfortable with someone touching them so intimately in public.
    I'm an affectionate person and I'm all about the hand holding and the little pecks but I'm uncomfortable with full blown making out. When I see tongues moving around all rampantly when I'm sitting on the train, I consider that a bit of a problem!
  8. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    I think little things are ok but out and out obscene PDA's makes those around you uncomfortable and unsure where to look.

    I love it when you have a strong connection to someone emotionally/physically and you can be in public and communicate without words just using your eyes, face or expressions. It turns me on. ;)
  9. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Oh yes this! ^^ Amazing feeling, very sexual without overtly being.
  10. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    It's annoying when people start cupcaking in public, but I don't have to look at them, so it's whatever. It's annoying as shit when my friend will do that shit while we're all hanging, though. Don't say you want us to come over and hang when you're gonna be getting all sentimental on the couch n' shit.
  11. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    LOL @ swallowing tonsils and cupcaking :D

    I agree with you guys, too much is too much. Some things are cute like when he hugs you from behind when you are in a queue or little kisses on the cheek. That's sweet.
    Personally I don't necessarily mind seeing other ppl making over, the more love I see around, the happier I am.
    I was in Venice today with my friend and there was this couplewho kissed a bit under the threes. They probably were like 45-50. I was enchanted. I wanna be liek that when I'm 50 too!!! Sweet and passionate. I started to wonder about their love story (they just got together? have they been together for many years and still feel the same passion?) and stuff like that. I just like to see people loving each other :)

    when it comes to touching and stuff I don't like it much.... they can do that at home :)
  12. Malik True

    Malik True New Member

    I've done my share of PDA's and risque shyte in public it does not bother me, unfortunately I am not a member of the mile high club........YET!!

  13. botoan

    botoan Active Member

    I used to date a girl who was heavily into PDA. One time we went shopping and I had purchased her a new dining table and matching chairs. Instead of just thanking me and giving me a hug and a discreet kiss, she started off by trying French kiss me by the cash register after I just paid for it. While we waited for the delivery options to be finalized, the grabbing and fondling began right there. Because I wasn't participating she got mad at me and accused me of not wanting to engage in that behavior because she was white (she had a lot of race issues and lacked maturity). Her statement shocked me obviously, I tried to explain that was not the case. She really felt like I had ruined 'the moment' for her.

    In private our intimate moments was always pure fire, just as it should be. But I didn't think we needed to bring in the rest of the city into what was uniquely ours.

    That may be my issue, my feeling is that 'this is our thing' it is between you and me. I can look in your eyes and 'feel you', I should be able to touch and hold your hand and gauge your mood if we are connected the way we should be.

    Appropriate moments may exist for limited PDA but, they should always be spontaneous and not used as a way to read your partner for faults, when you can and really should have an open and frank conversation. Through good communication you will come to understand each other which should remove the insecurities that I think often drives PDA or it will let you know you both need to move on because you are not compatible.
  14. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    Its funny cause in latin america, its the total opposite. Ive heard "latinos" say us western folks are cold because we dont show as much pda as they do.
  15. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    Puritanism or Victorian throwback take your pick.

    I like PDA as long as its not overboard, there are things meant for the bedroom but frankly I don't care and if she looks good, even better.
  16. daydream16

    daydream16 New Member

    I've never really been a big fan of PDA, mainly because when I see it, it's the dumb teenagers on the bus who are all like OMG I LOOOOVVEEE YOU and are like making out and cuddling on the fucking bus. :smt119
  17. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    Because this is a Christian Nation or haven't you heard something to that effect?

    The Religious Right, you know Tony Perkins and Focus On the Family types?

    They say "sex is bad" wants to ban abortion and porn and goodness knows what else, kinda of like American Sharia Law. Only we haven't gotten to the point of "Honor Killings" yet.

    If you want to learn more about these powerful morons.

    Watch Power of Nightmares which is available on The Internet Time Machine (Archives). Its a BBC documentary about the DIRECT parallel between Social Conservatives in The Middle East (educated in the West) and how the Neo-Conservatives recruited the Religious Right after they were jilted by the Left for supporting Roe V Wade and how it all ties into 9/11 and no its not about 9/11 purely, but it is about the Neo-Conservatives and the "Project For A New American Century".

    Watch the movie "What's The Matter With Kansas" or read Thomas Frank's book with the same name.

    Watch Bonnie Erbe's series of stories about Overpopulation in America and how the Left lost the support of the Religious Right over, you guessed it Roe v Wade.

    What you should be surprised about is how Religiously Conservative much of South America is, BUT Prostitution is either legal or tolerated in every country and anal sex is popular because many young women would like to hold on to their virgin hymen.
  18. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    Sounds like jealousy to me.... I'm sure you're the first to yell - "Get A Room...!"
  19. daydream16

    daydream16 New Member

    haha definitely NOT jealousy. Just annoying. I'm mature enough to do that shit privately
  20. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    Oooo so its a question of Maturity? Only "Mature Adults" or "Mature Young People" know not to carrying on like that?

    Thanks mom for assigning yourself as Morality Monitor...

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