Petty her body is her image. I am sure she takes pains to keep it good. You know her nickname for herself. She won't be using that and looking like a slob.
you're making a mountain out of a molehill. Some people are just blessed with looks and don't really need to do a lot of work to themselves, just to look like a 6 in the end. i love you and shit but come on with the sucka talk
Google tummy tuck fool. My friend just had one after her baby. She wears a bikini and looks like a 10. Before she was maybe a 4. Her husband is VP of a company she can afford for a Dr to make her like she was.
bla bla bla u got a Venezuelan friend who sells coke, a black friend who robs banks, and another friend who's rich because her husband is VP of 'Tiny Dicks Galore' all of this is pointless without proof...... the only proof we have now, is this flawless lady with a shapely butt and figure to die for, that's possibly given birth to 3 rugrats and still looks like a 10. :smt023
Kuniochi said she had surgery not me. So you need to ask her for proof. I just said she has money for the best. Follow along here.
ur worst than a politician who distances himself from the soldiers that kill other people, on behalf of our government and this country. your hands are just as dirty for supporting her ideals.
she's not going to like that one bit when she reads it.... i may need to start taking applications for my harem
She's bad! I don't think there's anything wrong with how she dresses. It's not like she's wearing a mini skirt with her ass half out and titties falling everywhere. Besides, if I had that body you can bet I'd be in those tight azz jeans everydaaaayyy.
doesnt even matter bottom line is I would ride with her, before doing anything with 90 percent of the women I come into contact with you of ALL people should know I like to feel breasts
Petty read who said what. I only said she has access to the best if she needs it and the Mexcan lady down the street from Fresh does not nor does most of the general public. I am not distancing anything. When these threads get long get out a piece of paper and keep track if needed. Keep it up and I will send another box of gnats to your house to annoy you.
hey those dirtyass gnats were between me and YOU not another woman who puts personal stuff on the forums, when they're losing a fight...........................