Jason Derulo Is Dating Dutch Pop Sensation Esha

Discussion in 'Celebrity WW/BM Couples' started by desreveRsIgnitirW, Sep 22, 2010.

  1. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    timberlake and Beiber like it in the ass.

    They don't have to go all the way Holland to get buttfucked....just to keep it on the DL.
  2. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Great looking couple.
  3. fromrussiawithlove

    fromrussiawithlove New Member

    So what Andrae, now you have an issue with African American men dating European women?
    I hate these assumptions that black American men feel have to go to Europe to meet women. You and I and anyone with half a brain cell knows that's not true. Jason stupidbeard probably had a television show/gig in Holland, or his girl had a television show/gig/modelling call in America and that was how they met.

    Who cares about Justin Beaver? He's like 10. I couldn't give a rats arse about his love life to be honest, he can take whoever he wants to the cinema or hold the hand of any girl he wants. But even when it does come to him, if this child travels to Europe for a gig/interview/tv show and meets and makes out with a European girl then so what? Nobody is turning their back on American women and nobody is saying that America doesn't have just as many fine ass women. Jason stupidbeard just happened to meet and hook up with a European girl that he liked, what's the problem? Not many other American celebrities seem to be doing this so whatever, good on him, boost the Euro/US relations.
  4. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member

    Another day, another black men who's freed himself form the shackles of American femmedom. American women should take note.
  5. fromrussiawithlove

    fromrussiawithlove New Member

    dude, shut up.
  6. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    So what???

    She's still a beaver-faced trailer park inbreed.
  7. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member

    I don't know about the good ones, but that's where they keep the ones who'll mess with a brother of equal social status in public.

    No way you'd ever see an American teen or twenty something pop idol step out with a brother like this and you damn well know it.
  8. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

  9. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member

    Nobody is going to stop me from spitting the truth. Besides, you claim that you aren't an American woman, so what do you care?
  10. fromrussiawithlove

    fromrussiawithlove New Member

    What do you mean, I 'CLAIM' not to be American? I'm Russian mate, you can't get anymore non-American than that. And the reason why I care, is because you're chatting shit, and I have a lot of beautiful American friends who simple don't deserve such bullshit accusations and insults thrown their way.
    There are beautiful, intelligent, classy American women just as there are ugly, easy and trashy European women. There are plenty of examples on this site alone of gorgeous American women who will 'mess with a brother of equal social status.' Let alone real life examples, and celebrity couples, and television shows.

    You're obviously just trying to get a reaction out of people but that's stupid. If you hate American white women so much and you're in America, then just move, man. I doubt any of them will miss you.
  11. desreveRsIgnitirW

    desreveRsIgnitirW New Member

    Her handlers will make sure she stays farrrrrrr away from black men and she's already prejudice on her own. I remember hearing about her slanting her eyes or something of that nature.

    My man Jason wasn't gonna get with that,so you are correct.She's underaged anyway. For him to meet his pop sensation counterpart,he would have to go overseas.

    Lol @ "its on".
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    My point was it seems like its easier for a brotha to find a quality ww in Europe. The same racist mentality isn't as big there. Don't get your knickers in a twist mate.
  13. desreveRsIgnitirW

    desreveRsIgnitirW New Member

    Brotha just ignore her. She's a bitter woman,its easy to see. She came in here angry and ranting,her life must be messed up.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    God forbid someone says that out loud geesh
  15. Espy

    Espy New Member

    I have it on good authority that American women hold their own, as do European women. I'm not getting into that because we have some outstanding examples of both on this forum, and I'm not turning this into an us vs them debate.

    As for who a teen idol will or will not date, that's not my business or concern. Young, attractive WW do date BM, I know that to be a fact, and they aren't ashamed to be seen in public with a BM. That's horseshit.
  16. fromrussiawithlove

    fromrussiawithlove New Member

    What am I bitter about? And how is my life messed up? Nice that you like to make such a stupid judgement after me calling you out on a couple of ignorant posts that you've made.
    And dude, came in here angry and ranting? I've been here like two years longer than you lol.
  17. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member

    If you think that the attitudes of a handful of women (many of whom don't qualify as beautiful or classy) from different parts of the country posting on this particular website are representative of American women in general, then I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you because you don't know shit about America.

    The fact that you're trying lecture people who actually deal with this shit on a daily basis is highly amusing to me.
  18. fromrussiawithlove

    fromrussiawithlove New Member

    Why are you assuming that the American friends I have are only on this website? That's pretty stupid on your part really, isn't it?
    Judging by your ignorant and anti-American women posts, you really don't know shit about America either. Get over yourself.
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Not the famous A listers Esp. That's all I was saying. Just calling a spade a spade.
  20. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member

    Yeah, a lot of these broads have anger management problems and mental issues. Shit pops off when you disagree with their "pleasantville" view of reality.

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